Thursday, 22 July 2021

God's Provisions.


‘God provides he comes through for each of us.’

I went to Adoration and while I was in there by myself I stood up in front of the tabernacle and my eyes were drawn to the fish, makes sense fish represent a time for silence, a time for preparation. While I was staring at the fish, I could not help but think about the Gospel reading and the small boy with five barley loaves and two fish and how Jesus gave thanks and provided enough loaves and fish for everyone and there was enough for leftovers and for them to fill twelve hampers. After that thought, I turned to look at the window behind me and written on the window it says ‘I am the bread of life’ meaning what we consume is a source of spiritual nourishment and a symbol of God’s continuous provision for our lives.  

I love fish and chips we usually eat it most Friday’s or I might make salmon casserole which is delicious and even though these meals are so good do they really satisfy our hunger? Do these meals make us feel good about ourselves? I would have to say sometimes but I really believe what we are hearing this weekend in the Gospel is about how hungry we are to be with God or how hungry we are for God’s provisions in life we are human after all and we all have needs and concerns with family, work, finances, social and private life and here is the thing at times when we feel as though we are not fed or we feel his absence and distance which is created by us, we can feel less satisfied, loved or as though what we contribute is not generous enough or worthy. Here is the Good News, we are all called to the supper of the lamb, we are all called to live in one Body, one Spirit and into the one hope because after all there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God who is Father of all, through all and within all Ephesians 4:1-6. Lately, I have felt lost, confused and as though I really have no place in a parish or in a church and so if I have no place does that mean I have no place in the Kingdom of Heaven or any part in the Body of Christ? I feel this way because I really have had a rough journey it hasn’t been easy and I really do not understand how people can be so dishonest, hypocritical, unkind, impolite and insincere and why it is so hard for some to remember and understand that we are all hungry for God’s provisions and I asked this question while I was in Adoration and standing in front of Jesus and I heard the verse Isaiah 29:13 ‘The LORD has said: Because this people approach me only in words, honors me only with lip-service while its heart is far from me and my religion, as far as it is concerned, is nothing but human commandment, a lesson memorized.’

A couple of weeks ago, I heard in a homily we might experience rejection when we preach the word of God and this might be true, but I believe the worst rejection comes from those who say they believe in Jesus not so much from non-believers or non-Christians rather from other believers, leaders, priests, followers of Christ or in other words Disciples of Jesus Christ. When I talk about God to someone who may not know or understand or believe in God, they do not reject him as such they most likely would love to have a debate or a real discussion on the subject. Here is the thing and some words that I hope can feed your hunger right now and fill your heart with the same hope we all hold onto, in Luke 10:16 it says, ‘Anyone who listens to you listens to me; anyone who rejects you rejects me, and those who reject me reject the one who sent me.’ and Galatians 3:28 it says, ‘and there are no more distinctions between Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female, but all of you are one in Christ Jesus.’ God loves us, knows us, protects, provides for us, and needs us as much as we need him, I think he needs us more or he wants us to need him more. I think this week we challenge ourselves to see God’s provision even if it is not what we are hungry for, it is something better and greater, remember he is close to us all especially those who call on him, call on him from the heart.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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