Wednesday, 17 November 2021


John 19:5

Jesus then came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said, ‘Here is the man.’

You might be thinking about the weird words which are written in the image this week,

“Eece Homo”- “Behold the Man!”

Well, let me explain I have been reading a book called Mediations on the Passion and Death of Christ, (Tan Books 2018). In the book those words are mentioned and the way the author has described what it means to behold the man makes me want to be there in the scene with Jesus. So, imagine Pilate bringing Jesus before the Chief Priests and the guards saying. “Eece Homo” which in Latin means behold the man, the Christ who is presented to his accusers bound and crowned with thorns. Also, as I was researching it was mentioned “Eece Homo” is a painting of Jesus Christ wearing the crown of thorns.

So, there I was sitting in mass and I couldn’t help but look over to the glass windows and be amazed of the vibrant colors that I saw beaming from each image. I want to take the time this week to consider what it means to ‘Behold.’ Behold means to look, to stare, to gaze to really consider and make a choice to observe or contemplate Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

When I look at the image, I see Mary who has an invitation an invitation that invites each one of us to ‘behold her son, her son that takes away the sins of the world.’ What do you see when you look, gaze or stare at Jesus? Do you see the King of your heart? Possibly you see Jesus making everything new again and you sense that he is always with you, and this is beholding the man, the man who stands at your door knocking.

“We become what we behold.”

 Author Unknown.

May God Bless Always,

Women of Faith and Hope

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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