Tuesday, 2 August 2022

It is by Faith.

 We don’t choose the family we are born into, that is a mystery and a journey all on its own but as we grow older, we somehow choose people we need in our lives, and they are the closest things to being our family or they are our family. For me family is a gift, and it is by faith and love that I see my family has the greatest blessing and treasure I have ever found. Most of my family are separated by distance we either live in different states or we live in a different country but no matter what we love each other, and we are there for one another.  I really like what Jesus says to his disciples in this week’s Gospel “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34. This is beautiful and something we must always remember because mine and I assume your hearts are always with your family, our families are our greatest treasure here on earth and in heaven. There are times when I think about how wonderful it will be when I see all my family again in heaven, we are happy, healthy, and free living in peace and harmony with each other.

Another treasure I hold close to my heart is Jesus and it is by faith for where Jesus is, my heart will also be. If you ask me if I am being watchful, on guard or ready for the coming of the Son of Man? I will say yes, I am ready I have been dressed for action for some time, my lamp has been lit and I wait for my master to return ready to open the door as soon as he knocks. It is like preparing for family to visit, you clean the house, put on your best clothes, or your raggedy clothes because you know they love you and accept you no matter what and you cook a great meal to share, and you really put your whole heart into it because you know that you are serving the ones you love your greatest treasure.

My faith and hope are in the Lord who loves me, who loves you and as I grow older, I find that I have faith and hope in my family who love me very much and that brings me so much joy and happiness. While our souls wait for the Lord, let us not waste any time or put off anything live for today, live in the moment and love and appreciate the ones you’re with. Because people come and go from our lives and for the most part, we waste so much time fighting and arguing instead of trying to live a good life, with faith, hope and love.

‘It is by faith I love you; it is by faith I am your mother; it is by faith I am your daughter; it is by faith I am your sister; it is by faith I am your Aunty; it is by faith I am your niece; it is by faith I am your friend; it is by faith I am your family, and it is by faith I am a Woman of Faith and Hope and you are Women of Faith and Hope.’

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson

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