Thursday, 14 May 2020


A year or so ago, I took one of those free cards from the Parish and on the front is Jesus, holding his staff and knocking at the door and on the back of the card it says; Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Down the below of the card it says; “All are welcome to our vibrant, safe and welcoming community, “
What does it mean to be inclusive?
Inclusive! To be inclusive, you are aiming to provide equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized. To be included means to be considered a part of something, it’s being invited to a group.
Why do I choose to write about being inclusive, included?
Well, we are currently restricted to attending any means of worship, adoration, bible study groups, well apparently, I have recently learnt that there is one available but it’s not opened to all Parishioner’s, only to those who have attended Alpha. So, this means to me if you haven’t done Alpha, you cannot study the bible or you have some sort of privilege to receive an invitation. There is so much I can tolerate but the one thing that I cannot tolerate is a church community being exclusive and a couple of weeks ago in the newsletter dated 17/4/2020 says and I quote; “Are you good at making people feel welcome? When we make people feel welcome, we make them feel like they are included instead of being excluded.” In all seriousness, do they really feel and believe, they are acting, living and being a true image of Jesus Christ? I don't want to judge but I don't understand how invitations don't go out to all the congregation or gets posted on social media or announced in the Newsletter, it's like they have kept it to themselves or to a minimum or it's they way of making, fishing for Leaders, they are taking their strongest and making them known to the community, while the weakest are left hanging. So, here is a thought maybe it is a message or good news from God.
We are all one in Christ Jesus, though we are many, we are one body with Christ. We are to live peaceably with all; we are to welcome one another as Christ has welcomed us, we are to never make distinctions among ourselves or become judges. Love one another, with patience and kindness, love, just as he has loved us. Build peace with everyone, in your relationships, in your friendships, in your families. When you have a party invites everyone, the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, be kind, tenderhearted, forgive one another as God in Christ as forgiven us. Never neglect to show hospitality to strangers, because it is known some have entertained Angels. Put away false hood and be honest and truthful with your neighbor. 
All this you have read are some of the words from the bible and I invite you all to open your bibles. Inclusion matters, as a woman of Christ, I am committed and I have the courage to be a voice for all those who feel excluded and marginalized. Inclusion, inclusive, included is a right and a feeling for everyone and everything; it’s not a privilege for a select few. You might invite me to connect on Zoom but what happens after, when everything goes back to normal and restrictions are lifted? Maybe this was my opportunity to be someone in the Parish but in all honesty, I should already be someone in the Parish and I am, I am me, a mother, a woman of Faith and Hope. I have said this before, we are one body, made up of different parts and we are different, this is great because we are all special and unique, without diversity our lives would be boring. Maya Angelou quote; “In diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” My hope is seeing a church community that has its doors, ministries, opportunities to learn, grow in knowledge and understanding of God opened to all who knock at the door, all who enter through the door. “A community that excludes even one of its members is no community at all.” Author Unknown.
I know, I am known to be sensitive and possibly weak but never underestimate my sensitivity or weakness because I belong to Christ Jesus. Without him, I am lost, without him, I am no one, without him, I am weak, without him, I am broken, without him, I don’t know the way, my soul is lost and confused, without him, I am miserable, without him, I am alone but with him, I am found, with him, I am someone, with him, I am strong, with him, I am in one piece, with him, he shows me the way, with him, my soul is loved and nourished and both spirit and soul are fulfilled. With him, I will never be alone for he will walk and be beside me always and forever. With him, through him, we all are welcomed, included and invited to the table, to the altar and in the Body of Christ, we are all one in Christ Jesus, meaning everyone is included.
May God Bless Always
Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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