Friday 18 August 2023

Saint Monica's Wisdom.

 Novena Day Six, Saint Monica’s Wisdom.

We begin with one Our Father, One Hail Mary and One Glory Be to God.

Saint Monica displayed a love and a connection with the truth only found in the pure of heart. She was indeed a wise woman, her understanding, her knowledge, and experiences rewarded those around with a model of prayer and patience. Her true wisdom reflected God; she saw life from God’s perspective and in every conservation Monica’s character was revealed, where she had a way to make things clear and fathomable.

Let us Pray:

Saint Monica, you communicated and bestowed upon others the love of God so today with hope in our hearts we pray and ask for the ‘God of hosts, to bring us back, to shine his face on us so that we shall be saved.’ Psalm 79:4

I wanted to leave you with this from the book Saint Monica, The Power of a Mother’s Love by Giovanni Falbo. These are words Saint Monica prayed and had engraved on her heart, they are from one of Ambrose’s hymns ‘Help, O trinity, those that pray.” So simple but beautiful and powerful. Amen.

May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson.

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