Saturday, 25 April 2020

Women Of Faith and Hope: Beauty!

Women Of Faith and Hope: Beauty!: Written, photo and created by My Mother Rose. 1Peter3:4 all this should be inside, in a person’s heart, imperishable, the ornament of a...

Happy Mother's Day!

Written, video and created by My Mother Rose.

Women Of Faith and Hope: True Friendship.

Women Of Faith and Hope: True Friendship.: "Friendship, true friendship means believing in one another, trusting, caring, supporting and being respectful. You might not agre...

Women Of Faith and Hope: Little bit of Magic!

Women Of Faith and Hope: Little bit of Magic!:   “Women are angels, when someone breaks our wings, we simply fly on a broomstick. We are flexible like that!!!” Author Unknown. Now a...

Thursday, 23 April 2020

'He Walks Beside Us.'

‘His love will nourish and flourish.’
Sometimes, we walk the same road a million times and never recognize, The Christ who has risen, until we break bread, open our eyes, feel the fire burning in our hearts. He walks by our side and it’s by our faith that we believe he truly is.
Jesus, meet us where we are right now, in this present moment. If you walk in front of me, I may not follow. If you walk behind, I may not lead, what I do ask; please walk beside me as a friend, companion. These times are, challenging, lonely, stressful and depressing. Father fill our hearts with courage, peace, wisdom, love, kindness and compassion, by your mighty spirit.
I hope everyone is traveling along nicely, we started homeschooling this week, very interesting but we are on a role. Next Friday, I wanted to start sharing some thoughts for the 'Mother Ministry,' Last year, I shared some of the Women in my life, who have made a difference and still make a difference in my life. Take Care Women of Faith and Hope,
Written and created by My Mother Rose
May God Bless Always.💟🙏

Friday, 17 April 2020

Women Of Faith and Hope: Reflections

Women Of Faith and Hope: Reflections: Written and created by My Mother Rose God, grants us knowledge, understanding and wisdom to welcome all who are new, old, male, female...

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Mercy and Grace.

“I am God’s girl, lavished in love, gifted in grace, showered with mercy, overflowing with hope.”

 Author unknown

Firstly, I want to clear up any misunderstandings, there is a difference between, Mercy and Grace. Mercy is the decision of God not to punish us and Grace is the decision of God to save and bless us. There is always been a part of me that would love to go out to an empty field in the bush and yell out on the top of my voice;  


I often think, what would that do? What will that accomplish? Would the earth shake? Would, God really hear me?

Out of difficulties, miracles grow. Countless, times I have failed, still his Mercy remains. If I stumble, time after time, he will catch me in his Grace. Even in God’s garden of Grace, a broken tree can bear fruit. I believe truly, I have fire in my soul and Grace in my heart, and with Grace, I walk, with heaven in my eyes and with gesture, dignity and love. I do however, ask myself this question; how do I repay God for this beautiful gift, I do not truly deserve? Remember, Mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve; Grace is God giving us something we do not deserve. But here is the thing, he loves us so much, he is willing to overlook all our wrong doings, lies, judgements, all the secret plots and false oaths and it is written, these are the things he hates Zechariah 8:16-17.

For us to receive the gift of:




What are the things God Loves? For us to tell the truth, no judgements, peace, not to love false oaths, to be merciful to others and accepting the merciful acts of others, to take time to ask how a friend is doing, never be afraid to enter into the chaos of another’s person’s life, see those around us as brothers and sisters, hold the door opened for someone.

I am stopping, I am hoping you are following, You see, this Sunday is, Divine Mercy Sunday and funny enough, I was rostered on to say the second reading, not that you needed to know, but to express that we are all blessed by God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy has given us a new birth as his sons and daughters. Why wouldn’t I want to proclaim the Good News and share his gifts of peace and life for us today and always?

As Women of Faith and Hope, we are beautiful women, who use our lips for truth, our voices for kindness, our ears for compassion, and hands for charity, our hearts for love and to those who are; intimated, jealous, who don’t like us and afraid.

 I say; “Do Not Be Afraid,” for Women of Faith and Hope, use prayer, we return you to our Lord God and he will return to you, may God send his truth and his love, he will have mercy for your souls, so, take refuge until the storms or destruction passes by.”

There is one more thing I would like to yell out on the top of my lungs, this might be a way to repay God for the gift of Mercy and Grace and I take this from Psalm 56:8;

‘My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.’

Maybe, we too are like Thomas and do not see the real Jesus until we see the holes in his hands, in his side. I say doubt no longer but believe, “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.” John20:19-31
“Look into my heart and see there the love and mercy which I have for humankind and especially for sinners, Look, and enter into my passion.” Jesus to St. Faustina. (Diary 1663)

May God Bless Always
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Women Of Faith and Hope: Little Bunnies.

Women Of Faith and Hope: Little Bunnies.: One Friday Afternoon, the sun stopped shining. The little bunnies were frightened. Where did the sun go? They didn't know. On the Sa...

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Happy in heart and love.

Psalm 27:8 of you my heart has spoken:

“Seek his face.”

This year I am drawn to station six, ‘Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.’ Even though I am still drawn to station four ‘Jesus meets his Mother,’ and I cried, I feel as though station six has a message for all women. There are at times when I seek his face but end up seeing the wrong face and I have to be quick to say, “no! It’s not your face I seek but the face of Jesus.” We all seek to see the face of Jesus and we are Women of Faith and Hope, believers, who yearn to see the face of God. I have been reading about Veronica and that is why I wanted to share, Veronica is an image for all women, who shows courage, goodness and who does not allow her heart to be bewildered. Sometimes at first we see a face that is pain filled, bruised, hurt but her act of love impressed the true image of Jesus on her heart. This is our time, Women of Faith and Hope, to rise and come to God with all our hearts, for he is waiting, I see him, inviting me into his sacred heart, to live a new life. Today, seems to be gloomy and bleak, that is not going to stop the Veronica in us, to go and make an impression on another’s heart. Let us not forget to love Jesus with all our heart first, it is only then, we will be ready for a love story that reflects his glory. Our hearts belong to Jesus and always will, so I pray for the LORD to keep our hearts until the perfect time.

Do you see the face of God?

How can Jesus make an impress on your heart?

Matthew 5:8 ‘Happy the pure in heart;

They shall see God.’

May God Bless Always

Written and created by Mother Rose

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

The Word Of God.

He is not here, he has risen, seems to be an invitation to go look for him or maybe an invitation to go teach, make disciples of all the nations, for he is with us until the end of time. Jeremiah 1:9-12, Then the LORD put out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me; “There! I am putting my words into your mouth. Look, today I am setting you over nations and over Kingdoms, to tear up and to knock down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” The word of the LORD was addressed to me asking, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” “I see a branch of the Watchful. Tree.” I answered. Then the LORD said, “Well seen! I too watch over my word to see it fulfilled.”

I keep hearing the question; How is the living word of God, active and alive in my life today? How is it alive and active in your life today?

The Word of God is something alive and active, it cuts like any double-edged sword but more finely, it can slip through the place where the soul is divided from the spirit, to joints from the marrow; it can judge the secret emotion and thoughts. No created thing can hide form him; everything is uncovered and open to the eyes of the one to whom we must give account of ourselves. Hebrews 4:12-13.

Another great gift God gives is the gift of his words. God’s words bring truth, that will shape our character and can determine our destiny. I hold onto hope, knowing there is more power in one word from God, then of man who believes he has power over me. I never let go of the word, it will see me through darkness, it is the greatest weapon against fear, stress, anxiety, Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is unalloyed, he is the shield of those who take refuge in him. My soul would be lost without the word of God, when I read the scriptures, when I hear scripture, I meet Christ who is the very living word of God. John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. His words will always be a lamp for my feet, a light for my path. Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers, the flower fades but the word of our God remains forever.

Women of Faith and hope, he is with us always, until the end of time. I washed my children’s feet because I thought it would be a great example of his love for us, John 13:14-15, If, I, then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you should wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you. Whisper; I love you Lord and it’s the most beautiful and precious sound he will hear. The passion is a sea of sorrows, but an ocean of love, Paul of the cross. Death could not defeat the one who is life, the way, the truth, this is the time to go with Jesus, to go further until you reach an undiscovered country but it’s a time when we can be hopeful, joyful, loving and at peace. His light in the word, has resurrected for all of us.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Happy Easter!

“He is not here, he is risen,” seems to be an invitation to go look for him. Are you asleep? Mum, it’s morning, wake up! Do you feel spirtually awake? Awake enough to become watchful and to keep Jesus company while he prays to God. Like Jesus urges his disciples to stay awake, my children too, urge me to stay awake, to keep watch for the mosters, aliens and goblins, apprently they are real and trolls are friendly.

This week has been about reflection, how far I have walked on my path, how I have grown stronger spiritually, how much more I am listening to Jesus, teach how much God Loves us and how in life, we will meet people who won’t like us, care for us, only check on us in these hard times of our lives because it’s their job, it’s not because they want too, it’s because they have too. Sadly this is hard to watch, them, take and eat what was given up for us and taking and drinking the blood poured out for us. However, this is a day of Hope, love and joy, it’s a window into God’s wonderful divine surprise for us all. May we find renewal, health, happiness and peace always, for today is:


A day to stay awake, spiritually awake, for the gift of god is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord,he is the living one, he was dead but behold he now lives for ever and ever, he is the way, the life and the truth, remember God sent his son to be the savior of the world.

When you wake, when you find him, this is the testimony which we will give of him;

That he lives!
Written,photo and created by My Mother Rose

Alive and Acitve.

I am a mother of the house, I try to imitate or to be an image of the Mother of God, I am a bride of Christ, an apostle of the divine heart and no matter the conditions I live, I am to fulfill my feminine vocation. Today, with Mary I stand with her at the foot of the cross and I believe more clearly now. This is my testimony of the Jesus who is alive and active in each of us today.

I believe anyone and everyone has the ability, the gifts and talents that acquire you to be a Leader in faith, for example; I am a Leader of faith for my children, my family, my friends, my Women of Faith and Hope Group and those who come and go from my life. Here is the thing though, with all I have learnt, understood and believe, I lead my children to him but the amazing and beautiful act is my children lead me to him, they remind me to keep my faith, hope and love and the greatest is love, alive and active. For a while now, I have been trying to figure out why God wants to create life with me, and it has taken me a year, but I finally got it. I am to create life with God and give birth to the word of God, to bring alive the word of God in me, my children, my family, friends, my women of Faith and Hope Group and those who come and go from my life. I am to proclaim the great mysteries, the story of love, honor, passion, triumphant, peace, compassion and forgiveness.

His words are alive and active, I hold the bible in my hands knowing I am holding my baby, our baby, the word of God that is the light that is alive and active in each one of our hearts and souls. It is up to us to keep it alive, alive for our children, family, friends and to all those who cross our path. It is through his death and resurrection the word of God continues to stay alive in each of us. Mary gave birth to Jesus who is the word of God and today, we celebrate. Celebrate the beginning of our testimonies how God’s words will forever remain alive in us. It is true, he has risen, his spirit has risen in each of us. So, when we look for him in the cave and he is not there, remember he has risen and become one with us.  

This is my blessing for you all, may his words bring comfort, hope and joy.

From my children and I,

Written, photos and created by Katie, Anthony and Jade Robinson.


Good Friday

Photo, written and created by My Mother Rose

Friday, 3 April 2020

Palm Sunday

Last year I wrote on my Facebook group, Women of Faith and Hope; “When we hold our palms up and sing out Hosanna! Welcome our hero Jesus who will ride into our lives bringing renewal, faith, hope and the greatest love.”

I never expected though to see my Parish Priest ride in on a donkey. Considering the COVID-19 Virus, most of us will be a little disheartened because we will not be able to serve in any ministries before, during and after mass. This year, I was rostered on to say the First Reading and I created a video to share with you all. As disciples and followers of Jesus Christ, we know doubtedly, endure hardships, suffering, persecution and this is the cross we must bear. However, a disciple is a follower, who trusts and believes in a teacher and follows that teacher’s words and example, so, let us not lose heart, nor fall into despair. Instead, may we rejoice heart and soul, express jubilation, for our King comes, he is triumphant, humble and victorious.

Psalm 117:27-28 The Lord is our light. Go forward in procession with branches even to the altar. You are my God, I thank you. My God, I praise you.  

May God Bless Always
Written and created by Mother Rose


  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...