Monday, 16 November 2020

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe!


Be friends with one another, and kind, forgiving each other as readily as God forgave you in Christ.

Ephesians 4:32

‘The way we treat Christ, should be the way we treat one another.’

Sunday is the day for, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and over these past few weeks, months, we have been led to this Gospel, this lesson, before we embark on our Advent journey.

Women of Faith and Hope, we all love Jesus Christ, we adore him, we glorify him, we praise him, and we place our trust and faith in him. We show respect and give thanks for all the wonders of the world and for all those amazing works he does for us in our own lives.

Wow! We do have a lot to confess in the name of Jesus Christ. After we seek the Kingdom first, what are we doing for one another in Christ? How do we treat another Brother or Sister in Christ?

I have an activity for you all, Women of Faith and Hope.

My Children love reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? By Eric Carle. So, Women of Faith and Hope, what do you see? Go ahead; look at the person beside you, lying beside you, sitting beside you. Take a look at a photograph, if you are driving, riding a bike or maybe you might be walking, take a quick glance at the person walking towards you. Who do you see? Do you see Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe?

 And so we have no eyes for things that are visible, but only for things that are invisible; for visible things last only for a time, and the invisible things are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18,

We have all heard this at mass:

“The Lord is with you.” We say, “And with your Spirit.”

As he promised, today and always or until we meet again, Our God will always be with us, and as we know God is with us, we can do anything, we can help and be a blessing to one another. For, Christ is the hungry, thirsty, the stranger, naked, the sick, the prisoner, your neighbor and the one you are looking at right now.

‘Call him your companion, as we are to be companions on this journey.’

You see, Jesus, did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as ransom for many and if we are followers, disciples of Jesus Christ then we need to put the needs of others before our own, we weren’t born to be served but to serve one another in the name of the Lord Jesus, always giving thanks to God the Father through him.

‘What we do, we do for Christ.’

There will come a day, Women of Faith and Hope, when our Shepherd walks among us, well, if you think about it, our shepherd already walks with us, sits with us, talks with us, laughs with us and is always living with us.

2 Chronicles 15:2

He went out to meet Asa and said, ‘Listen to me, Asa, and all you of Judah and of Benjamin. The Lord is with you so long as you are with him, when you seek him, he lets you find him, when you desert him, he deserts you.

May God Bless Always,

 Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.




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