Wednesday, 31 May 2023

My Lighthouse with lyrics (Rend Collective)

Music With God Day 4.

May God Bless Always Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson.


Music With God Day 3.

 May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose. 

Created by Katie Robinson

Music With God Day 2.

 May God Bless Always Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson 

Music With God Day 1.

 May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson 

Knowledge of Music in the Church Day Four.

To sum up music in the Church brings people together in a beautiful way because for a brief moment in time we are connected to the one God who loves us.

 May God Bless Always,

Written and created by Katie Robinson. 

Knowledge of Music in the Church Day Three.

As I have said, I love listening to music and especially when I am at mass or at Adoration but if I had a complaint, it would be that sometimes we don't always sing together has one big assembly of faithful people. Sometimes, it can sound like people are wanting to overpower each other it's not a competition who can sing the best or who is the loudest. We all have voices and God wants to hear from all of us and I suppose that is why singing together can be so fruitful and can deeply move people and bring people to tears. I know the song by Matt Maher, "Lord, I need you." can bring me to tears especially when I am in deep devotion and adoration with God.  
What song can move you and bring you to tears? 

 May God Bless Always, 

Created by Katie Robinson. 

Knowledge of Music in the Church Day Two

When I was doing Alpha back in 2017, we would start with a song and Alpha was a step in reclaiming my faith and belief in God so, I don't think anyone would've realized or understood how important music was to me and how a song could leave me feeling so inspired and loved by God. Because that is the purpose of music, we all can be moved and be witnesses of the beauty it creates within a human being, a new life in Christ. I think the first song I heard was 'How Great Thou Art,' by Carrie Underwood, it left me with goosebumps because as a community we sang together, and it was powerful. 
My challenge to all of us is to express how we feel Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose, that sounds like a song I know from Madonna called 'Express Yourself.'  However, show the world what music can do, if it moves you then move. 
I will leave you with this quote who I think is by Mark Twain. 


 May God Bless Always, 

Written and Created by Katie Robinson. 

Knowledge of Music in the Church Day One.

Music is a gift from God, a gift from heaven I like this quote by St. John Bosco, "A school without music is like a body without a soul." Music is important and it is an important element to have in life and in liturgies. I love listening to the Gregorian Chants they are so moving and inspiring to sing in mass. So, keep singing, praising and worshiping folks.

May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose. 
 Created by Katie Robinson

Wednesday, 24 May 2023


 Praise is to express gratitude and honor and usually can be done by singing, shouting, or rejoicing through music. Take Fat boy Slim- Praise you for an example it is a worthy song to share about praising and encouraging a protest. But praising in church is an opportunity for God to hear our needs, to hear what we hold so close and dear to our hearts. I suppose I mean when we praise, we are expressing ourselves, so, I guess how are we expressing ourselves? Are we loud or are we quiet? Do we have our hands in the air or beside us? Are we smiling or frowning? Know, when we are praising, God is near, and he wants to celebrate with us. Keep praising Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

May God Bless Always,

Written and created by Katie Robinson 

St. Joseph's Cathedral Rockhampton.

As I get older, I appreciate music more in Church and find myself singing to my heart’s content. Music surely is important to the liturgy, and it seems as though music has been encouraged for thousands of years as a form of prayer and communication between the believer and God. Over Easter, we went up to Townsville, on our way back we stopped in Rockhampton, and I had the opportunity to go in and visit St. Joseph’ s Cathedral and it was spectacular, and I wanted to share an image I took where the organ is played.

May God Bless Always,

Written, photo and created by Katie Robinson 


Sing a New Song to the Lord.



I assume we all know the song American Pie by Don McLean; well, he writes and sings.

‘Did you write the book of love?

And do you have faith in God above?

If the bible tells you so.

Do you believe in rock ‘n’ roll?

Can music save your mortal soul?

And can you teach me how to dance real slow?’

Let’s go back to the line can music save your mortal soul.

Sometimes we want to let our hair down and dance because music makes us feel alive, so, I would say music can save a mortal soul. According to my daughter music brings up a lot of different emotions, my son says music makes him happy and my mum says music makes her feel calm, it can stir something inside and it feels good for her soul. Music can be nostalgic especially when listening to music from the past and it can also make you move and dance.

How does music make you feel? Make sure to answer in the comments below. 

Overall music is good for us all, so, this month let us sing out for joy Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose, sing his song of mercy and justice for the faithful rejoice and shout for joy and take their rest.

May God Bless Always,

Written and created by Katie Robinson 



  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...