Thursday, 25 June 2020

Persistent in Faith!

James1:3-4, you understand that your faith is only put to the test to make you patient, but patience too is to have its practical results so that you will become fully developed, complete, with nothing missing.
In the early hours of this morning, I heard the word ‘persistence.’ Persistence is a great quality because it helps to achieve long term goals, persistence, patience, perseverance and perspiration are important qualities to accomplish our goal in life. Taking the first step through the new opened door, the new gift of life, we must be persistent in faith and persistent which drive us with hope.  Entering through the new door will not to be easy but ‘Happy the man or woman who stands firm when trials come. He has proved himself, and will win the prize of life, the crown that the Lord has promised to those who love him. James 1:12,’Hebrews 12:2, Let us not lose sight of Jesus, who leads us in our faith and brings it to  perfection; for the sake of the joy which was still in the future, he endured the cross, disregarding the shamefulness of it and from now on has taken his place at the right of God’s throne. Think of the way he stood such opposition from sinners and then you will not give up for want of courage. In the fight against sin, you have not yet had to keep fighting to the point of death.
The door behind is closing slowly but It’s time to see what is front of me, My faith is strong, stronger than it has ever been before, moving forward through the new opened door, I see new hope, new light, new love and a new world.
May God Bless Always
Written and created by My Mother Rose.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

New Life

Our New Lives In Christ!

Well, this week, I made a huge decision and I had to close a door to my past but by closing that door, I have opened a new door to my future, I have cried and cried, I have taken a deep breath and have taken my first step through the door to my new life. I was stuck in old ways, that weren’t going to open new doors or create opportunities. So there, I was knocking at a door, where I was never recognized as an equal, respected for the Woman or Mother I am in Faith and Hope or the diverse culture I could bring, I was never given the time to be understood or respected spiritually, I was told it was my time to come back and be actively involved, yet no one was willing to engage or create opportunities to move forward into the future. I came to realize, some doors are better not walking through because they lead to nowhere and this is not pride or arrogance, it’s simply because for too long, I stood at the door knocking and while I was too focused on the closed door, new ones where being opened to me. You see, our teacher, God can open new doors, but we must be willing to enter ourselves, God has only our best interest at heart, so when a door closes or a new door is opened, it must mean God is saving us.
This week in the readings and Gospel, we are taking a hard look at ourselves as Faithful Christians, a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy people, who have been called out of the darkness and been brought to new life in the light. Alleluia!
Is your life an imitation of Jesus Christ? Do you accept your cross? If you do accept your cross, are you recognized as a holy person or are you accepting other’s as a holy person? If you accept your cross, are you not accepting new life? If you accept your cross, are you not willing to accept that one of your brothers or sisters in Christ might be sent by God?
To accept our cross, we are not only following Jesus Christ, we become Jesus Christ, we imitate Jesus, by living our new life, emptying ourselves to assume the condition of a slave, we accept this life humbly and yet to even accepting death, death on the cross.  If we accept our cross, then our tongues should acclaim; Jesus Christ as Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Who am I though? If I have accepted my cross, does that mean I need to lower myself and my expectations? Yes, it does, He comes, so we may have life and to live it to the full and if our lives in Christ means anything to you and if love can persuade at all or the spirit that we have in common or any tenderness and sympathy, then let us be united, let us combine, come together to serve God, serve his people, working together, side by side, as equals, recognizing each other’s strengths, gifts that can bring change, make a difference for the better, for the greater good.
Women of Faith and Hope, may we be welcoming to all who cross our path, or enters on our journey. May we accept one another, just as Christ accepts us James 2:34 and let us thank God for making Women of Faith and Hope and the world in the unique way he did, even though we are different, we are the same and are equal in Christ Jesus. No matter what, love God and have love for one another and in service, serve God and his people.
May God Bless Always Women of Faith and Hope,
Written and created by My Mother Rose.

Friday, 19 June 2020

A Mother's Pure Heart!

“Like mother, like Child.”
“Pure Women must mother the race. The hands of pure women must instruct our young, the hearts of pure women must set the rhythm and tempo for that creative Love out of which flows the future of the race.”
Matthew 5:8 Happy the pure in heart they shall see God.
First, I want to draw your attention to The Scourging, the second sorrowful mystery:
I prayed the Sorrowful mysteries and the second sorrowful mystery, I cried and cried. The fruit of the mystery is purity, as I prayed for the fruit of purity, there he was standing on the stairs, watching as Pilate released Barabbas, wishing to satisfy the crowd. Then he was taken to be scourged, his body covered with scars, bruised and bloody. Then he was delivered to be crucified on the cross, with nails in his hands, feet and a crown of thorns on his head.
I know the ways of the world; I also know the ways of the Lord. As I grow stronger, learn more, gain knowledge and understanding, my heart hurts. Do your hearts not burn within, when you hear the word of God, scripture. Psalm 50:8-9, Indeed you love truth in the heart, then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom. O purify me, then I shall be clean, O wash me, I shall be whiter than snow. Being a mother is the most rewarding job, since the payment is pure love, as parents, women, men, devoted Catholics, Christians, or we walk this life in faith and hope, if we aspire to the grace of God, we must be pure, with a heart as innocent as children. Sometimes, I hold my children, while they settle and drift off to sleep, when I look down at my children, watching as their eyes gently close, I think, how lucky are they, to be so pure and innocent. Strangers to the ways of the world and as a Woman and Mother of Faith and Hope, it’s my chance and opportunity to teach, to share, to be an example of the ways of the Lord, Mary and  The Immaculate Heart of Mary, the immaculate heart, which will be our refuge, the way, a heart that will guide us to God. “My job is to inform not convince.” St Bernadette Soubirous.
The other night, I watched, The Star, about the donkey who knew that he was destined to pull or walk up front of the royal carriage and the donkey was right, he carried Mary our Mother to the stable, so she could give birth to the baby Jesus. I have watched it so many times but the thing I noticed, after pausing, was her eyes, sometimes the heart of a woman or man can be seen in their eyes, you see their pain, their scared, their suffering, their anxieties, their love, their lost souls, their lost memories, their confusion, their strength, their obedience, their exhaustion, I could keep going.
So, I have some questions;
Do you think it was easy for Mary to see her son being scourged, nailed to the cross and lifted up high?
Did you know the sword in the heart of Mary represents the pain of the virgin in witnessing the suffering of her son, Jesus?
As a mother, I ask myself every day, what if that was my son, my daughter? What would that do to my heart?
My heart has been pierced by a sword, not quite to the extent like Mary, but I know that it was pierced in a hurtful, rejectful and excluding way.  Women of Faith and Hope, I believe in and trust in Jesus, it’s up to us to be teachers, and to teach the young the true meaning and values of the Gospel by preparing a life for a God who is right and just, a God of mercy.  
“From the immaculate Mary was born the immaculate Christ.”
1 Timothy 1:5 The only purpose of this instruction is that there should be love, coming out of a pure heart, a clear, conscience and a sincere faith.
May God Bless Always
Written and Created by My Mother Rose.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020


‘Ignorance is not innocence, but sin.’
John 8:33-36, They answered, ‘We are descended from Abraham and we have never been the slaves of anyone; what do you mean, “You will never be made free.” Jesus replied: ‘I tell you most solemnly, everyone who commits sin is a slave. Now the slave’s place in the house is not assured, but the son’s place is assured. So, if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.
Writing about Sin is quite uncomfortable, but it’s something that needs to be written and shared.
Who and what saves us from sin? Jesus will save us, remember God, gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost. John 3:16, and to all who accept him believe in the name of him, are given power to be children of God’s. John 1:12. We can overcomplicate sin, if we allow it to be complicated. Sin is a matter of individual choice. I want to share the following quote:
            “First we practice sin, then defend it, then boast of it.”
                                                 Author Unknown
Let us be honest, we have all practiced sin or been a slave to sin, but thanks be to God, we have submitted to the creed we were all taught. Romans 6:18, You may have been freed from the slavery of sin, but only to become ‘slaves’ of righteousness.
For example: Have you ever met someone and known, that they were the one, even though you are married with children? Did it feel like they were meant to be your best friend? Or maybe it was only supposed to be a committed reckless, love, passionate, intimate love affair. Were your hearts on fire for each other, that you both were tempted? If we are tempted and give into it, then it becomes sin. What stops us from giving in? Is it clearing our throat, a shake of the head to say no, is it fear, feeling vulnerable, our morals, our relationship with God? James1:14-15, Everyone who is tempted is attracted and seduced by his own wrong desire. Then the desire conceives and gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it too has a child, and the child is death.
In life or if you live a Christian life, temptation comes through three ways: The world, the flesh, and the Devil.
For so long I defended my sin and I was boasting how it wasn’t my fault and placed all the blame on the other person. It wasn’t until the end of last year, I was honest and stopped being defensive and took on some of the blame and admitted that my heart was as much involved as the other person’s. At times, I don’t feel free from it because it’s a memory that lives in my mind as well as my heart. What helps though is distance and silence not ignorance though, only silence and peace remain between us and our mission to work for God and with God.
Micah 7:19 Once more have pity on us, tread down our faults, to the bottom of the sea throw all our sins.
That is why in this week’s readings and Gospel, Jesus is really making  statements: I will deliver the souls of the needy, from the hands of evil men, Jesus Christ, came to so many as an abundant free gift, do not be afraid of those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Basically saying; declare that you are for me, denounce! denounce! and come back to me with all your soul.
How do we become free from sin? First, ask Jesus to come into your life, to forgive you and to set you free. Secondly, love God more than your sin. If I had to choose between God and my temptation, I would always choose God and focus on good work that must be done. Thirdly, read the word of God, the power of God’s words awakens our minds, hearts and souls.  
Women of Faith and Hope remember our souls that can be fierce, our hearts that are brave and our minds that are strong. Let us not be afraid of the fire, instead Women of Faith and Hope, let us simply become fire and be bright flames for all to see.
‘First, we practice righteousness, then we defend the righteous and boast of God’s saving Grace.’
Written by Katie Robinson
Written and created by My Mother Rose.

Sunday, 14 June 2020


Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, just prove. Author Unknown.
Jesus is for you!
Our minds, hearts and souls, will never be filled with empty promises.
Jesus is for you!
For he only fills our minds, hearts and souls with his will and love, for our lives.
Why do we then trust men, women and not place more trust in God?
What are we afraid of? Who are we afraid of?
What is holding us back?
Why do I ask, who you trust? Maybe I should be asking, why is it so hard for men and women to keep a promise? We shouldn’t make promises if we don’t intend to keep them.
God watches us and knowing that, we should not fear because we are worth more than many sparrows. God’s promises are beautiful, promises I can trust in. Psalm 90:14-16 Her love she set on me, so I will rescue her; protect her for she knows my name. When she calls, I shall answer, “I am with you.” I will save her in distress and give her glory. With length of life, I will content her, I shall let her see my saving power.
To be comforted with compassion.
To be rescued.
To be given strength.
To be blessed with many graces.
To be loved and to be held gently.
To be at peace, a peace that fills our hearts.
To be led by his words that light the way.
Where I go, God will follow, he will never leave me, his eyes are on the sparrow and he watches me. What I wanted to share and did originally write, I felt God, deep within say, “I am doing it for your protection, I am guarding your heart and your treasures. Don’t share, let’s write something else.” Last Monday, someone thanked me for the material I shared and at first I felt insulted because I don’t think they realize, the material, I share comes from my heart, mind and soul, a soul God whispers too in the dark, so in the daylight, I can proclaim from the house tops, the Good News of the Kingdom. I am gracious and I do except and respond humbly. Being a part of Women of Faith and Hope, I am learning, growing and becoming a woman who can be an example of change, to be an example of a woman who walked with fear for so long, until one day, she decided to not be afraid and to seek God with all her heart. Jeremiah 29:11-14, I know the plans I have in mind for you- it is the LORD who speaks- plans for peace, not disaster, reserving a future full of hope for you. Then when you call to me, and come to plead with me, I will listen to you. When you seek me you shall find me, when you seek me with all your heart; I will let you find me (-It is the LORD who speaks. I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have dispersed you-it is the LORD who speaks. I will bring you back to the place from which I exiled you.)
By God’s ultimate Power, we have the power to be who and what we want to be in this lifetime. “Do Not Be Afraid," be empowered by the cross, through the cross we are united, both in one single body, reconciled with God. Ephesians 2:16, and out of his infinite glory, we are given power through his spirit for our new self to grow strong. Ephesians 3:16.
As Women of Faith and Hope, we are enough and we are worthy of many promises God proclaims, such as: I am always with you, I will always love you, I will always help you, I am always faithful, I will keep you safe and I will keep my promises.  We are enough and we are worthy because God says so and we say so. Psalm 83:13 Lord, God of Hosts, happy the woman who trusts in you.
I place my trust in God, I no longer am afraid, I am strong, brave and courageous, I am a witness to the value of the powerful words in the Gospel, I don’t mind standing alone to proclaim God’s love for us which is far more important and outweighs any opposition we may encounter. For God loved the world so much, he gave his only son, who lives and reigns with us in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
I couldn’t help but wonder how to give a grand gesture to God? Well, here is one way.
My declaration;

I Katie Louise, declare that Jesus is for me and I am for Jesus.
Maybe I should write on my pencil case or the back of my ruler, Katie Loves Jesus or Jesus loves Katie.
May God Bless Always. Women of Faith and Hope
Written and created by My Mother Rose.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Women Of Faith and Hope: This is Her Cross.

Women Of Faith and Hope: This is Her Cross.: At first our crosses are heavy, as we travel and follow Christ our burdens seem small and our cross so light. I never knew how easy it wou...


Though you test us, humble us, to know our inmost heart, we are thankful for your divine providence. We are grateful for your intervention and what you provide. You see, Jesus is our manna, a jar with a full omer of manna, placed before our God and to be kept for our own children and generations to come. Today we see the manna in the tabernacle as the Blessed Sacrament, The Holy Eucharist. Manna is from God and the bread of life is Jesus Christ, Gospel according to John, ‘I am the living bread, which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever, and bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.’ Though we are many, we come together in communion to share one body, one blood, one Lord of all.
I finish with, trust, remember.
May God Bless Always
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Monday, 8 June 2020

Thank You God!

Day four of our Journey, adventure and I wanted to ask a question; How opened are we to the Holy Spirit? Are we ready to learn? Are we ready to listen to what the Spirit is saying? This Sunday is The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi.) It’s celebrating the real presence of the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ in the elements of the Holy Eucharistic communion. For the Life of the World is in our hands, but due to the COVID-19, it’s in our sight, in our hearts, mind and soul. Sunday is the day we experience a shared participation in communion at the table so blessed, within the new King’s banquet hall. This is our chance, though we are many, we form one body and share the same bread to eat and drink the same blood. Are we grateful for the gift of life, which is offered to us through the body and blood of Jesus Christ? Do we underestimate the power of renewal, strength, energy and grace the body and blood has for us?  Are we thankful? Are we grateful? Or do we take it all for granted?  1Samuel 2:6 The Lord gives death and life.
Women of Faith and Hope, let us lift up our hearts, lift them up to the Lord and give thanks to our Lord God, for it is right and just.
As I, who am sent by the living Father, myself draw life from the Father, so whoever eats me will draw life from me. Gospel according to John 6:51:58
First, I wanted to write about rejection, what a drag. Instead I want to write about being thankful and being grateful. Being happy, doesn’t mean I have it all, it means I am thankful for the things I have, for the people in my life and my beautiful Children. Pope Francis says; May we always say thank you to God, especially for his patience and mercy. I can’t count the times, I have cried and asked for God to have mercy on my soul, for Jesus to save my life and Mary the Mother of God to be a Mother to me.  1Thessalonians 5:16-18, Be happy always, pray constantly, and for all things give thanks to God, because this is what God expects you to do in Christ Jesus.
Have I ever thanked you Jesus, for dying on the cross, for being the ultimate sacrifice, for being the bread I eat and the blood I drink?
Have I ever thanked you Holy Spirit, for teaching me everything, the way to walk, the truth, light, love and the word of God?  Revelation 2:7 If anyone has ears to hear, let him listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches, those who prove victorious I will feed from the tree of life set in God’s paradise.
Have I ever thanked you, when it feels like rejection, it’s only you God, protecting me from heading in the wrong direction? “Rejection doesn’t mean you are not good enough; it just means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer.”
As a Woman of Faith and Hope, and a Mother of Faith and Hope, I do my best to be gracious, by being encouraging with my words, my creations for Women of Faith and Hope, I know how to be kind and share that kindness with people in my life and those who I meet on my journey, adventure. But most of all, I am learning the art of being thankful and grateful. Having gratitude is the healthiest of all emotions, the more I can express my gratitude, the more I will have to be grateful for. Psalms 9a:2-3 I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will recount all your wonders, I will rejoice in you and be glad, and sing psalms to your name, O Most High.
The greatest test is having faith when we don’t get what we want and yet somehow, we can say thank you God, it’s waking up with a thankful attitude and going to sleep with a grateful heart.
‘For the bread we eat, our homes, will never know hunger, for salt brings life flavor, for wine brings joy and prosperity which will reign forever.’
As brothers and sisters who share in the same communion, may we learn to serve one another with love, walk with each other humbly and to act justly.
Written and created by My Mother Rose.

Friday, 5 June 2020

'On That Day, Hate Became Love.'

Today, Women of Faith and Hope, let us look upon ourselves as a tree planted beside the water. I love this quote by St Margaret Mary, “Look upon yourself as a tree planted beside the water. Which bears its fruit in due season, the more it is shaken by the wind, the deeper it strikes it’s roots into the ground.” On this adventure journey, I wanted to plant some free seeds I received from the Ipswich Council on Mother’s Day and I wanted to incorporate this into our journey as a symbol of Love. Let us plant our seeds, nourish it and watch it grow into something beautiful. A video and more pictures to come.
Love no matter what. Love is free, there is no price tag on love. Forgiveness is a choice, process and it takes time to rebuild a love that can be true, for there is always a reason, will and heart in love. As Women of God, always desire to be an example and model as an open-hearted generous person, just as God is generous with us. Give, without expecting anything in return, when it comes to love, there are no limits or expectations. No matter how tired, exhausted or busy we can be, always have the time to stop and give your attention, time, love, hopes, faith and dreams. Love is a give and take, it’s hard work, it’s a team effort. Love is the greatest, why give up on the one thing you have always needed? Who wouldn’t fight for love? Love will prevail and conquer in the end.
What would be convenient? Is if you tried to give me your time, your love, your hopes, your faith and your dreams. I want to believe because you believe. However, if you say, you know Jesus, you haven’t drifted away from the church or you know the meaning of life, your life. How can you ignore someone? How can you think it’s ok not to acknowledge or to disregard someone’s need for spiritual help, guidance? Why do you only reply when it’s convenient for you? Why do you take an invitation for coffee as a threat or think, strings attached? A simple yes or no would suffice. Love is not your enemy, love is your friend, your confidant.  Jesus is love, Jesus is the truest Leader of the church, Jesus does acknowledge and will listen with the ear of the heart, Jesus is the meaning of our life, our journey in this lifetime, if that is not true than you should have decided to walk away a long time ago.
‘Hate was so angry and frustrated with the world, so jealous, envious with friends, family and to anybody who crossed or walked on the same path. One day, Hate decided to go for a walk, as Hate was walking, the sun was shining so bright. Hate, couldn’t take it until a gush of wind came travelling up behind and whispered, “I am love, I am your heart’s desire and your home.” On that day, Hate became Love and Love, loved with all their heart, with all their mind and with all their strength. Love knew the way, the life and the truth.’
“To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven.” Author Unknown
May God Bless Always
Women of Faith and Hope
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

The Heart of Jesus.

‘The heart of the home is love. ‘
‘Love begins at home and that love comes from the heart.’
‘Home is where my heart is and where there is love, I will always know it to be true.’
Whichever or however my quotes begin, I am so thankful to God for the Charisms, the fruit of the spirit and the gift that is 'LOVE.' However, I owe many thanks, and I must say how grateful, I am for my mum, sister’s, my children, my family, my friends, Women of Faith and Hope and those who come and go from my life for being great examples of love, a love that comes from their kind and tender hearts.
With the gift of love comes great responsibilities and takes a lot of hard work. Are we ready? Yes, it’s not going to be easy, but love is all we need, it’s worth it and at times love must be enough.
‘A home where my heart belongs, a heart where I know home is.’
The feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated on the 19th of this month and what I see is the ultimate sacrifice, a sacred heart that burns with a divine love for all humanity. God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life. John 3:16. I have been watching McCleod's Daughter’s on catchup TV and the song at the beginning, “it will take some time to find your heart and come back home.”
I picked up my cross and I have followed Jesus on a pilgrimage, and I have three people placed on my heart and at 8:45pm, I pray for them. one of them, I am in the process of seeking an answer as to why? Through the week, I took some time to sit in silence and I heard the words LOVE, HEART and HOME. All these questions I had and it dawned on me, two years ago, I went to a Holy Spirit, workshop and over and over again in my head I heard the word ‘HOME’ and I remember we hugged and I pulled away and I said; ‘HOME.’ I have always felt this spiritual connection with this person and somehow, I know they are on my heart and they are my home but there is no love and without love, how can I find my heart and come back home? If I have failed to love this one person, which I know I have, then I mustn’t know God because God is love. Maybe, my mission is to learn from a God who is love, to adopt “agape” love which seeks the highest good of others. ‘Come to me, learn from me.’
Loving someone other than yourself or those in your immediate family can be scary but Love in, Romans 13:10 Love is the one thing that cannot hurt your neighbor; that is why it is the answer to every one of the commandments. As I said earlier, it’s not easy but it is right, if we love God himself and do what he has commanded us; this is what loving God is, keeping his commandments 1 John 5:2-3, Love one another, do not be afraid to love, love does hurt but it's the greatest commandment and the greatest and most important gift we can take and give. It doesn't matter, if I am not loved back, what is important? I am loving, serving my neighbor, my friend, my home, my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord God. 
ST. MARGARET MARY; “Lord, pour out upon us the spirit with which you enriched St Margaret Mary. Help us to know the love of Christ which is too great for human knowledge and to be filled with the fulness of God. Amen”
May God Bless Always
Women of Faith and Hope
Written and created by My Mother Rose.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Women Of Faith and Hope: 'Helping, A Woman of Tears'.

Women Of Faith and Hope: Helping A Woman of Tears.: Women of Faith and Hope, Nature and walks are helping me, and I am so thankful for his presence. If the presence of the Holy Spirit, is ...


  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...