Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Day 2 of Novena to Saint Mary Magdalene-


Day 2 of Novena to Saint Mary Magdalene-

The contemplative Saint:

John 6:35 Jesus answered: ‘I am the bread of life… He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never thirst.’


I could not imagine my life without Jesus Christ once you have experienced or have encountered Jesus Christ in some supernatural joy or love there is no escaping or thinking you can turn your back and walk away at any time because if there is any type of separation I feel as though I am being pulled back towards him and at times it can be painful. Recently, I felt so angry and alone, my soul was thirsty for the presence of the Lord that I threw my bible because it felt as though God had abandoned me and was not helping me to understand the things people do and why do they do it? I was about to give up and throw all the books I had brought away because I just could not go on anymore especially when I try so hard to fit in, belong, to connect with other people but it didn’t take long for God to send answers and to reassure me of the love he is trying to give me, and I am reminded of the verse in Songs of Songs 8:4, I charge you, daughter of Jerusalem, not to stir my love, not rouse it, until it please to awake but as time went on for Mary Magdalene and her relationship with Jesus there was a time where a love was awoken and was brought to the surface and made visible to many. Let us remember what contemplation means we are either looking or considering or thinking about something and this is what Mary did, she felt the pain of separation, she pined for her love, her love for Jesus and his love for her. It is not easy being far away from a person you are supposed to love, it is not fun or fair to love them from a far or in silence and this makes me think of my Nan and Granddad and the letters he wrote to her while he was away working and it’s funny how love has a way of surprising us sometimes  as Jesus did appearing in a vision at the front door of her sister’s house. Luke 10: 42 and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part; it is not to be taken from her.


Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us…

You, who carried the alabaster jar of perfume, pray for us.

You, who from dark clay became purest crystal, pray for us.

Diamond, passing from the dust to the light, pray for us.

Transformed into a vessel of glory, pray for us.

Sparkling pearl, pray for us.

Blazing Torch for the whole world, pray for us.

Apostle to the Apostles, pray for us.

Sweet Advocate of Penitents, pray for us.


May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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