Friday 1 September 2023

Our fourteenth bible hero is Jonah.


Our fourteenth bible hero is Jonah.

What makes Jonah a hero?

Has God ever given you an important job to do? Did you want to do it?

Our next and last bible hero Jonah had an important job given to him by God, but Jonah didn’t want to do it.  So, he sailed away on a ship and tried to hide from God. A terrible storm washed Jonah overboard and a big fish swallowed him. Jonah felt scared and lonely inside the big fish that he prayed for God to help him. After he had finished praying the big fish spat him out onto the shore. This time, Jonah did what God wanted him to do, he traveled to a city name Nineveh and told the people how to please God and God was pleased with Jonah.

May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson.

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