Monday, 23 November 2020

'Be On Guard For Our Gift Giver.'

 So, stay awake, because you do not know the day when your master is coming.

Matthew 24:42

Do you hear that knocking at the door? Do you not see or hear me standing there knocking? Will you open the door to God this Christmas?

If you open the door, I will come in, and eat and drink with you and

God will come in, eat and drink with you.

 Women of Faith and Hope, this Sunday, I offer you a special gift of hope, well not only me but our Lord the giver. I was researching and a quote popped into my head; “The gift that keeps on giving.” Author Unknown.

This Sunday, we set our minds above, we wait, we prepare, and we get ready to welcome, the most precious gift anyone could ever ask for.

I truly believe it’s not how much we give its how much love, time we put into gifting, that matters the most, and it’s really the heart of the giver.

I do love gifts though, not that I need much. Maybe it’s all in the surprise of receiving such a special gift. A gift that is unexpected, a gift to make us feel special, joyful and loved. When we receive our gifts, we fall in love with the giver, who has put effort, time, our needs and desires above their own to make it special and one of those memories that we are forever grateful for.

Do we feel the same way about Our Lord God the giver of life, giver of courage, strength and the giver of peace?

I hope so, with the year we have had, the whole world has had, I hope we can still be thankful and grateful for Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Psalm 9:2-3,

We will praise him, with all our hearts, we will recount all his wonders, and we will rejoice and be glad.

Women of Faith and Hope, we need to be the gift that keeps on giving and this possibly could be our challenge for the week ahead.

‘To bring hope to one another.’

Someone out there is on guard and awake, awaiting the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe we need the Christ in us, with us and who surrounds us, to reach out to someone. The challenge is to reach out to someone, who you might never talk to, someone who has left the community and you think about sometimes, how they are going? You, might wonder what they might be doing? You could write them a letter, or leave a note on their car windscreen. Another idea, a friend of mine left five dollars in a note inside the trolley she had finished using.

Or, you can reach out to that person who is difficult to love, to trust,
that brother or sister in Christ who you need to reconcile with.

Many options, many random acts of kindness and lots to think about this week. Let us create space, create silence and listen to him!

Wisdom 18:14-15,

When peaceful silence lay overall, and night had run the half of her swift course, down from the heavens, from the royal throne, leapt your all-powerful word; into the heart of a doomed land the stern warrior leapt. Carrying your unambiguous command like a sharp sword.


May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose


1 comment:


  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...