Thursday, 13 October 2022

An Advent of Promises.



Well, our Advent journey is about to begin, and I truly believe this Advent is an Advent of promises. What do I mean? I mean every year we are to prepare and search deep down in our heart and soul for the greatest promise ever made. The return of our Savior Jesus Christ who returns each year as a precious baby boy who takes away our sins and brings new life into this world.

Throughout scripture we are promised so much

·    If we search, we will find him.

·    We will be protected.

·    We are promised salvation.

·    His love will never end.

·    Spiritual blessings, peace, and The Holy Spirit.

·    Also, that Jesus promises us rest, comfort, abundance, and eternal life.

The promises go on and on, but do we trust and believe that God will deliver and keep his promises?

Making a promise means making a commitment you must see it through because you have made a promise. Breaking a promise is not really ok it suggests you are not reliable, faithful, or trustworthy.

So, I have been reading Celebrating Advent with the Jesse Tree, by Rev. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv. Therefore, I thought we could decorate our own Jesse tree and call it our promise tree. Each time I share a verse we will decorate our promise tree. I also thought it would be cool to share our own promises for Advent.

What is your Advent promise for 2022?

My advent promise is to

·    Be more patient with my children.

·    To rest more and take it easy.

·    To be obedient when it comes to consuming food.

·    To be mindful of those less fortunate and in need of love and support.

·    To fall in love with my life.

·    To finding my inner strength in Jesus Christ.

·    And to engage more in prayer.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson 


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