Tuesday, 10 November 2020

To Fear of the Lord.

 This week, I wanted to share the first verse of the Responsorial Psalm.

Psalm 127:1

O Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.


Women of Faith and Hope.

Most of us are working in secular jobs, occupations, at home, retired, we live ordinary family and social lives, and we are called by God, by the Spirit to make Christ known to others. It is our duty and our work for God to use the gifts and talents we have been given and to give testimony to a life lived in faith, hope and charity.

We are truly blessed, wouldn’t you say.

For we are living in him and he is living in us and it’s because of this, he lets us share his spirit.

Women of Faith and Hope, we all deserve a share in what we work hard for. Our hands go out to the poor; our arms are opened to those in need. We help and support those in our communities, in times of hardship, trials and in times of crisis. The door to our heart is opened to those strangers knocking, to the little children, who would like to hang out with our own children, playing in the backyard and eating zooper doopers.

 Yet, I fear the Lord, I fear his judgement of letting him down, I worry for my children, crossing the road, walking the streets, and going to a stranger’s home.

I hear God is saying; “fear not, for I will be with them, let them go.”

Women of Faith and Hope, did you know, to fear the Lord is the beginning of perfect wisdom and knowledge and understanding of the Holy One?

Proverbs 15:33 describes the fear of the Lord as a school of wisdom, humility, honor, as a discipline and instructions.

I want to pray for us; Lord, if we fear you, let us turn to you and listen, Let us remain faithful, constant and loyal in your teachings O Lord, so that we may have knowledge and understanding. May we have the confidence, the hope and the assurance of the things we do not see and may our service bring joy to our lives and the lives of others.

 ‘Happy are those who fear the Lord.’



To finish, I wanted to share from scripture,

Ecclesiasticus 1:1-20,

The search for Wisdom and Fear of the Lord.

All wisdom is from the Lord, and it is his own forever. The sand of the sea and the raindrops, and the days of eternity, who can assess them? The height of the sky and the breadth of the earth, and the depth of the abyss, who can probe them?

Before all other things wisdom was created. Shrewd understanding everlasting. For whom has the root of wisdom ever been uncovered? Her resourceful ways, who knows them? One only is wise, terrible indeed, seated on his throne, the Lord. He himself has created her, looked on her and assessed her. And poured her out on all his works to be with all mankind as his gift, and he conveyed her to those who love him.

The fear of the Lord is glory and pride, and happiness and a crown of joyfulness. The fear of the Lord will gladden the heart giving happiness and joy and long life. With him who fears the Lord it will be well at the last, and he will be blessed on the day of his death. To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; she was created with the faithful in their mother’s womb;

She has made a nest among men, an age-old foundation, to their offspring she will cling faithfully. To fear the Lord is the perfection of wisdom; she intoxicates them with her fruits; she fills their whole house with their heart’s desire, and their storerooms with her produce. The fear of the Lord is the crown of wisdom; it makes peace and health flourish.

The Lord has looked on her and assessed her; he showered down learning and discernment, and exalted the renown of those who hold her close. To fear the Lord is the root of wisdom and her branches are long life.


May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope

Written and created by My Mother Rose.




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