Monday, 5 October 2020

Women of Faith and Hope, you are invited!


Women of Faith and Hope,

“Come, for everything

is now ready.”

Will you R.S.V.P.?

This week we are all invited to a banquet, a banquet of the Kingdom. The Lord prepares to host a feast of rich food, rich wine.

I truly miss my Nan’s roast lunches on a Sunday.  Yummy roast vegetables and if we had lamb, the homemade mint sauce was so delicious drizzled over the hot lamb. After lunch we would clean up and we would rest our bellies for the next course, desert. Usually we would have apple or apricot pie, served with either ice-cream or custard. After we had eaten, we would rest in the lounge room until it was time for afternoon tea.

Philippians 4:12 I know how to be poor and I know how to be rich too.

We didn’t have much, we had all we wanted and needed and the one thing we always had was love, from grandparents, great Aunties, other family and to me that is what being rich means. To sit around a table, eating and drinking rich food and rich wine, feeling loved, joy and happiness, feeling like you belong, you are home and invited.

I don’t need a petty invite after telling me, I am not invited because you see, I had already Responded. We are all called to the banquet prepared by our Lord, our heads have been anointed and our cups are overflowing. Goodness and kindness shall follow us all the days of our lives.

You can tell me I am not invited, I am not ready and it’s not my time but there is a place set for me at the table and my name is written on a table card, waiting for me to see. Who I sit next to, I am not sure but I am sure whoever it may be, I will learn lots, they will teach me and I can teach them. We will learn from each other.

In the Kingdom of heaven we are all called, we are all invited to connect, inspire and support one another. 'Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.' Can we do that? Can we be inviting, inclusive, encouraging? Can we walk beside another on the same journey and be supportive, show love and be there for one another? It's hard to do and it's hard to go through and it's hard to watch. They say one thing, but treat you in a whole different way, a way that does not represent the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Who cares right? Get over it, move on, let go. I care, and it bothers me, it hurt me and broke my heart, that the will of our Father was not done on Earth as it is supposed to be done in Heaven. I am teaching my children to be forgiving, to love those who hurt, reject, exclude us.  Invite them to eat and drink and as a matter of fact, I did invite someone for coffee but I was ignored and given the silent treatment.  However, we are all called to share joy, peace and to treat everyone, even those who do us wrong or trespass against us with integrity and love. They might not understand those actions or behavior but let’s do it anyway. I guess, on earth so many are called, but few are chosen. I was called but not chosen.

 However though, whose invitation is more important?

A man made one? Or an invitation from our Holy Father in the Kingdom of Heaven?

I know which one I will choose and am chosen for. I see great hope in which we are called, our Lord will wipe away every tear from our cheek.

Maybe, you do choose to accept a man made invitation, but know this, the invitation isn't for eternity and the great banquet we are all called to, will be greater than anything we can imagine here on Earth and 'people generally serve the best wine first, and keep the cheaper sort till the guests have had plenty to drink;'  and if you continue to read the rest of John 2:10, it's Jesus who serves the best wine, the rich wine and rich food. 

I want to clarify rich food, which is applied to fatty, oily or sweet food, also highly seasoned or plant nutrients, raspberries, melons, bananas, paw paw and mangoes. Examples of rich wine's, could be sparkling, aromatic for example a sweet wine, light or full bodied wine. 

To carry on though,

He will open our eyes, he will open our ears, and he will open our hearts and live within. People are known in the Kingdom of Heaven; God is always loving, supportive and is accountable for all of us.

So, Women of Faith and Hope, I would like to encourage you all to come to the banquet, our God is inviting us to the banquet of the Kingdom, where you will feel, happy, respected and be full of peace.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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