Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Our Shepherd.

 As we progress on our journey, I wanted to share how important and significant a shepherd is. We are all aware a shepherd is someone who looks after sheep and apparently it is one of the oldest jobs in the world. In Asian Minor, sheep were kept for their milk, meat and especially their wool and for the next thousand years, becoming a shepherd or shepherding sheep spread throughout Eurasia and other parts of the world. It is said that a shepherd carries quite a few items including a rod, a rod with a knob that sometimes has nails to be used as a weapon to protect the sheep from wild animals or threats.

So, what does the bible say about being a shepherd? Well, in the bible we know that a shepherd is someone who tends and looks after the sheep and that is what we have learnt so far, but a shepherd is also someone who leads people, who guides and protects all people of this world.

So, why are we called sheep? We are called sheep because we need a shepherd to guide and protect us. How many of us would stray from the herd because we don’t like the thought of being told what to do? I know I would’ve but as I grow and learn on my journey, I understand how blessed I am because as I grow in love my shepherd grows in love too. Remember we are God’s people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Over the next few weeks, I will share some beautiful verses from the bible and, a fun video for children from YouTube explaining the parable of “The Lost Sheep.”

May God Bless Always.

Written and created by Katie Robinson

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