Tuesday, 27 July 2021


“Even when alone be cheerful, remembering always that you are in the sight of angels.” St Therese of Lisieux

Do you ever ask for a sign? John 6:24-35 What sign will you give to show us that we should believe in you? What work will you do? Two weeks ago, I watched the movie signs with Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix, and I thought to myself, “what if we do receive signs and we don’t recognize it or we don’t realize a sign when we feel it, see it or hear it?” Then I thought of all the angels and saints, the Holy Spirit or any Spirit who can spiritually communicate with any of us and those signs we sometimes get such as numbers 111, 222, 333, or feathers, coins, animals like butterflies or birds and the list goes on for example feeling warmth, a tingling sensation, a gentle breeze, flickering lights, clouds and lovely scents, music and I have to add babies and usually my children or any child.

Possibly you don’t ask for a sign, but God is giving you one anyway, is this the sign you have been hoping for, longing for and if so, how strong is your faith and your trust?  So, what are the signs we receive from God? God uses nature, he communicates often in dreams, God will use his words from the bible, gospel, scripture, and he sends messengers, angels or someone into the world and we have one great example of who was sent into the world, Jesus! Jesus who is the bread from heaven and we call this bread manna which can be grounded into flour and turned into bread, and it is also known has heavenly food, food that feeds us and gives us spiritual nourishment.

Now, I believe in signs I believe there is a presence in our mix and maybe I am just crazy, tired, stressed but what I have felt is so strong that it makes me want to run a million miles away, it makes me nervous  because I am not worthy or good enough to be in the same presence of this enormous spiritual figure and what I believe I know of this presence is that it only wants me to encounter the ultimate love a love that is so powerful but why am I so afraid? I have waited a long time to be loved and here it is trying to cling to me, trying to embrace the imperfect human and creature I am. All I can hear is “do not be afraid for I am with you always.” As Saint Padre Pio and Saint Francis de Sales says, angels are constantly in our presence and are constant companions of our journey and even though they maybe mute and not seen they are witnesses of our everyday lives so behold them frequently in spirit. Every time we are at mass we are with the angels, we join in prayer and with our spirits, we lift them up to the Lord and give thanks and if you think about this is our agreement to the Father in heaven who is the bread of life, we say this with our lips and believe and think with our hearts that God is constantly with us, loving us, guiding us and assisting us. Remember, Jesus walked where angels trod, He is the Son of God.

Psalm 91:10-11 Upon you no evil shall fall, no plague approach where you dwell. For you has he commanded his angels, to keep you in all your ways.

P.S. Keep watch, listen and feel those signs from God, he always delivers us out of any trouble or evil ways.   

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope

Written and created by My Mother Rose.



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