Friday 30 July 2021

Our Walk with Mary Mackillop, a Life Lived With Christ.

My children were fighting in the car on Friday afternoon but what else is new they always fight straight away after I pick them up and get them both into the car but as we pulled up at home I reminded them both that God is watching, he knows all, sees all and hears all. Despite all that, God is present with us always through our fear, anxieties and in times of trouble and I guess we can have faith and hope that he walks with us, encouraging, guiding and assisting us in all areas of our lives. May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
I love going into the Brisbane City, in fact it has been a while since I have been due to Covid-19 I really haven't had a chance. When I go in I always make an effort to walk down to see the Mary Mackillop shrine and the John Elliott's statue of Mary which is a statue of a woman walking, a woman striding forth to do God's will, to answer the cry of the poor. I love this quote, "Let others seek the more remarkable places, but let St. Joseph's true children remember their mission and seek first the poorest, most neglected parts of God's vineyard." There are many ways we can help the poor, we can donate, inform ourselves, raise awareness, fundraise, social media or get political but one thing I have taken away from my UNI Course is we all need someone to talk to, someone who will listen and understand and someone who wants to be around us and near us. Be present, available and in tune to a person's needs because there is a lot of poverty in the world. May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
Some wise words that we learn from Jesus and Saint Mary Mackillop, "Thy will be done." Not our will but God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

One of the things I love about Mary Mackillop is her way of responding to unfair and unjust treatment that she received. I know personally I am outraged when people can be so unfair and unjust especially those who are followers of Christ, leaders and unworthy priests. But there comes a time when you don't want to be angry, bitter or fight people like that anymore because to be honest I don't want to destroy what I believe and certainly I do not wish to doubt God and his existence. I was reading something recently about values and beliefs, this question I see a lot in my UNI subjects what are our values and beliefs? Anyway, when we spend time with the same people, community, or any group we kind of cling or pick up on another person's values and beliefs and our values and beliefs are thrown out the window and we forget what values and beliefs we originally arrive with and I found that interesting. Mary is a beautiful and wonderful example of faith, love and forgiveness when she is met with human poverty of the Church especially from high places. I was thinking about this recently like Mary she sees through all the pain and all the hurt and can see a loving Father, now, I can see through all the hate, boasting, lies and disrespect, a loving Father with arms wide open ready to embrace all his children, all his creation. May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope. 🌷💟🙏
On the 21st August 1867, Mary Mackillop became Sister Mary of the Cross. I forget all the time that life is not a fairytale and living happily ever after in this life is not at all possible and some might disagree and if you have the answer please what is your secret? I think we all need to consider how our sufferings and trials are used by God for the good of others, for our own good and for his glory. I would say if we are to take our discipleship seriously and were really striving to follow Jesus then when we grow closer to Christ, the more the cross will be present in our life and we can freely except all trials and all our suffering as way of life. May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

I have always thought of Saint Mary Mackillop a saint of reconciliation. Earlier this year, I had a falling out with I guess you can call this person an enemy I think I am perceived as an enemy in their eyes or maybe my competition. Now, we were urged to forgive each other and I knew deep down forgiving them didn't mean they would change, grow or learn from their mistakes, behavior or attitude and forgiving them was the first step, and this is something we decide to do on our own and in our own time. But the second step is reconciliation and this step is usually avoided so punishment, hatred, consequences, pain and past mistakes are still there and constantly reminding us of all that happened however I earnestly prayed to God to bring us together in reconciliation because I couldn't fight anymore, I was done fighting and being the person who disagrees I am not their judge, God is and they will have to stand in front of God one day and answer to everything and so will I, I am not perfect, I try so hard to do what is right by everyone and myself but sometimes I mess up and get it wrong. So I am choosing love, love your enemy. May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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