Saturday 13 November 2021

Advent Peace 2021

“I am a child of God, a woman of faith, a warrior of Christ, I am the storm.” Author Unknown.

Luke 3:1-6

‘A voice cries in the wilderness. Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley will be filled in, every mountain and hill be laid low, winding ways will be laid low, and rough roads made straight. And all mankind shall see the salvation of God.’

Sometimes, it’s hard to hear the voice of God and to hear the voice that cries out in the wilderness. But when I sit and listen in silence turning the volume down, I just might hear the voice of God.

Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: ‘Whom shall I send? Who will be our messenger?’ I answered, ‘Here I am, send me,’

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope

Written and created by My Mother Rose

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