Sunday, 4 July 2021


Affirmations are when we act or express through speech or in writing what we are affirming to be true, you could say it is like making a statement or a declaration. This week as we listen to the readings and Gospel, we are first affirming that we are present in that moment our ears are opened to hear a message from God. ‘I am here Lord to listen and learn from you.’ Secondly, I wanted to say this I was wrong, and I need to apologize after reading so much about Mary Magdalene I have come away with knowledge and understanding the importance of adoration and the meaning of contemplating Jesus, especially in the Blessed Sacrament, in stillness and in silence. If we think about it when we are in the presence of Christ that is when we are being instructed or sent out on a mission and when we go out and even if we have been successful or not, we always come back to the presence of Jesus Christ to listen for more instructions, more wisdom and knowledge to undertake another important mission.

What is your mission? What is God calling you to do? Are you listening to his instructions and directions?

For example, my mission is to love God, Jesus, myself, and others with all my mind, heart, soul, and strength. It is also a mission and a blessing to express my faith and hope with you all and that God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give you a spirit of wisdom and perception of what is revealed, to bring you to full knowledge of him. May he enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you can see what hope his call holds for you, what rich glories he has promised the saints will inherit. Ephesians 1:17-18.

I think in today’s world how lucky and blessed we are to be able to depend upon the presence and existence of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we all know Jesus lives on and is dwelt among us and that is important to remember when we are instructed and called to go out and proclaim the Word of God or to heal the sick we don’t have to be afraid or disheartened he is with us always. But to consider a time when Jesus was alive and he sent out the twelve disciples all they had was his words, his teachings and guidance and possibly they felt his presence. I think of that quote or saying that goes something like this. ‘No matter where you are, I will always be with you in spirit.’ I say to my children pointing towards their heart, ‘I will always be right in here.’ Meaning, the wisdom and love I bestow upon them will be there always. 

I want to leave you with this thought, we are not on a mission to please God, to please man or woman which can drive anybody into exhaustion or frustration but rather our mission is to journey with God, we are all called for this mission and journey. God walks with us and is amongst us and if only we took the time to listen and I cannot stress how important it is to sit, breathe and listen to God who whispers silently into our hearts, souls, and minds. Our missions are not supposed to be complicated; our missions are to bring hope, joy, love, compassion and faith into our own lives and the lives of others we are not expected to do the impossible but to do what is necessary in our own time. There is no set time, God is patient and bears with us, now if only you would listen to St. Peter who suggests, be sure, then, you are never spiteful, or deceitful, or hypocritical, or envious and critical of each other 1 Peter 2:1-4.  We are chosen and precious to God, sometimes when we are angry, annoyed because our mission is not going the way we want it to go we forget it is not only our mission it is a mission from God, but a God who wants to be with us and maybe when we feel this way we return to God in adoration and contemplation. Remember love is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end 1 Corinthians 13:7. He is ready to instruct are you ready to listen and go?

May God bless you all on this mission and journey, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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