Friday, 23 September 2022

Prayer for Perseverence


Prayer for Perseverance,

O GOD, who made blessed Michael, Thine Archangel, victorious over the proud Lucifer and all the wicked spirits, we beseech Thee that, fighting under the Cross and ever adopting his maxim, “Who is like unto God,” we may be delivered from all evils. Do Thou regulate our lives according to Thy Will and Commandments. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created and photo by Katie Robinson 

Cherubic Hymn - Byzantine Divine Liturgy Songs

As usual I search for information, and I come up with some great things or I learn a lot about religion, or the way people worship and celebrate God. So, as I was searching and reading about St. Michael, I stumbled across something angelic, and I wanted to share it with you all. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church Second Edition, (335), there is a “Cherubic Hymn” of the Byzantine Liturgy, which is celebrated in an Orthodox Liturgy, but it celebrates the memory of St. Michael, St. Gabriel St. Raphael, and the guardian angels. These ancient lyrics have a symbolic meaning “Angels gathered around God’s throne” apparently it is based on a passage in Isiah 6:1. So, I found the hymn and the lyrics and of course I wanted to share with you all. These lyrics are beautiful, and you mainly hear and sing it during the great entrance or procession of the Divine Liturgy where the gifts of bread and wine are taken up to the altar. The lyrics to the hymn I share with you are a reminder of how we should approach the Eucharist in thanksgiving, it’s a time to put aside your differences, and receive the one who died for us, the one who loves us above all. So, we stand and gather with angels to adore our divine and holy God. Next time you go to church, or any form of Liturgy challenge yourself to really focus on the Eucharist and who knows you may see yourself sitting around a table at the supper of the Lord.

The Cherubic Hymn of the Byzantine Liturgy

“We who mystically represent the Cherubim, and who sing to the Life-Giving Trinity the thrice holy hymn, let us now lay aside all earthly cares that we may receive the King of all, escorted invisibly by the angelic orders. Alleluia.”

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose

Written and created by Katie Robinson

St. Michael the Archangel.

Trust even when we feel the Lord has failed to hear our cries. With all your soul give thanks never to forget how truly blessed we are. For God is the one who forgives our guilt, heals our wounds, redeems us from our graves, crowns us with love and compassion, fills our lives with good things renewing every part of our being Psalm 102:3-5.
So, we stand side by side with our Angels adoring and praising our God, our Father who art in heaven. Amen.

 May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother of Rose 

Written and created by Katie Robinson 

St. Michael the Archangel

 “The ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear.” Author Deepak Chopra.

I like this quote it sums up our ego very nicely. Today, I introduce to you all St. Michael the Archangel who battles and defends our souls and for us all to have a healthy ego and a strong identity in Christ or in the world.  As human beings and even in religion or Christianity I do notice that there are lot of unhealthy egos in this world and mostly it has to do with ‘POWER!’ However, we are called to rise and wake from sleep to invoke St. Michael who leads us to victory over our superegos that cause pain, serves itself, disconnects from God and seeks material comforts.

Therefore, we should aim and turn to St. Michael who protects everyone from sin because our whole life is full of temptation. It is our choice to become faithful Christians and followers of God, to have a soul that accepts itself and others, is drawn to love, lives life truthfully, authentically and is connected to God and is divine. Basically, the way I see it, we are in the fight of our lives trying to save our souls and who better to call upon than the one 'who is like unto God.'

“St. Michael leading prince, come to my assistance, confront my enemy and save my soul” Daniel 10:13.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose

Written and created by Katie Robinson 

Thursday, 22 September 2022

A Daily Blessing Day 7


A Daily Blessing Day 7

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope, by My Mother Rose

Created by Katie Robinson

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

A Daily Blessing Day 6


A Daily Blessing Day 6

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope, by My Mother Rose

Created by Katie Robinson

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

A Daily Blessing Day 5


A Daily Bless Day 5

Each day let us rise and be like the sun.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope, by My Mother Rose

Created by Katie Robinson

A Daily Blessing Day 4


A Daily Blessing Day 4

Every time I see clouds in the sky my soul looks to the skies to see if I can see the God of old, my refuge riding the clouds in his majesty. Women of Faith and Hope, By My Mother Rose, God is our safety, and he rides the heavens to rescue us. So, will you look to the skies to see your savior?

May God Bless Always

Written and created by Katie Robinson



Did you know that the kingdom of heaven is here on earth? Well, ‘thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ There are many churches, temples in this world ready to help people, survivors no matter who they are or wherever they live and It’s ok to enter through these doors and be accepted for who you are. Who do you think calls you to enter and to come as you are?  To God’s glory we are to treat each other in the same friendly way as Christ treats us Roman 15:7. For me it's blessing to know that I can enter and be myself but that's not the case for most people.

I think we all should feel blessed for the lives we have, the families we have because we take what we are blest with for granted, we are always wanting more and never satisfied with what we've got. 

 There are many blessings and one I say at night when I tuck my children into sleep is "Sweet dreams, God Bless, I love you." Also, most of us hear bless you when we sneeze or if you are like me, you say it to yourself. This month I would like to express and share how blessed we all are, how loved and how important we all are to God our father. These blessings come from God, and I get to share them with you all and myself of course therefore remember Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose, you are truly his daughters, and he loves you all so much.

May God Bless Always,

Written and created by Katie Robinson

A Daily Blessing Day 3


A Daily Blessing Day 3

The Lord protects us from harm, he dwells and waits for us. May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope, by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson

A Daily Blessing, Day 2

 A Daily Blessing Day 2

This is a form of blessing and how one should call down the LORD. May God Bless, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose. 💚💗

Written and created by Katie Robinson

Monday, 12 September 2022

A Daily Blessing, Day 1


A Daily Blessing Day 1💜

My favorite word in the bible ‘Mizpah.’ May God Bless always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson   

Saturday, 10 September 2022

Saint Padre Pio.

 “Pray, hope and don’t worry” Saint Padre Pio.

The Feast of St. Padre Pio


-------------- by My Mother Rose

What does obedience mean to you? Being obedient means listening to authority, following directions, or abiding by an order that was given.  In my life I am obedient to my employer because it’s respectful and it shows that I am using compliance with my role and the agreements I made when I first started working again.

Today we celebrate Saint Padre Pio, who walked the path of truth and obedience. I have at some point been unable to take steps towards God, I have feared rejection, exclusion and never being enough or worthy to be in his presence. However, I feel as though God has guided me forward by communicating with me in my dreams, through his words, and through the people I love, my family and my friends.

St. Padre Pio had many spiritual children and he counseled them to be like little children Matthew 18:3, Then he said, ‘I tell you solemnly, unless you; change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’

There have been times in my life where I want an answer, I must know what is going to happen and when I approach God I am not approaching as a little child, I am approaching as an annoyed woman who is impatient. But there are times I go to God and surrender because who else has the message of eternal life? Who else knows the plans for my life? Is there anyone who is holier? My soul is thirsty and clings to God, I love God with all my heart even if I don’t understand and distance myself.


A part of Saint Padre Pio’s mantra is prayer, hope and don’t worry. This is something I need to say often to myself.

I do believe in prayer, I believe it can change our situations, our lives within ourselves or in the world.

However, I do complain instead of accepting my crosses in life with joy not like Saint Padre Pio who constantly suffered physical torture and who once told his disciples that suffering is a special sign of God’s love.

We get caught up in our daily affairs, our pain and we are stuck in our prison that we forget to live, to feed our souls with nourishment with daily bread from God who has a room for us, and in him we will find peace because in the world we have trouble, but we must remain brave and strong for Jesus conquered the world and so can we John 16:33.

“In God alone is my soul at rest.” Psalm 61:2

St. Padre Pio

The Feast Day

-------------- By My Mother Rose. 

Written and created by Katie Robinson

How to Be a Family of Saints.


According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition (823), “Church is “the holy People of God,” and her members are called “Saints.” We are also called to have a heart that burns with love, love for God, love for ourselves and love for our neighbor’s. There are many definitions explaining the term “Saint,” but I say to be a Saint firstly, one must be patient through suffering, because our faith gives us incredible strength to face many challenges. Secondly, to be a saint we are called to make great sacrifices, and this can be difficult to do so, especially if we have strongly desired something for a long time.  

I truly believe that we all have the strength and determination to be saints, to be a family of saints. As I shared on Monday, “For God everything is possible” I am not sure what that could mean but I have a fair idea that God is saying, I will bring light into your darkness, peace into your troubled life, calm your wild sea and take your weaknesses and do the impossible. “The Saints did not all begin well, but they all ended well.” St John Vianney.

Therefore, a saint’s life is inspiring and through their lives we learn to grow closer to our creator, our Father and God. For he is our companion, cheerleader, audience, and friend through difficult times.

Women of Faith and Hope, by My Mother Rose, it’s your choice to reflect God’s wisdom and goodness. The act of faith is an act of free will when God calls us to serve him in spirit and truth it’s your choice to answer with a yes or no because faith is a gift from God. Strong is God’s love for us all, he is mighty powerful and faithful forever. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose

Written and created by Katie Robinson  

Sisterly love of God.


All journeys bring us closer to God.

Family of Saints.

-------------- By My Mother Rose.


September’s Journey

I was driving my children to school and on the back of the car in front of me it had a sticker that read; “For God everything is possible.”  

Our next family of Saints is Saint Clare and Saint Agnes of Assisi.

Saint Clare Offreduccio was 18 when she escaped from her wealthy home and received the religious habit from Saint Francis. Clare became a mother and foundress of the Franciscan Second Order, called the ’Poor Clare’s.’ Poor Clare’s is an order that lives and imitates the life of Christ by observing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

One of Saint Clare’s followers was her sister Saint Agnes who moved out of home at the age of 15 and under the spiritual direction of Saint Francis, Saint Agnes helped to develop convents in Northern Italy.

I remember moving out of home following my sister. I was never brought back by attempted force like Saint Agnes however I recall my father saying, “you have a month to find a job then you have to come home.”

Lucky enough I found a job and I worked there for ten years before changing professions.

I was thinking about this on Saturday night that the word of God lives forever in my heart. It protects me and gives me life.

Being a follower isn’t easy, but it becomes easier and fulfilling. I can only assume Saint Clare and Saint Agnes felt the same way. Knowing the race, they were running leads to the prize to which God calls us upwards to receive in Christ Jesus.

Matthew 5:3 ‘Happy the poor in spirit, the kingdom of heaven is theirs!’

God is my portion, my cup, and my prize. He directs my heart and keeps me safe. He shows me the path of Life and the fullness of joy and peace. May all that we do be done with great love.  

I am very blessed to be the middle child even though I complain about it but being in the middle feels like I have superpowers and it has prepared me for the world I live in. Thank you, my beautiful sisters. 

“What you hold, may you always hold, what you do and never abandon. But with swift pace, light step, unswerving feet, so that even your steps stir up no dust, may you go forward securely, joyfully, and swiftly, on the path of prudent happiness.” 

Saint Clare of Assisi.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by Katie Robinson 



  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...