Friday 1 September 2023

Our ninth bible hero is David.

 Our ninth bible hero is David.

What makes David a hero?

  • There was a shepherd boy named David. One day David heard Goliath who was a giant cursing God and his people. Even though David was only a boy, David went out to fight Goliath.
  • The giant laughed at David but what Goliath didn’t know was David prayed for God to guide his hands. He picked up a small stone and placed it into his sling shot and hurled it towards Goliath hitting him right in the middle of his forehead and he fell at David’s feet.
  • After he had killed Goliath, David grew up to be strong and a mighty warrior.
  • He sang songs to thank God for giving him victory over his enemies.
  • David pleased God so he was made King over all the people. 

May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson.

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