Wednesday, 13 October 2021



Isaiah 53:10-11

The Lord has been pleased to crush his servant with suffering if he offers his life in atonement.

 This week Women of Faith and Hope I want to nudge you a little to find confidence in approaching the cross and I wanted to share a little experience with you all. Yesterday, I went to mass and after I went into adoration as I was sitting there, I could hear some women praying the Rosary in front of the statue Mary it was very loud so I couldn’t really consecrate. So, I got up and walked out to visit the statue for a minute or so than I moved on and stood in front of the cross as I gazed upon the cross, I realized I just approached the throne of grace here on earth and that we all shall have mercy from him and that the cross is  where we will find grace when we need it the most. Through Alpha the Church did help open my eyes, ears, and heart to God, and I finally know what God’s love is and I am very thankful however I need to remind myself of my commitment to God and to never let go of that belief I have in the faith I profess. Now, I was three weeks old when I was baptized so my parents stood there and said, “I do,” when the priest says, “do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth?”  As an adult and mother, myself do I really understand who and what I am saying yes to and committing to?

Mark 10:35-45

“You do not know what you are asking’ Jesus said to them. ‘Can you drink the cup that I must drink, or be baptized with the baptism with which I must be baptized?”

Of course, I want to say, “I do God, I know what I am saying yes to and asking of you.” But that doesn’t necessarily mean I am up to the task or unceasingly willing to carry on his mission here on earth after all I am a mother I am bound to be exhausted scratch that I am tired and my soul needs rest, so please don’t get me wrong if you know me, I am very passionate, I am always ready to give back also willing to help anyone who is in need and this is why I am going to UNI this year so I can have the skills and knowledge to be able to help someone appropriately and sufficiently.  So, while I was at mass, I heard in the first reading from the letter of St. Paul to the

Romans 2:1-11

 “He will repay each one as his works deserve.”

When I heard that, again I imagined the lives of the many saints we have read about and their sacrifices and their commitment to putting the needs of others before themselves. I am sure the many saints we have encountered throughout our journey never complained, never judged, or compared why do we do it? It’s not like a drinking competition of who can drink from the same cup and get to those rewards fast enough, no, it’s about giving your whole life as a ransom for all in atonement which means we are to take away the sins of the world and reconcile it to become one with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and this is where our discipleship is put into action and we bring people back to the throne of grace, we lead them to the true servant leader who loves and cares for us. Some people know how to lead and follow but some people lead and never really know how to follow.  “You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too.” Author Sam Rayburn.

I would like to say I follow but when I follow, I complain and get upset because it feels as I am left behind,  forgotten about I am never invited or approached and who is going to remember me? It takes courage to step forward and say yes to God but its gut wrenching when your faith becomes personalized and you are ready to take the next step but you’re not what the Church really needs, you are shoved aside and left to fend for yourself as though you are not worthy or good enough. I guess we must ask ourselves whose life are we trying to follow and imitate? Or whose cup are we drinking from?

‘Follow the life of Christ.’

May God Bless Always

Written and created by My Mother Rose

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