Tuesday, 17 September 2019


1 timothy 4-5
'Everything God has created is good, and no food is to be rejected, provided grace is said for it, the word of God and the prayer make it holy.'
The word of God lives forever, his words can bring us into a wonderful place of rest in faith. the grass might wither and flowers might fade but god's words will live forever. to be led by the spirit of the words of truth- not lies, like the enemy's. They're the daily bread which nourishes our soul. God gives his testimonies through Jesus, Jesus is called the 'Word' and our bible is the word of God, it contains the mind of God and his will for each one of us. through his words we gain knowledge, information, we experience the power of his love, mercy, kindness, glory, greatness and we learn that we must go and share the message of eternal life, use what is given to us or we will lose it. The power of our gifts are to benefit others and we must trust in God's words to help support us.
Women of Faith and Hope, let us know God through his word and through daily intimacy with him. His words have the power to change lives, setting us free, comforting us, healing and freeing our souls. Let us give thanks to our Lord, God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Written, created and photo by My Mother Rose

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