Saturday, 10 August 2019

Heaven inside of us

Deuteronomy 6:4 ‘Listen, Israel the Lord our God is one Lord, you shall love the Lord you God with all you heart, with all your soul, with all your strength. Let these words I urge on you today be written on your heart. ‘

“We all have heaven inside of us, we just need to make the right choices, and it is up to the individual to see God within. He lives in our souls and it’s up to us to search and see him residing, waiting for us to create life. That is practical religion and freedom.”

When I was little, I would stay at my Nan’s and Granddad’s place and if it was storming, I was so scared and my Nan would say “It’s only God moving his furniture around in heaven.” From that moment on every time it storms, I can picture a man with white hair moving around big concrete chairs or should I say a throne, they must be very heavy because the thunder can be so loud and I am sure it is getting louder and lightning is getting brighter.

Well heaven has been on mind of late and I have thought “How have I created heaven here on earth.” I feel God is saying, “You don’t have to love the whole world at once, just love one another. So love one at a time and see that it can change the world a little bit at a time, I don’t need to be in a hurry, for the love I give, can spread far and wide.”

I asked my children, what do you think heaven is like? My son says “white clouds and dust,” and my daughter says “gold and rainbows.” I can picture that.

I see my heaven and I am with someone who once wanted to kiss me from the kisses of his mouth but my fear stopped it. I see the beach and my kids running and building sandcastles, I see the sunshine and the smell of yummy fish and chips.

This someone once said to me “You need to be opened to new beginnings when it comes to love” I have set out on my journey for new beginnings and a love that only God can promise. Love that is patient, kind, peaceful, compassionate, unconditional and truthful. Sadly, on my journey I keep hearing and seeing the brokenness of this world.

I hear people can be selective to who can belong, who are acceptable, and who are worthy. There is no love, kindness, patience, compassion, empathy or peace, only actions of discrimination, rudeness, arrogance, ignorance, selfishness, taking pleasure in knowing how much power they believe they have, putting on a show and not forgetting to mention being boastful and conceited.

I don’t want to belong to this heaven, it’s not heaven, it’s more like hell on earth. I would rather love one of God’s creations one at a time and know that the love I can give will spread far and wide. That is a heaven I want to belong too.

How is God calling you to create heaven here on earth? How are you contributing to making this world a little better at a time? Heaven is here right now, how are you responding? God wants to create heaven inside you right now. People are hurting, suffering, don’t be the cause of the pain, be the one who can heal with the love God has given you and knows you have inside of you. Allow your actions to speak louder, like the thunder and do it in memory of Jesus Christ.

Deuteronomy 10:16-18 ‘Circumcise your heart then and be obstinate no longer, for the LORD you GOD is GOD of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, triumphant and terrible, never partial, never to be bribed. It is he who sees justice done for the orphan and the widow, who loves the stranger and gives him food and clothing.’

Written, photo and created by My Mother Rose ๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŒˆ

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