Sunday, 4 July 2021

Learning to love myself in 28 Days.


Ephesians 2:10 We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning he had meant us to live it.

'I love you but I need to learn to love myself, like a bird it has to learn to fly before it leaves the nest.'

Welcome Women of Faith and Hope to 28 Days of True Love with God. I will share words from God that help us to understand and help us to know how loved, beautiful, transformed, chosen and radiant we are over the months of August and September.

I feel as though it is important that we continue to grow in love whether that is from the Mary Magdalene Novena which I truly believe has opened the flood gates of love, love that has flown straight into our hearts, our lives, and the lives of others because for a while now I have felt strongly and convinced that God is asking me to love others as myself but to also self-love and I know there are ways to self-love without feeling guilty. You see, God loves us, and we accept his love by accepting who we are and who we are meant to be. The bible does indicate that self-love is ok, we are to care for ourselves, we are to respect ourselves and we should really have a sense of self-worth. I really like this quote by St. Gianna Beretta Molla “The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for what he is sending us every day in his goodness,” if you remember I shared a little about her last year in “Mothers who are Saints.” I have to say before we go on this journey for 28 days that I am most grateful for my children, my family, friends, Women of Faith and Hope and strangers I meet on a train, bus, sitting on a seat outside the shops, or while I am waiting to pick my children up from school.

I know my sins, I know the things I have said and done am I sorry, yes, but no distance or silence is going to make any pain I have caused go away. Believe me if I could I would go back and make better choices or include God in those decisions but I can’t go back and change the past, I can learn from the past and I can try and grow in faith, hope and love and be the best version of myself for myself, my children and my family, friends, Women of Faith and Hope and those who I hurt so much. That is why my hope for the next 28 days is that we grow and become more confident, we can take a step back and realize what makes us happy in our life? What do we like about ourselves and what has changed? Also have we set new goals for the year ahead or are we planning on living moment by moment? I believe we can start by saying our first goal is to love who God says we are and truly believe it with all our hearts and really we could say this journey is to recognize a love we have for ourselves as well as a love we may have for others.

“Love God, love Jesus, love yourself, now you’re able to love others.” Author Unknown.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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