Saturday, 31 October 2020

All Saint's Day!

Matthew 25: 32-34, All the nations will be assembled before him and he will separate sheep from goats, He will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right hand, Come, you whom my Father  has blessed, take your heritage the Kingdom prepare for you since the foundation of the world.

 I don’t know whether my reward will be great in heaven or not, even though I have had a dream to suggest otherwise. But it was only a dream. 

Today is all Saint’s Day, we remember men, women and children who are the clean of heart, the peacemakers and those who are persecuted who now call the Kingdom of Heaven home. I find it to be a comfort to know in heaven they still intercede for us through prayer, spending an hour mediating on who they were and how their lives still inspire and bring so much hope to each one of us. Their concern for justice, living lives of humility, gentleness, kindness, love, mercy and courage and acting always with purity in heart.

Matthew 25:40, And the King will answer, "I tell you solemnly in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." 

Matthew 25:45, Then will answer, I tell you solemnly in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me."

What we can learn from our Saints, is to see Jesus in everyone and everything, Jesus is the poor in spirit, the gentle, one of those who mourns, he is hungry and thirsts for what is right, he is merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker and the one who was abused and persecuted. After all Women of Faith and Hope, we are made and created in his image and likeness, let us then rejoice and be glad, for our reward will be great in heaven. Matthew 5:1-12

Genesis 1:26-27, God said, "Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild beasts and all the reptiles that crawl upon the earth." God crated man i the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them.  

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.


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