Monday, 30 September 2019


1 Thessalonians 3:12 May the Lord be generous in increasing your love and make you love one another and the whole human race as much as we love you.

‘God’s love is a gift, he wants to give it to you.’

As we were driving past the colored sandy mountains, I thought to myself, “faith can move mountains.” So, I said, “Move mountain.” It didn’t move. Why didn’t it move? It’s not meant to imply our faith can move the mountain, what Jesus is saying is a little bit of faith-faith the size of a tiny mustard seed, can overcome mountainous obstacles in our lives.  I like this quote: “Only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer move God. Author Unknown.  For so long, I have felt chained to hate until the early hours of Monday morning when I awoke to hearing the word “Trust” and feeling as though I had to choose to place my trust in someone. All day I pondered over it and I kept seeing my dream, so I researched trust and turning hate into love, you see sometimes, I love someone and sometimes I hate them, however what I discovered, I need to choose between fear or love? Maybe taking the wrong lift and ending up on the wrong train platform in my dream and to see someone climb over and to stand there waiting for me to climb over an obstacle, helped me to choose ‘LOVE.’ If I continue to keep myself chained to hate, my faith won’t move mountains and through my doubts, fears, anger, I create more of them. No, I decided to choose love, through my love, my faith can move mountains.
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Friday, 27 September 2019

Acting on Faith

Hebrews 11:1 ‘Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen.

“I am placing my faith at the feet of Jesus.”

Through our worries fears, sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. When we constantly hear “NO!” Maybe it just means it’s not time yet. It seems at times, I want, or I need to know the reason Why? But sometimes it’s better to stop worrying, put our fears aside and have a little faith. As disciples of Jesus, we will be faced with many challenges, and in those time, we need to rely on the gifts of the spirit that lives with us. Our faith might be small like a mustard seed, somehow, we need to believe and trust in the truths that Jesus teaches us.

Women of Faith and Hope may each day be filled with new hope. Leaving the broken pieces of yesterday behind and having faith for a better tomorrow. 
written, created and photo by My Mother Rose

Tuesday, 24 September 2019


God is calling me to someone, this person sighs a lot at me, when I walk past, or they walk past me. Sometimes they sigh when I walk away from them and when they go to shake my hand. God is showing me, and I can feel this person’s heavy chest. I see a white cloud surrounding the lungs. So, I looked up what sighing is and what sighing means, and it said “sighs are often attributed to sadness, anger, frustration and angst. It indicates that sighing is a natural part of pulmonary function which is the (lungs). Did you know sighs happen twelve times per hour and without those sighs the air sacs inside the lungs would cave, resulting in death. Someone also may sigh due to fear, being anxious and sad. I have been called to this person before and God is always wanting me to place my hand on his heart or chest, because that is where the heaviness lays. I read through the bible and I found Proverbs 12:25 Worry makes a man’s heart heavy, a kindly word makes it glad.
I wanted to write a prayer because recently, I have been very fearful, anxious, nervous, and on edge.
1 John 4:18 In love there can be no fear, but fear is driven out by perfect love, because to fear is to expect punishment and anyone who is afraid is still imperfect in love.
Dear Heavenly Father,
At times, we can be fearful, we don’t want to be, but we can’t help but walk through the valley of darkness. You are there to help us and you tell us “to come back to you with all our hearts, don’t let fear keep us apart, long have I waited for your coming home to me and living deeply our new lives.” (Lyrics and hymn Hosea.) Show us the right paths to take in life, be our salvation, savior, help. Through your passion on the cross, resurrection, and in the truth of your words, let us see your mercy and know of your love, refuge and let us build a strong foundation to know we can take refuge in the shadow of your wings, till the storm’s destruction has pass by. Lord, God, we trust in you, when we are feeling fearful, anxious and afraid, whisper. “Nothing can ever come between us and the love of God made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord.” When we are in our darkest moments, somewhere, somehow, an angel is waiting to guide us to our Father.
We always look for a perfect love and fear will always get in the way. God has a perfect love waiting for all of us to encounter. I heard another description of love and it was called ‘A silent Love’ I can understand a silent love; a silent love can only be heard by the person we love! We understand each other’s emotions, fears and anxieties and with every sigh, I can feel it in my heart and soul how heavy your chest is. Sometimes a silent love can be the greatest love of all.
Thank you, God, for all my blessings, be our salvation, our savior and our help. Amen
Lord Hear our prayer

Written, created and video by My Mother Rose


1 Peter 3:13-17 ‘No one can hurt you if you are determined to do only what is right. If you do have to suffer for being good, you will count it a blessing. There is no need to be afraid or to worry about them. Simply reverence the Lord Christ in you hearts, and always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you all have. But give it with courtesy and respect and with a clear conscience, so that those who slander you, when you are living a good life in Christ may be proved wrong in the accusations that they bring. and if it is the will of God that you should suffer, it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong. ‘

On Saturday, I attended the Divine Renovation Open House at the Parish and one thing that really was empowering for me was when I heard them describe someone’s desire, conviction and will to change a person’s life and bring them to the feet of Jesus. This week’s Gospel Luke 16:19-31 is about a rich man who dressed in purple and fine linen and at the gates there lay a poor man called Lazarus. At the end of the Gospel reading, Abraham says to the rich man: “If they will not listen either to Moses or the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the dead.” It is very hard to convince a person of God’s great Glory when they are consumed with their own great glory. I grew up in a housing commission home and neighborhood, I remember once, I asked my friend to come over and we could hang out, her boyfriend said: “where do you live?” and I told them where and he said: “I wouldn’t go into that street, it has a really bad name and it’s not a safe street.’ So, my friend said: “No, she couldn’t come over and I was more than welcome to go over to house.” It never bothered me, we had a beautiful home and our front yard was amazing and our backyard was the best because my sister’s and I made a basketball court, so we could play and practice. Recently, I was looking at photos of my Great Aunties and my Great Nan, they were so happy with what they had, they never wanted or needed much, and they always gave too so many people and I inspire to be like them, I am a woman, who holds onto hope, for he is forever faithful, I know that all I can do is through Christ who strengthens me. I know the mistakes I have made and at times I feel as though I will have to pay for them for the rest of my life. Sometimes good people make bad choices. I am not a bad person I am only human after all. For the Lord, God knows the ways that I take. I am always waiting for the Lord and in his words, I put my hope. Everyday, I try my hardest not to take for granted what God has already provided. ‘God will always send good things your way and when he does never take it for granted. If God sends bad things your way never take it for granted.’ Never be discouraged, with what is laying at your feet, God always provides us with what we need, at times though, I can drift away from God, I always return. My heart will always acknowledge the Lord and I know, I belong to God. I will always return to God with all my heart. I have confidence, when approaching the throne of grace, through his mercy, I will find grace when I need help. I really am going to challenge myself or make more of an effort to have more desire, conviction and will to bring some people to the feet of Jesus because through many trials my life has changed and even though It feels like I am a light in the darkness, I have the strength, courage and willingness to help someone else to the feet of Jesus.

I hope you are all having a great week, God Bless Always

Written and Created by My Mother Rose

My Christian Solider

Isaiah 59:17 ‘He put integrity on like a breast plate and on his head the helmet of salvation. He put vengeance on like a tunic and wrapped himself in ardor like a cloak.’

My Christian Solider, I have seen you deliver the word of God on a bike to many churches, I stood on a bridge and looked down and saw you in the water amongst an army of men, I watched you marching off to war with the cross of Jesus as your royal master, who leads you against foes and straight into battle. You are a powerful man, my Christian Solider, what makes you so powerful, you have the greatest weapon, God’s words. I have known you in many life times and you have always served as a solider, fighting a good fight. I have always supported you even though I never fully agreed with your decisions. I always feared the day you wouldn’t be coming home to me. In this life time you serve as a Christian Solider and no matter where you go, I know that I must overcome that fear because you always return home. At times I want to talk to you like old times, I know that it’s impossible for that to happen, I broke your heart and if you say I wouldn’t understand, you are mistaken. I do know, you broke my heart too. Through many trials, we must be patient, watchful in prayer, for prayers are the cure for a confused mind, a weary soul and a broken heart. Our mistakes are stepping stones to wisdom and we become great learners and become wise by understanding problems.
Written, photo and created by My Mother Rose

Sunday, 22 September 2019


God says you are day 7 Chosen

Ephesians 1:4

Before the world was made, he chose us, chose us in Christ, to be holly and spotless, and to live through love in his presence.

I sat once in an office and the lady said to me “think of this man as your soccer coach.” To be honest I have never played, I don’t know the rules, I do know though, how to kick the ball and put it in the net, maybe I will have to give it ago though. Sometimes when we play sport, the coach always puts on the strongest players and the other players in the team, sit and wait to be chosen. I remember when I was at school and at lunch time, some children put together a game of basketball, two captains get chosen and then they choose players for their team and of course, the strongest get chosen first and the poor weakest ones get chosen last. That always happened to me and sometimes it would really hurt my self-esteem. When I was thinking of Why God Says we are Chosen, it dawned on me, that one day God is going to choose us to do the unspeakable, unimaginable and in the meantime while waiting to be chosen, we need to either give negativity more power or we choose happiness and know that, one day we will find ourselves in a situation where someone will never stop choosing us.

I hope you all had a great weekend, Have a great week. God Bless always

Written and created by My Mother Rose

Friday, 20 September 2019


The widow’s Mite, Mark 12:41-44 He sat down, opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the treasury and many of the rich put in a great deal. A poor widow came and put in two small coins, the equivalent of a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, “I tell you solemnly, this poor widow has put more in than all who have contributed to the treasury, for they have all put in money they had over, but she from the little she had has put in everything she possessed, all she had to live on. “

Sometimes, the church doesn’t see the little contributions that are so huge, only the big contributions that are so huge. I will always remember after I had my daughter and after I had my son baptized, I started giving money to my Parish and I could only give so much because I wasn’t working, and someone called me from the Parish and asked if I could give more. I was polite and said, “I couldn’t.” Do you know how they made me feel? I was made to feel as though the only thing I was good at in the eyes of the Parish and the church was giving money. The other gifts and talents meant nothing at all, all they wanted was my money, I wasn’t good enough or worthy for anything else.

No one should feel guilty for not giving and we can only give so much, it’s not a question of putting money before God. In today’s world, families need every dollar, to pay bills, to have food, to put fuel in their cars, school fees, kindy/daycare fees. Do you know what I love? I love watching my children place money in the collection plates, to me that is a great pillar of faith.

I don’t believe the church understands how hard it can be for families in today’s world. They don’t know that when times are hard God is always the first one, we go to. We go to him in pray and in the moment, we are praying we place all our trust that God will provide all that we need. I am sure over the weekend we will hear many sermons on money and asking who we serve and probably asking us for more. Please know we don’t have to feel bad about not giving as much as they want us to, we give what we can and do what we can, and they must respect that and it’s ok to stop making an effort especially when they show no effort towards you. There Is only so much you can do, before you realize your energy and your time is for nothing.

‘If you have little, give of your heart.’ Proverbs

Have an awesome weekend God Bless Always

Written and created by My Mother Rose

Thursday, 19 September 2019

I am a mum but I am more

Who does God say I am?

‘I am a super mummy, my powers come from my heart, and my strengths, I am kind and loving.’

Who does God say you are? Who do you say God is?

Sometimes, I want to run like Forest Gump and when I get tired, I would stop, turn around and come back home. Some only see me as a mum with children who cannot behave, but I am more than a mum, I am a hair dresser, a princess, a chef, a cleaner, a first aid officer, an educator, retail assistant and a cab driver. I am also a little boy’s love and a little girl’s best friend. If I did run, it would only be to see how they would cope without me.

However, I am a woman who is worthy, strong, capable and I can be more than a mum, yes being a mum is a part of who I am. It’s not all that defines me though, and I don’t feel guilty or ashamed in needing to be more than that. Everyday I serve in the ‘Mother Ministry’ and everyday I wake up and make choices and one of those choices is getting closer to God, to grow more and more in knowing him, understanding him and why he created us. We have the choice to live a life that is truly dedicated to God aiming to be loving, kind, patient, gentle and standing up for the truth, justice, peace. I know the plans and the life God wants me to lead and I know that my reward will be in heaven.

I am a woman who is growing in Christian faith and if you only see me as a mum and nothing more, than you’re not looking hard enough because I know what I see, and I know what God sees. The more I share, the more opened I am, the more I hear, the more I’m doing for another woman and that means I am serving in the 'Women's Ministry.' Everyday I serve women in my Women of Faith and Hope group and I am so happy and blessed for having their support and encouragement and more importantly, It is a part of who I am and what God wants and needs me to be and I love doing it.. I looked up what women's ministries are about and they about fostering relationships, encouraging other ladies and reaching out together in service to the Lord.

Women of Faith and Hope, sometimes we will constantly hear No! if you are like me and you are determined take that no and show them what you are made of. In the words of Katy Perry, “You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine, just own the night, like the Fourth of July, cause baby you’re a firework, come on show ‘em what your worth, make ‘em go “Oh, oh, oh!” As you shoot across the sky-y-y.”
'Let your little lights shine.'

God Bless Always
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Tuesday, 17 September 2019


1 timothy 4-5
'Everything God has created is good, and no food is to be rejected, provided grace is said for it, the word of God and the prayer make it holy.'
The word of God lives forever, his words can bring us into a wonderful place of rest in faith. the grass might wither and flowers might fade but god's words will live forever. to be led by the spirit of the words of truth- not lies, like the enemy's. They're the daily bread which nourishes our soul. God gives his testimonies through Jesus, Jesus is called the 'Word' and our bible is the word of God, it contains the mind of God and his will for each one of us. through his words we gain knowledge, information, we experience the power of his love, mercy, kindness, glory, greatness and we learn that we must go and share the message of eternal life, use what is given to us or we will lose it. The power of our gifts are to benefit others and we must trust in God's words to help support us.
Women of Faith and Hope, let us know God through his word and through daily intimacy with him. His words have the power to change lives, setting us free, comforting us, healing and freeing our souls. Let us give thanks to our Lord, God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Written, created and photo by My Mother Rose

Monday, 16 September 2019


Proverbs 12:17-22 To tell the truth is further justice, a false witness is nothing but deceit. There are some whose thoughtless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Lips that tell the truth abide firm for ever, the tongue that lies lasts only for a moment. Bitterness is in the heart of the schemer, joy with those who give counsels of peace. No harm can come to the virtuous man, but the wicked have their fill of troubles. Lips that lie are abhorrent to the LORD; dear to him those who speak the truth. My Nan used to say "if they want to talk about me, let them, at least their leaving someone else alone." Did you know honesty was the first chapter of the Book of wisdom? Some might not like the truth that comes from my mouth, but I do not like lies. I understand lying, we lie so we don't get in trouble, we lie to protect ourselves or another person, we lie to keep a good reputation, we lie when we are hiding the truth. when you lie, you are being deceitful and you are satisfying your own desires. How many of you would stand with me and speak the honest truth? Would you leave me to my fate like Jesus, When Pilate asked the crowd and they yelled "Crucify him!?" Honesty is an important life skill for all and integrity is the practice of being honest. Sadly, people get hurt when lies are being told. I am not perfect and God knows that and I don't have to prove that to anyone, only God, he is the only one with the power to save, to forgive and like the woman who poured who tears over the feet of Jesus and wiped them away with her hair, I have repented and I keep on repenting over the same mistakes that I keep being reminded of and at what point does my punishment and condemning stop. I am a woman who has been at the feet of Jesus and wiped my tears away with my hair and my faith has saved me, so now I can be at peace. Psalm 119:6-7 'Long enough have I been dwelling with those who hate peace. I am for peace, but when I speak they are fighting.' I hope you are all having a great week. God Bless Always written, created and photo by My Mother Rose

Saturday, 14 September 2019


God says you are day 6 Strong
Joshua 1:9
‘Have I not told you: Be strong and stand firm? Be fearless then, be confident, for go where you will, the Lord your God is with you.’
I hope you all had a great weekend, have an awesome week. God Bless Always.
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Wednesday, 11 September 2019


‘Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor’

As, I wept on my bible, I lowered myself before the Lord, my face was sinking into the page. In that moment, as I read the verse it reminded me to be a strong faithful woman. At, times it can seem as though, we fall back into our old ways, our old selves, I mean we are creatures of habit. One bad thought, one reminder, all the pressures of life and all our hard work can be for nothing. The ones who see how deep our faith is, is God, our loved ones, those who support, those who encourage us. Do you know what really hurts is when someone’s ego stops them from believing, Seeing and hearing in another’s strong faith.  If I came to you and told you of my strengths, would you help me find a ministry? Would you take me out for coffee to discuss my strengths and what I could offer? No, this someone wouldn’t, no one would. It’s very hard, when the person’s ego blinds their judgement and that is how people can be led to many misconceptions and it leaves people being left out or missing out on opportunities.

I have faith, I trust, and I believe and yet somehow that is never enough for some people.

So, I say it’s time to put on our boxing gloves and fight the good fight of faith. Women of Faith and Hope, Blessed, blessed are you. God’s message is Believe!

Psalm103:1 Bless the Lord, my soul! Lord God, how great you are, clothed in majesty and glory, wrapped in light as in a robe.

It doesn’t matter if they don’t believe in you or see your worth or what you offer. It matters that you see it. Believe in yourself, believe in God, even though they don’t believe in you, be the type of person to believe in them. God reminds us to be women who are faithful, to be respectful to God and one another. ‘Respect those you meet, because you don’t know what they are going through and treat those who hurt you, who persecute you in God’s name, respect them. Sometimes, I have this vision of me crawling on my knees to the feet and I can only assume it’s Jesus because he is wearing a white robe with a gold or bronze rope around his waist and black sandals. In the moment our eyes meet, and he bends down to me, takes my hand and I am a woman who is forgiven, saved.

I want to challenge myself and I want to challenge everyone else, in next week’s reading and Gospels I see twice 1 Timothy 2:8, In every place, then, I want the men to lift their hands up reverently in prayer, with no anger or argument.

I am already fearful because it is far from my comfort zone, but God’s message to me is


Women of Faith and Hope, in the moment we raise our hands, may we express our deepest gratitude and praise and be women who keep on acting with piety and charity.  

God Bless Always

Written and created by My Mother Rose

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

My Son

What lengths, do you go in finding something you lost?

Once you find it, do you celebrate?
‘God calls me to you, when I see you, you seem lost, uncomfortable. I am here to bring you home to our Father.’

Psalm 90:8 Your eyes have only to look to see how the wicked are repaid, you who have said; “Lord, my refuge!” and have made the Most High your dwelling.

I am not the person I was, I have changed, I have grown, I was lost, and I found myself, do I celebrate? I try sometimes. When my children and I are listening to the radio, we dance and, in that moment, I invite Jesus to dance with us.  If I had an opportunity to stand up in front of people and give my testimony, I could picture it, my family sitting in the front and Jesus would be there too, dressed in white, with long dark hair and a beard and I would say this:

“I am sorry it took me so long to find you and to find myself. Not a night went by; over these past two years, that I did not see you and those eyes, those dark, black eyes that somehow, see right into my soul. You remind me of the person I must be. To feel your presence, to feel the touch of your hand again and again when I walk away our hands slowly drift apart and every man that walks past somehow reminds me of you. I love you, Lord, my strength, thank you, you are my rock, my fortress, my savior, you are the rock where I take refuge, my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold.

The message God wants us to see in these weeks Gospels and readings is to see who we are before passing judgement on someone or something. To find yourself, to know who you are and who you are in Christ.

‘When you find yourself, when you find yourself in God, it is easier to find another lost soul who can be brought to God, so we can celebrate.

My tip spend time in deep prayer to God, when we take refuge in God, he knows where we can go and find our lost selves, so our Shepherd can find us and bring us home to rejoice with friends and neighbors.

Matthew 7:1-2 ‘Do not judge and you will not be judged, because the judgements you give are the judgements you will get, and the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given.’
I hope you are all having a great week, God Bless Always

Written and created by My Mother Rose


While reading the Gospels and readings for the week, I find that Jesus and his disciples were evangelizing and in the Gospel for Tuesday, he choses his apostles after spending the whole night out praying to God.  We are also being evangelized while sitting in the pews listening to God’s words. The priest, minster, pastor delivers a sermon which is a part of their mission to evangelize and declare the faith. The verb used for expressing ‘evangelizing,’ is ‘to announce the good news.’ I want to say this, evangelizing to me is when we can bear witness to a person’s resurrection, transformation, transfiguration, they have seen the light, been saved, redeemed. This can be done by expressing, how loved they are by God, important, precious, forgiven, lovely, chosen, accepted and how special they are to God, they are worthy, enough, needed, beautiful and all of these suggest how we are seen in God’s eyes.

When I think of evangelists, I think of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Did you know that there are symbols of the four evangelists? The four-winged creatures and it is written in Ezekiel 1:4-12 The vision of the chariot of the LORD.

‘There the hand of the LORD came on me. I looked, a stormy wind blew form the north, a great cloud with light around it, a fire from which flashes of lightning darted, and in the center a sheen like bronze at the heart of the fire. In the center I saw what seemed four animals, they looked like this. They were of human form. Each had four faces, each had four wings. Their legs were straight, they had hooves like oxen, glittering like polished brass. Human hands showed under their wings; the faces of all four were turned to the four quarters. Their wings touched each other; they did not turn as they moved, each one went straight forward. As to what they looked like, they had human faces, and all four had a lion’s face to the right and all four had a bull’s face to the left, and all four had an eagle’s face. Their wings were spread upwards; each had two wings that touched, and two wings that covered his body, and they all went straight forward; they went where the spirit urge them; they did not turn as they moved.’
Matthew- is symbolized by a winged man, or angel and signifies that Christians should use their reason for salvation.

Mark- is symbolized by a winged lion, a figure of courage and monarchy also represents Jesus resurrection and signifies that Christians should be courageous on the path of salvation.

Luke- is symbolized by a winged ox or bull a figure of sacrifice, service and strength. The ox signifies that Christians should be prepared to sacrifice themselves in following Christ.

John- is symbolized by an eagle, a figure of the sky, and believed by Christian scholars to be able to look straight into the sun. it signifies that Christians should look on eternity without flinching as they journey towards their goal of union with God.
When I was researching evangelist, I was drawn straight away to John, before I picked up my bible and started to read it. I was sitting in St Monica’s Chapel and I was praying for some guidance, I wanted to know where to start from and I heard a man’s voice whisper ‘John.’ Another strange event, the Christian song on Eagles’ wings which is taken from Psalm 90 or 91 keeps playing for me to hear and my son has been talking about Eagles and asking lots of questions about Eagles and funny enough it’s his school mascot. Also, it answers a pray about some of my dreams which indicate a relationship, a friendship and a strong connection I have with someone.

Which Evangelist are you drawn too?

Women of Faith and Hope let us pray to be encouraging and compassionate, we need to love those who hurt us as well as those who love us unconditionally, let us be thankful for every one of God’s creations that cross our path.  Let us keep evangelizing in our own little ways and be a constant reminder of the greatness of our Lord God. Amen
written and created by My Mother Rose
The verse is from a Christian song written by Michael Johcas on Eagles Wings..

Sunday, 8 September 2019


God says you are day 5 Lovely

Song of Songs 4:7 ‘you are wholly beautiful, my love, and without a blemish.’

In the power of your love God may women of Faith and Hope, know of their inner beauty. May we know how very beautiful, kind and sweet we are and may we have the patience, Women of Faith and Hope, for our God is not finished with us yet.

Have a great week God Bless Always

Written and created by My Mother Rose

Do Not Be Afraid

‘A woman is the full circle, within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.’ Author unknown.

I know you hide your face from me, so you see what I become. Maybe somehow, I have been deceitful and not very loyal. Maybe at some point in all this chaos, I claimed it was my own power that won the victory and you only Lord had no part in it. I am sorry, so sorry. Please forgive me. You see all that I had, all that I possessed, I gave to them. But they don’t see the little things only the great big contributions. Time after time, I was overlooked, I was erased, deleted and the spiritual gifts that I could offer were a joke in their eyes. I knew that I would never be a favorite, I don’t know anyone who had power or who had more importance to you, but the joke is on them though. I know you God, more than ever and you God you have shown me, how loved I am, how in those times when I go up against my enemy, Lord, God, you are my shield, protection and I can take refuge in you. God you help me understand that you live above the circle of the earth and just how mighty and strong you are. I will no longer be afraid to run and tell those of your glory and the resurrection. For you are the Lord, the true God, you are the God, the everlasting King, the earth quakes when you are wrathful the nations cannot endure your fury.

With your love, we can be women who have the power to create, nurture and transform. Women of Faith and Hope, we have heaven inside of which we share in the body of Christ, our faith and hope help light the way for others to see their way home. All it takes sometimes is someone to sit down beside you and listen. Not to tell you what to do, or who you should be. No, all it takes is someone to listen with an open heart, kindness, words of encouragement, being compassionate. We should be women who give spiritual support and we are called to do this through the Holy Spirit who guides us as disciples of Jesus Christ. So, let us not be afraid, trust in God, he has our back and watches from above the circle.

‘God has always been on our side, from the beginning to the end.’

Written and created by My Mother Rose

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

The Way

‘You need to let go, something better and greater is waiting for you.’
This week, we see in the readings and gospels, the heart of Jesus and God’s relationship and we start to understand more of Jesus ‘ministry.’

 I remember when it was so easy to be a Catholic but I feel today it is so complicated and so hard. Maybe our old ways are just comfortable and sometimes we have trigger moments like when we smell freshly mowed grass and diesel or hearing talk back radio on a Sunday morning. But I do understand the more we grow and learn of who God is to us and to see the heart of our relationship with Jesus and God, we can start to accept the new ways within our Churches today.

‘Out with the old, in with the new’ I believe that to be an expression and it basically means to let go, move forward, it’s time to start something new. Especially when you feel as though the wind is calling you to go out and spread the Good News and love, hope and faith, I understand perfectly well now,  Jesus insisted “Don’t tie me down, I am not your possession or personal savior.” Jesus has to keep moving to do God’s work by spreading the Good News. In the reading and Gospels, I found that Jesus is reassuring, his disciples, this is the way to the cross, Women of Faith and Hope, Let’s keep moving forward and never miss out on what God has to offer.

John 14:6 ‘I am the way, the truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you know me, you know my Father too. From this moment you know him and have seen him.’ 
God Bless Always
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Monday, 2 September 2019

let's go fishing

Ephesians 2:19-22

‘So you are no longer aliens or foreign visitors, you are part of a building that has the apostles and prophets for its foundation, and Christ Jesus himself for its main cornerstone. As every structure is aligned on him, all grow into one holy temple in the Lord, and you too, in him, are being built into a house where God lives, in the spirit.’

Belonging as a disciple in today’s world is very hard. Though I know that through Jesus on his holy cross, I am saved, it is finished and it is completed. As a disciple, I face many challenging moments, such as not being accepted, feeling like a stranger and not feeling like I belong.

Belonging is a human need, just like food and shelter and as a human being and being a disciple of Jesus Christ, I want to be a part of something greater and bigger than me. I want to be accepted, to be included and even though I am in a picture that promotes ministries, it doesn’t mean I am associated or valued as a Parishioner, a child or daughter of God’s

The Gospel reading for Thursday, Jesus says to Simon, “Do not be afraid, from now on it is men you will catch.” I love that, because it suggests to me that Jesus knows that through God, Simon Peter can help spread the message. And as Simon Peter, I am being called to pick up my cross, for I have laid a foundation and I am to use my voice for those who are persecuted, poor in spirit, those who mourn and those who hunger and thirst for what is right. The merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers and those who do the will of our Father. My voice will bring justice, peace, love, support, comfort, shelter, encouragement, refuge, a safe place and my ears will be used for listening.

As a disciple, I am willing to sail away with Jesus, I am willing to give up many of my possessions to follow Jesus, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do to pick up my cross and walk alongside Jesus and spread the Good News.

Maybe I am only a witness to speak for the light. But to know that I can be a woman of God who has no fear with the change of tides in my life and  to pick up my cross. No longer will I be silenced or distant.  Everyone deserves to belong to something that is greater and bigger than them, that is what gives us purpose and momentum. Women of Faith and hope, do not be afraid, let’s go fishing. Remember you are cared for, by a Mighty King. 

Romans 15:7

‘It can only be to God’s glory, then, for you to treat each other in the same friendly way as Christ treated you.’

 I hope you are all having a great week. God Bless Always

Written and created by My Mother Rose

Sunday, 1 September 2019

cared for

God says you are day 4 Cared For

Philippians 2:4 ‘So that nobody thinks of his own interest’s first but everybody thinks of other people’s interests instead.’

‘Caring so much is an act of love.’ You can walk down a flight of stairs, past people who say they care, only to ignore you and make you feel like you are nothing. So let us rise above those people and to never stop doing things for others, let’s take care of people, and provide for their needs because our actions that speak of love, hope, occupy the biggest part of their hearts.

Written and created by My Mother Rose


  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...