Tuesday, 29 September 2020



Matthew 21:42, Jesus said to them, ‘Have you never read in the scriptures.’

It was the stone rejected by the builders

that became the keystone.

This was the Lord’s doing

And it is wonderful to see?

I have a few questions, where is your focus? Do you have an inward focus, which sees worship as something for you and others? Do you have an outward focus, which sees worship as something to attract the lost, the poor, the weak, the sick, and the voiceless? Or do you have an upward focus, which sees worship as something sacred, offered up to please God?

“Search inward, reach outward and look heaven ward.” Author Unknown.

We all know God’s focus is setting our minds on things above and focusing our attention to the truth in the word of God.  We have received much from Christ whose grace produces fruits of truth, goodness, virtue, love, etc. We are the church, Women of Faith and Hope! Church is within us, our focus being Christ Jesus and the experience is our own, it’s our life experiences and we give back to Christ, when we share love, goodness, purity, and honor with others.  Now, church is not perfect; we shouldn’t measure a church’s vitality by the amount of people who fill the pews, but by how much people are filled with the grace of our Lord. Now, church is not a place for a select circle who can only call it home, or to be the only ones on a spiritual journey. No, church is not supposed to be like that. It’s a home for everyone, the outcast, the broken, and marginalized, and the journey is for everyone. The pain we may feel from the church hurting us, pushing us away, abandoning us and the harm caused to someone God loves, is found in the word of God, the truth of God’s words will change our lives and by the same grace of truth hopefully we will see change in the church too. So, what can we hope for? To take what we know and everything our Father teaches, to be Women of Faith and Hope, who produces fruits of, kindness, patience, gentleness and hearts that are transformed. God knows the way; he is ready and able to help us on this journey. What God desires? Is an outward focus church, to be doers, not just hear but to do.

“God sweetens outward pain to inward peace.” Author Unknown.

Women of Faith and Hope, let us not be discouraged, let us be examples of change, of women who have produced many fruits for Christ, let us not assume, let us remember, God is responsible for many results in our lives, we will never be truly perfect- unless we take those steps and walk beside Jesus on the greatest adventure. We might not be the keystone but we are little stones helping to build the Church of God and from where I stand, it’s wonderful to see.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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