Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Examine Your Heart!

Jeremiah 17:9-10

'The heart is more devious than any other thing, perverse too. Who can pierce its secrets? I, the LORD, search to the heart, I probe the lions, to give each man what his conduct and his actions deserve. '

In grade twelve drama, we had to read a monologue and we had some choices and I chose to read Macbeth, the monologue of Lady Macbeth. I remember sitting down and holding my hands out, looking at my arms and saying, “spots, spots everywhere, the blood.” The blood is a stain that forever terrorizes lady Macbeth. The stain represents guilt.

Do you have a stain that constantly terrorizes you?

Do you have a stain that represents your guilt?

I see so many approaching the altar with despair, I can hear despair in their voices while they sing, I can feel them humbling themselves before the Lord, all of them wanting to return to the LORD, God our Father. Do you approach the altar with a humbled and contrite heart? I know as a mother and woman if I approach God with a contrite spirit, my humbled and contrite heart, God will not spurn. My humble heart will always follow in God’s ways, I choose kindness and forgiveness and overtime God will heal. My faith, your faith a “faith that comes to Christ is a faith that with it a broken and contrite heart.” Author Unknown. I say, don’t be someone you’re not, stay true to yourself, be honest, listen to your heart, maybe ask God to search your heart. Psalm 25:2-3 Examine me, LORD, and try me; O test my heart and my mind, for your love is before my eyes and I walk according to your truth.

The Lord weighs the heart. Women of Faith and Hope, let us examine our path, let us ponder it and return to the LORD. Let us stretch out our hearts and hands to God in heaven. Lamentations 3:40-41

We all have stains and we all must be carrying around some guilt. Whatever might be weighing on your humbled and contrite heart, don’t allow yourself to be tormented by regrets about the past. Like my daughter and Elsa from Frozen, sing “Let it go, let it go.” We learn the truth and our hearts always know the way back to God, our Father.

God Bless always

Written, photo and created by My Mother Rose.

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