Monday, 21 October 2019

My Contrite Heart

“Beauty flows from a broken and humble heart that has been tested and purified by God.” Author unknown.
As I stand in the chapel reciting the Confiteor, like the tax collector, I beat on my breast, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. I am confessing or acknowledging my sins, my fault. I am feeling sorry for causing bruised feelings and for having to much pride and while I am beating on my breast, I am being humble wanting forgiveness. I am asking; “God. Be merciful to me, a sinner.” Luke 18:9-14. I am not going to lie, there has been times when I have been like the Pharisee and forgotten, that through prayer, how important it is to pray with a contrite heart. To humble myself, I need to start with a question, Am I committed to changing my attitude, behavior, my ways. Sometimes, we need to reflect on the past, so we can move forward and be a follower of God.  To be humble, I need to take the time to really listen, to hear what people say, I need to accept the setbacks in my life, know at times, things aren’t going to go right, we are going to get knocked down and I guess it’s a matter of how we respond. Do we stay lying down, blaming others, making out that we are better, greater and have so much more to offer than the other person? Or do we get back up, keep going, keep growing, keep learning and knowing that in this life we need to Love, be kind and to have courage. I like proverbs 11:2 "Pride comes first, disgrace comes after, with the humble is wisdom found."
Our lives aren’t a competition, no one should be competing, it’s all about being real, being humble, being able to share who we are with the lives of others and it’s also about being grateful. Let me leave you with a question and feel free to share your answers.

Psalm 115:12 How can I repay the Lord for his goodness to me?
Women of Faith and Hope, I repay the Lord, God, for the mercy he has shown me, the kindness, his compassion. The times when he has cleansed me from my sins, through the truth in my heart, secretly he teaches my heart wisdom. Through his goodness, he has created a pure heart and steadfast spirit. Before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful, offering my sacrifice and praying with a humbled and contrite heart. I repay, with an open and honest heart, with the love, kindness, and compassion, I share with the lives of others. .
May God Bless always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose

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