Saturday, 8 August 2020

Mother's Who Are Saints

1 Peter 1:15-16 be holy in all you do, since it is the Holy One who has called you, and scripture says: Be holy, for I am holy.

Saint John Paul II says; “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.” Life is an adventure, journey and it takes us on all sorts of paths. One path it can lead us on is a life with Christ. Since the night, I attended Saint Therese of Lisieux relics, I have felt the importance and the need to share Saints and one group of Saints, I was told to share are; ‘Mothers, who are Saints.’

What is a Saint?

Who can be a Saint?

You surprisingly will find how easy it is to possess the virtues and characteristics of a Saint. The characteristic of a saint is to be happy in service to the needs of humanity, Matthew 1:1-12. A Saint is anyone in heaven, whether they are recognized on Earth or not. So, this might include our Mother, Grandmother or other loved ones who may not have always been perfect and despite their faults, get back up and try again, surrendering to God’s love. The Church recognizes Saints as heroes and heroines, their holiness or likeness to God, showing their lives lived with Christ. 2 Timothy 1:5, Then I am reminded of the sincere faith which you have; it came first to live in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice, and I have no doubt that it is the same faith in you as well.

This September, I would love to share with Women of Faith and Hope, ‘Mothers, who are Saints.’ The lives of these extraordinary women, mothers, have really blown my mind and has made me think about my own life, what it is I am seeking and who I want to become? “We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become.” Saint Clare of Assisi.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.


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