Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Mercy and Grace.

“I am God’s girl, lavished in love, gifted in grace, showered with mercy, overflowing with hope.”

 Author unknown

Firstly, I want to clear up any misunderstandings, there is a difference between, Mercy and Grace. Mercy is the decision of God not to punish us and Grace is the decision of God to save and bless us. There is always been a part of me that would love to go out to an empty field in the bush and yell out on the top of my voice;  


I often think, what would that do? What will that accomplish? Would the earth shake? Would, God really hear me?

Out of difficulties, miracles grow. Countless, times I have failed, still his Mercy remains. If I stumble, time after time, he will catch me in his Grace. Even in God’s garden of Grace, a broken tree can bear fruit. I believe truly, I have fire in my soul and Grace in my heart, and with Grace, I walk, with heaven in my eyes and with gesture, dignity and love. I do however, ask myself this question; how do I repay God for this beautiful gift, I do not truly deserve? Remember, Mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve; Grace is God giving us something we do not deserve. But here is the thing, he loves us so much, he is willing to overlook all our wrong doings, lies, judgements, all the secret plots and false oaths and it is written, these are the things he hates Zechariah 8:16-17.

For us to receive the gift of:




What are the things God Loves? For us to tell the truth, no judgements, peace, not to love false oaths, to be merciful to others and accepting the merciful acts of others, to take time to ask how a friend is doing, never be afraid to enter into the chaos of another’s person’s life, see those around us as brothers and sisters, hold the door opened for someone.

I am stopping, I am hoping you are following, You see, this Sunday is, Divine Mercy Sunday and funny enough, I was rostered on to say the second reading, not that you needed to know, but to express that we are all blessed by God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy has given us a new birth as his sons and daughters. Why wouldn’t I want to proclaim the Good News and share his gifts of peace and life for us today and always?

As Women of Faith and Hope, we are beautiful women, who use our lips for truth, our voices for kindness, our ears for compassion, and hands for charity, our hearts for love and to those who are; intimated, jealous, who don’t like us and afraid.

 I say; “Do Not Be Afraid,” for Women of Faith and Hope, use prayer, we return you to our Lord God and he will return to you, may God send his truth and his love, he will have mercy for your souls, so, take refuge until the storms or destruction passes by.”

There is one more thing I would like to yell out on the top of my lungs, this might be a way to repay God for the gift of Mercy and Grace and I take this from Psalm 56:8;

‘My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.’

Maybe, we too are like Thomas and do not see the real Jesus until we see the holes in his hands, in his side. I say doubt no longer but believe, “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.” John20:19-31
“Look into my heart and see there the love and mercy which I have for humankind and especially for sinners, Look, and enter into my passion.” Jesus to St. Faustina. (Diary 1663)

May God Bless Always
Written and created by My Mother Rose

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