Sunday, 6 October 2019

My Children

Mother Ministry day 1
"The quicker you get jobs done, the more time you have for playing outside or playing inside." Anthony Robinson
My children, I am not going to lie, the world can be very scary and at times it's very hard to belong, to be accepted all I can honestly say to you both is be brave, be kind, explore, think happy thoughts and fly like Peter Pan, keep dreaming big and remember o smile often. If they say no, it's ok, I know it might feel like a rejection but you can turn that no into a yes and do your own thing. Believe in what you can do, despite what others might think.
'Shoot for the moon even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.' Author unknown
Be like the cow that jumped over the moon, he had many attempts and in the end he accomplished it.
Have a great week, God Bless Always 🐞🌻🌙🙏
written, created and photo by My Mother Rose

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