Thursday, 19 November 2020

'God With Us.'


Luke 6:31

Treat others as you would like them to treat you.

I had a last-minute reflection, I wanted to share; We all might know Jesus and we possibly can say this confidently, however, have we considered, every person knows Jesus Christ in some way. I thought back to all those times, I had seen him in a smile, a hug and even a handshake.

If we say, we are a Christian, a disciple of Jesus Christ and we don’t forget who we are trying to follow and who is leading us, then we have a responsibility as a child of a King, to Love his other children.

The bible clearly says, love one another because love comes from God.

I am not saying we need to feel obligated, we are not required to hang out with anyone or to participate in sin or in something we do not approve of, but we are Christians who need to act genuinely in love.

The truth is, we need each other on this journey, we need to remember, God gave us each other, to encourage, to walk alongside another, to bring hope, peace, to inspire, to love and  have faith in each other as much as we have faith in God.

Why is it though, we can easily reject and exclude a person?

We can’t avoid rejection, but it’s not necessary and I hope no one compares it to saying Grace at a restaurant and having people stare at you strangely, because this could never ever feel quite like a rejection. Rejection, social rejection means and occurs when an individual is deliberately excluded from a social relationship or social interaction and for example being told; “You’re not invited, you’re not ready and it’s not your time.” It also means, a person can be rejected by individuals or a group of people. Rejection can be either active, by bullying, teasing, or ridiculing, or passive, ignoring a person, or giving them the silent treatment. Rejection hurts! Rejection hurts so much, and it can cause so much pain.

Why do it to one another?

If you know how it feels, then how can you treat another person the same way you have been treated?

I can imagine Jesus Christ, taking his seat on his throne of glory, and hear him saying to each one of us. “what you did to one of the least of these Brothers or Sisters, you did it to me.” And, you neglected to do this to one of least of these, you neglected to do it to me.

Each one of us, is God’s greatest possessions, as much as he is our greatest possession and it’s not our relationship with God, that is ruined because no one could ever ruin what we have with God. I believe , the person/peoples who rejects, who neglects to feed, clothe, visit one of the least of these Brothers and Sisters, has ruined it for themselves. Their the ones who have denied someone their baptismal rite, communion rite or their actually human rite to share their gifts, talents and strengths with their community all because they hate you, don't like you or feel you are different to everyone else.

We shouldn't feel bad for them, but somehow we do after all they are our Brother and Sister in Christ. I guess that says a lot about us as Women of Faith and Hope.

'Forgiving, merciful, compassionate and loving.'

But, if I have learnt something, God is always, with us, in us and around us all the time and it’s our choice, we choose the way we act, behave, no one else chooses it for us.

I would like to hope, Women of Faith and Hope, we have all inherited the Kingdom prepared for us since the foundation of the world.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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