Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Courage and Strength between a mother and her son.


“Walk with your feet on earth. But your heart be in heaven.” Saint John Bosco

Our next family who I would like to introduce to you all is Saint John Bosco or Saint Don Bosco however you choose to say his name and his mother Margaret Bosco. I am going to admit and blush while I am writing this, but I am in love with this priest, saint and man and his mother Margaret because their story is so raw meaning, they are so strong, passionate, and fervent for doing God’s will on earth.  

As well as their service to God I must mention their incredible union and bond as Mother and Son. There was a time in Saint John Bosco’s life where with every effort in establishing oratories centers for abandoned boys, juveniles, and ex-prisoners, he experienced rejection however he never gave up he possessed a tender heart and suffered because of it.  But the day came when he needed someone, a woman and there is no other woman he wanted, he had to have a partner who had been through intensive spiritual warfare, battled with their faith and someone who he could trust and knew how to love as only a mother can. That woman was his mother Margaret and she never hesitated to enter the battleground for the boys, and Saint John Bosco.  They set up a resident in Turin Northern Italy and opened their home to Orphans.

Their life was challenging but they never gave up God had entrusted a lot of young boys to them and what kept them going was the crucifix on the wall, if work was getting hard, they felt exhausted or has though they wanted to give up because nothing was changing or getting through to the young boys they would look to the wall where the crucifix hung.        

If I was looking for words to describe Saint John and his mother Margaret, I would use the words courage and strength. When we begin our journeys, it can be very challenging and there is a lot of suffering and pain. Like Saint John Bosco If I need support and encouragement, I call my mum and she help’s the best way she can, and I really appreciate it. Love you mum oxo

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose

Written and created by Katie Robinson


Wonder is a feeling of amazement or a desire to know about something.

Today our first family of saints is Saint Elizabeth, Saint Zechariah, and Saint John the Baptist. Most of us are familiar with the story of Zechariah who lived as a priest and belonged to the Abijah section of the priesthood and his wife Elizabeth who was a descendant of Aaron and barren. Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were getting on in age and both worthy in the sight of God. One day Zechariah was serving God and at the hour of incense an angel appeared to him overcome with fear the angel said to Zechariah, “do not be afraid, your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth is to bear you a son and you must name him John. He will be your joy and delight, and many will rejoice at his birth “Luke 1:5-14.

At the birth of John, the Baptist many neighbors, relations heard of the birth and all shared Elizabeth’s joy. On the eighth day they announced his name was John and in an instant Zechariah’s speech returned and he spoke and praised God. All other neighbors were filled with awe and everyone who had heard treasured it in their hearts, wondering what will this child turn out to be?

As we know John the Baptist was and is the prophet of the Most High, the one who went before the Lord to prepare the way, to give knowledge of salvation through forgiveness and the tender mercy of our God who from above brought into this world the rising sun who gives each one of us a light to live in the darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace Luke 1:59-79. Furthermore, John Baptist grew up and his spirit matured living out in the wilderness until the day he appeared openly.

Do you wonder about things? Do you ever find yourself desperately waiting for a prayer to be answered? How will you react? Will you be joyful and delighted? And when your prayer is answered, will you be full of amazement or awe? Are you going to treasure it in your hearts? Are your spirits matured?

I think of my assignments for UNI, I stress about writing them and then I stress even more waiting for my results and when I get my results, I am amazed and I wonder how did I do that, it doesn't make sense?

 However, we have been living in the wilderness for some time now Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose, we have learnt a lot form our Lord God, he has trained us and taught us well so, let us keep following in his ways and reverence him. One day our prayers will be heard, we will understand, and we will be joyful and delighted that he always keeps his promises. So, keep wondering, keep searching, and keep knocking for our God answers at the right time, not our time but his time.

May God Bless Always,

Written and created by Katie Robinson

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Feast Day of Saint Augustine and Saint Monica.

 Today is the Feast Day for Saint Augustine. Saint Augustine wrote that if we conquer ourselves first then the world lies at our feet. I believe that to be true the world is our oyster; we can conquer it by knowing that we are never alone he is always with us. I was thinking about this the other day after I finished mediation that throughout Jesus' journey he knew how to be still and knew that God was always with him and all it took was silence, he was silent when they put him to death, he was silent in the desert and never really responded to the enemy.

As I read about the life of Saint Moncia, Saint Augustine is very blessed to have a mother like her. So, in our restless live may we be sill, silent and listen to God who tells us nothing but the truth a truth that sets us free from our old selves because the world waits for each one of us to live and shine bright. 🙏❤️🌹
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose
Written and created by Katie Robinson

Saturday, 20 August 2022

For My Children.


This Saturday the 27th of August and the 28th of August are the feast days of Saint Monica and her son Saint Augustine. During last week and as I mentioned early in the week after taking my son o the doctor’s we went to church and had a little chat and he told me he didn’t want to be Catholic it really broke my heart to hear my nine-year-old son say that.

So, we haven’t been to mass since Anthony’s confirmation it has been 3 months this weekend you see I made a promise to myself not to go back to a place where I feel excluded, rejected, and never welcomed. There are no excuses as to why I can’t go somewhere else It’s just that I can experience God anywhere because he is everywhere and in everything I do. Yes, I have missed going to participate, to worship and be present with God so, I want to share something that may help us when someone we love walks away from the faith.

 I have been reading a book called The Saint Monica Club by Maggie Green and she writes in the chapter, there will always be a test on page 49, “Some prodigals seek more than to leave the Faith; they seek to convert. They don’t just reject; they defect from the Faith, in part, as an affirmation of the rejection itself. If your beloved wants to reduce the Faith to its past, poor witnesses, mistakes, grave sins, current scandals, and so forth, remind him or her that you remain Catholic not because Catholics are perfect but because you know that what the Church teaches is true. You aren’t a member of the Church to make friends or to make the world a better place but to know God and to be made a better person, through the medicine offered in the sacraments, through Scripture, and through all the wisdom, writings, and witnesses of all the saints and martyrs. You don’t view the Church as an ancient institution but as the Bride of Christ, the Body of Christ, and the means of coming to know and love God more fully.” This is so beautiful and a great reminder because when I come to Church, I come to be with God my savior, friend, and lover.

One day my children may stumble across my blog and read all my reflections and know how hard it is after you say yes to God and to journey with others accepting differences and learning to love like God does. Here is something I want and need them to know, Church should be a place where you can bring your sacrifices to the altar and a house where you can call home and a place of prayer for all of God’s people. God is universal and he makes us all joyful; we are enough and worthy to enter and be a part of the supper of the Lord, we have the gifts, abilities, and spirituality to be disciples of Jesus Christ. May you find a place where you can hear words that are suitable for you to understand God’s love a love that never ends and have the knowledge that our special charisms flow from God into our heart, soul and our very being. As your mother and one of Christ’s faithful I am to hand down the love of God and faith to you both but it’s not easy to do it alone I know that from now on I will be seeking Saint Monica’s never ending spiritual guidance and intercession for you both especially you, my son.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson

Grow My Daughter.


Yesterday, I was reading, and I use cards or napkins well anything really to bookmark the page I am on and as I was reading a card fell out and this card, I got from my mum on one of my birthdays says the following.

“A wish for my daughter I wish for you to always be true to yourself, to be strong and stand up for what you believe in. Be bold, be brave, follow your dreams, and shine your magnificent light on the world.”

Author Adele Basheer.

In life we grow up move out and start our own families or we find people we call family but now and then it is nice to have a reminder especially from your mum to keep you on the right track. Sometimes, on our journey through life we may face adversities there are difficulties, fear, and heartache. As we navigate through life, we always seek to find someone who will guide, teach, direct, and go through our hardships, trials, and tribulations with us. For me that is God, he never strays he is always making me a better disciple who can be a missionary. We all have different experiences in life and we all can bring something to the game or to the table because I have a burning desire to preach or to share my thoughts on God’s words with you all and with my children and to lead and guide you in your faith, Also over the years I have come to yearn the celebration of the Eucharist and that has come through maturing and growing in my own faith.

Although I feel as though I am asked to enter but I am made to crawl on my hands and knees to be counted and accepted as a daughter, a mother, and a woman of faith, hope and love. Apart of me wants to enter and walk in as a child, a sister, and a daughter of God’s. I am a Catholic who yearns to grow in her faith and who hungers for knowledge and truth about God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. I don’t know why I am never enough or excluded and rejected for my heart and soul where awaken by the Good News of Jesus Christ and I now not only believe in Jesus, but I am also in love with him, and he is in love with me. I want to mention and finish here with a verse from 1 John 4:18-21, Saint John has changed my life and has helped me to understand God’s love and that is my mission to go, make others believe in the love of God and this year Women of Faith and Hope by Mother Rose we have done that we are learning and growing in the fine art of love.

‘In love there can be no fear, but fear is driven out by perfect love; because to fear is to expect punishment, and anyone who is afraid is still imperfect in love. We are to love then because he loved us first. Anyone who says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, is a liar, since a man who does not love the brother that he can see cannot love God, who he has never seen. So, this is the commandment that he has given us, that anyone who loves God must also love his brother. Whoever believe that Jesus is the Christ has been begotten by God; and whoever loves the Father that begot him loves the child whom he begets.’

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose

Written, photo and created by Katie Robinson 


The Shape of My Love.

 After my sons’ doctor’s appointment, we went to the church because I wanted to capture something that caught my eye as I was looking through my son’s confirmation pictures, and I wanted to share that with you all. What I captured hopefully is obvious if not can I guide you to look at Jesus hand on the right side. For me I see LOVE! The shape of love appears anywhere or in anyone I guess are we opened to see the symbol of love and accept it? Love comes in all different sizes and in different packages that is what makes a family unit unique and special.

As a family we are to love one another with the love of God desiring to see the best in everyone. I truly believe that Jesus has peace between us all he has broken down the barriers so we all can be one big happy family. We might be one big family, but we are different in many ways such as personalities, behavior, attitudes even our senses like our taste, smell, hearing or seeing.
I can tell you in my family there are many differences, but we love each other and accept each other for who we are and that is the love of God.
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.
Written and created by Katie Robinson

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

It is by Faith.

 We don’t choose the family we are born into, that is a mystery and a journey all on its own but as we grow older, we somehow choose people we need in our lives, and they are the closest things to being our family or they are our family. For me family is a gift, and it is by faith and love that I see my family has the greatest blessing and treasure I have ever found. Most of my family are separated by distance we either live in different states or we live in a different country but no matter what we love each other, and we are there for one another.  I really like what Jesus says to his disciples in this week’s Gospel “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34. This is beautiful and something we must always remember because mine and I assume your hearts are always with your family, our families are our greatest treasure here on earth and in heaven. There are times when I think about how wonderful it will be when I see all my family again in heaven, we are happy, healthy, and free living in peace and harmony with each other.

Another treasure I hold close to my heart is Jesus and it is by faith for where Jesus is, my heart will also be. If you ask me if I am being watchful, on guard or ready for the coming of the Son of Man? I will say yes, I am ready I have been dressed for action for some time, my lamp has been lit and I wait for my master to return ready to open the door as soon as he knocks. It is like preparing for family to visit, you clean the house, put on your best clothes, or your raggedy clothes because you know they love you and accept you no matter what and you cook a great meal to share, and you really put your whole heart into it because you know that you are serving the ones you love your greatest treasure.

My faith and hope are in the Lord who loves me, who loves you and as I grow older, I find that I have faith and hope in my family who love me very much and that brings me so much joy and happiness. While our souls wait for the Lord, let us not waste any time or put off anything live for today, live in the moment and love and appreciate the ones you’re with. Because people come and go from our lives and for the most part, we waste so much time fighting and arguing instead of trying to live a good life, with faith, hope and love.

‘It is by faith I love you; it is by faith I am your mother; it is by faith I am your daughter; it is by faith I am your sister; it is by faith I am your Aunty; it is by faith I am your niece; it is by faith I am your friend; it is by faith I am your family, and it is by faith I am a Woman of Faith and Hope and you are Women of Faith and Hope.’

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson


  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...