Saturday, 5 September 2020

Women Of Faith and Hope, Forgiveness.

“Many sins have forgiven her, because she has loved very much.” Jesus words on

 St. Mary Magdalene.

Last week we talked about reconciliation and this week we talk about forgiveness. What is the difference between reconciliation and forgiveness? The difference between forgiveness and reconciliation is that it takes one to forgive, but two to reconcile. Forgiveness is releasing those feelings of resentment and anger against our sinners or wrongdoers. While reconciliation is restoring a relationship and God does however value the reconciliation of relationships more than any religious practice. Reconciliation is much harder than forgiveness, I should add, forgiving someone and releasing them from condemnation does not mean we are opened to having a relationship with that someone. We should though make it a goal so that we can have peace with ourselves.

“Holding grudges, judging others, hating, wanting to cause harm, and withholding forgiveness, gossiping, ridiculing, ignoring others, withholding mercy, and throwing stones.

STOP IT.” Author Unknown.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

1 comment:

  1. Really powerful - and really difficult to do especially when there is so much hurt.



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