Tuesday, 24 September 2019


God is calling me to someone, this person sighs a lot at me, when I walk past, or they walk past me. Sometimes they sigh when I walk away from them and when they go to shake my hand. God is showing me, and I can feel this person’s heavy chest. I see a white cloud surrounding the lungs. So, I looked up what sighing is and what sighing means, and it said “sighs are often attributed to sadness, anger, frustration and angst. It indicates that sighing is a natural part of pulmonary function which is the (lungs). Did you know sighs happen twelve times per hour and without those sighs the air sacs inside the lungs would cave, resulting in death. Someone also may sigh due to fear, being anxious and sad. I have been called to this person before and God is always wanting me to place my hand on his heart or chest, because that is where the heaviness lays. I read through the bible and I found Proverbs 12:25 Worry makes a man’s heart heavy, a kindly word makes it glad.
I wanted to write a prayer because recently, I have been very fearful, anxious, nervous, and on edge.
1 John 4:18 In love there can be no fear, but fear is driven out by perfect love, because to fear is to expect punishment and anyone who is afraid is still imperfect in love.
Dear Heavenly Father,
At times, we can be fearful, we don’t want to be, but we can’t help but walk through the valley of darkness. You are there to help us and you tell us “to come back to you with all our hearts, don’t let fear keep us apart, long have I waited for your coming home to me and living deeply our new lives.” (Lyrics and hymn Hosea.) Show us the right paths to take in life, be our salvation, savior, help. Through your passion on the cross, resurrection, and in the truth of your words, let us see your mercy and know of your love, refuge and let us build a strong foundation to know we can take refuge in the shadow of your wings, till the storm’s destruction has pass by. Lord, God, we trust in you, when we are feeling fearful, anxious and afraid, whisper. “Nothing can ever come between us and the love of God made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord.” When we are in our darkest moments, somewhere, somehow, an angel is waiting to guide us to our Father.
We always look for a perfect love and fear will always get in the way. God has a perfect love waiting for all of us to encounter. I heard another description of love and it was called ‘A silent Love’ I can understand a silent love; a silent love can only be heard by the person we love! We understand each other’s emotions, fears and anxieties and with every sigh, I can feel it in my heart and soul how heavy your chest is. Sometimes a silent love can be the greatest love of all.
Thank you, God, for all my blessings, be our salvation, our savior and our help. Amen
Lord Hear our prayer

Written, created and video by My Mother Rose

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