Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Openness to the Holy Spirit
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
Written and created by My Mother Rose.
Tuesday, 29 September 2020
Matthew 21:42, Jesus said to them, ‘Have you never read in the scriptures.’
It was the stone rejected by the builders
that became the keystone.
This was the Lord’s doing
And it is wonderful to see?
I have a few questions, where is your focus? Do you have an inward focus, which sees worship as something for you and others? Do you have an outward focus, which sees worship as something to attract the lost, the poor, the weak, the sick, and the voiceless? Or do you have an upward focus, which sees worship as something sacred, offered up to please God?
“Search inward, reach outward and look heaven ward.” Author Unknown.
We all know God’s focus is setting our minds on things above and focusing our attention to the truth in the word of God. We have received much from Christ whose grace produces fruits of truth, goodness, virtue, love, etc. We are the church, Women of Faith and Hope! Church is within us, our focus being Christ Jesus and the experience is our own, it’s our life experiences and we give back to Christ, when we share love, goodness, purity, and honor with others. Now, church is not perfect; we shouldn’t measure a church’s vitality by the amount of people who fill the pews, but by how much people are filled with the grace of our Lord. Now, church is not a place for a select circle who can only call it home, or to be the only ones on a spiritual journey. No, church is not supposed to be like that. It’s a home for everyone, the outcast, the broken, and marginalized, and the journey is for everyone. The pain we may feel from the church hurting us, pushing us away, abandoning us and the harm caused to someone God loves, is found in the word of God, the truth of God’s words will change our lives and by the same grace of truth hopefully we will see change in the church too. So, what can we hope for? To take what we know and everything our Father teaches, to be Women of Faith and Hope, who produces fruits of, kindness, patience, gentleness and hearts that are transformed. God knows the way; he is ready and able to help us on this journey. What God desires? Is an outward focus church, to be doers, not just hear but to do.
“God sweetens outward pain to inward peace.” Author Unknown.
Women of Faith and Hope, let us not be discouraged, let us be examples of change, of women who have produced many fruits for Christ, let us not assume, let us remember, God is responsible for many results in our lives, we will never be truly perfect- unless we take those steps and walk beside Jesus on the greatest adventure. We might not be the keystone but we are little stones helping to build the Church of God and from where I stand, it’s wonderful to see.
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
Written and created by My Mother Rose.
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Saint Frances of Rome.
last Mother, I share with you all is Saint Frances of Rome, Saint Frances of
Rome was born into a noble Roman family in 1384, at the age of eleven she
wanted to be a nun but at the age of twelve she married another Roman noble to
obey her father and became an exemplary wife and the mother of three children. Soon
after their marriage, Saint Frances fell ill, her husband called a man who did
magic, but Saint Frances drove him away. Then soon after Saint Alexis appeared
to her and cured her. From then on, she began to be more aware of the presence
and assistance of her guardian angel. There were many sorrows in her marriage, she
lost two children to the plague, chaos ruled the city, Saint Frances opened her
home as a hospital and drove her wagon through the country side to collect wood
for the fire and herbs for the medicine. It is said, Saint Frances, had the
gift of healing and there were sixty cases attesting to during the canonization.
Saint Frances, who was a wife, mother, mystic, organizer of charitable services
and Benedictine oblate who founded a religious community of oblates, who share
a common life without religious vows. It was said; Saint Frances, turned her
house into a hospital, distributing food and clothing to the poor. Her father
in law wanted to take her keys until he saw the corn bin and wine barrel were
replenished after Saint Frances finished praying.
married woman must often leave God at the altar to find him in her household
care.” Saint Frances of Rome.
everything from the mercy of God; it is as boundless as His power.” Saint
Frances of Rome.
God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
and created by My Mother Rose.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Saint Felicity & Saint Perpetua.
“Stand fast in the faith and love one another and don’t let our suffering cause you to
stumble.” Saint Perpetua.
the arena Another will be in me suffering for me, because I will be suffering
for Him.” Saint Felicity.
Mother’s for today are Saint Felicity and Saint Perpetua. These beautiful
Mother’s, Martyrs, defied the persecutor and overcame the pain of death. Felicity,
Perpetua’s maid who had earlier been a slave, also became a Christian, Felicity
and Perpetua were great friends. They shared the same belief and love for Jesus,
both willing to sacrifice their lives for Jesus and for their faith. Now they
both became prisoners, Saint Perpetua, twenty tow, recently baptized noble
woman with small child. Felicity, a slave and expecting a child, both with incredible
courage, hand in hand, they face death from wild beasts and the sword. Romans
8:31-39, Neither death not life can ever come between us and the love of God.
God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
and created by My Mother Rose.
Monday, 21 September 2020
Alleluia! Alleluia!
It feels like you go around in circles, until you stop,
or someone stops you and says, “it’s time to make a change, have a change of
heart.” At the end, it will only be you that will regret not making that
change, decision to be happy, to live life to the fullest, laugh every day and
love with all your heart, soul and mind. For me, The Word of God, changed who I
was, how I live, how I think, and how I react in certain situations and
circumstances. I have said this before; The Word of God, is alive and powerful,
it is spirit and life. It will set us free, comfort us, heal us, and free our
souls. The Word that is living is brought to us through God’s son, Jesus
Christ. Let us trust with all our heart, and lean not on our own understanding,
but the understanding of God and his words that last forever.
When do you realize you need to make that change?
If I have learnt anything over these past seven years, you
can’t change someone, generally yes, some people are capable of change but you
need to let them grow at their pace, even though in the process, it’s hurting
you. I guess we need make that decision to stop helping them, which is unfortunate.
However, there is that breaking point where you must step aside or take a few
steps back for your mental health. You need to recognize that it’s not personal,
it just that they are lost. One of the other things I have learnt, or have come
to accept is that some people are meant to be in your life for a brief moment and
others a life time and I don’t really think the length of time spent
invalidates the experiences, because it happened and no one can take those experiences
away, the love you felt, the hurt,
rejection, it’s just you can’t spend anymore of your energy trying to make
something work, when clearly it will not.
Now that we have come to that conclusion, our hearts are
opened for change and with clarification we become alive in The Word of God.
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
Written and created by My Mother Rose.
Sunday, 20 September 2020
Saint Emilia.
Fifth Mother is Saint Emilia, A mother who devoted her life to giving birth to
the next generation of Christians. Instilling in her children from a young age,
the Christian faith. When the children were all grown up, she showed them that
she practiced what she preached. Saint Emilia’s dedication to the Lord was
admirable, so many heard how she gave up everything she had to live a life for
the Lord, so many wanted to join her in the special way she devoted herself to
God. Saint Emilia is an example to all mother’s, Women of Faith and Hope, and
just how important it is to instill God’s faith in our Children because it is
pleasing to God and it’s important to show them how much we need God and how
much he wants to do for us in this life. Saint Emilia is a patronage saint for
mother’s and a little bit more trivia, Saint Basil the great is her son. “If we
all only took what was necessary to satisfy our own needs, giving the rest to
those who lack, no one would be rich, and no one would be poor.” Basil the
bread which you hold back belongs to the hungry; the coat, which you guard in
your locked storage-chests, belongs to the naked; the footwear moldering in
your closet belongs to those without shoes. The silver that you keep hidden in
a safe place belongs to the one in need.” Saint Basil the Great.
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
Written and created by My Mother Rose.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
A Generous Heart.
God loves generous souls.
Let us try to be the generous ones.
Saint Mary of the cross Mackillop.
In the words of my
daughter, “you get what you get and you don’t get upset.”
Freely, I give to you,
Women of Faith and Hope. Because what I received was free and why wouldn’t I
want to give the gift of God and his love to you all. There is not a day goes
by that I am not trying to give freely and wholeheartedly to our Lord. Now, I
have many stories of how unfair life can be and how I have reacted to each one
but who wants a sob story? Work hard all day, sweating, bleeding and some tears
along the way and along comes more workers who have done one hours work, gets
treated the same and payed the same. How unfair? Life is unfair especially if
we allow ourselves to be deluded in believing it can be fair but then on the
other hand life can be fair, it’s just that there is a lot of unfair people in
the world. Sometimes, I am grateful and find it to be a good thing or a
blessing that some things didn’t work out in life.
The more I grow in
faith, the more I seek God, call on him, the more opened and honest I am with
God in prayer, and conservation, the more I come to understand, being fair does
not mean we will all get the same, fairness means everyone gets what they need.
What I need and what you need may be very different. So let us accept that life
is hard and can be unfair at times but to remember, in the end it will work out
and we will become what we were meant to be.
I do believe deep down
in my core, that we shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. I
do have hope. Women of Faith and Hope, stand firm, take heart and have hope in
the Lord, for our God, our Heavenly Father and King has revealed through the
death of Jesus Christ on the cross and resurrection in the Holy Spirit, his
love, kindness and compassion for all his creation. His ways are above our ways
and somehow we forget but there are many stories to remind us of how deeply
loved we are by God and that there is no need to be envious at the good fortune
of others, but instead we should be thankful, grateful, we should praise and
rejoice for there is more happiness in giving than in receiving. Acts 20:35.
By, giving freely to you all Women of Faith and Hope, I show you what I have
accepted in what I profess from the Gospel of Christ, which offering this
generous gift, we give glory to God. A blessing awaits, Women of Faith and
Hope, may we keep on giving, being generous and sharing without grumbling.
Gospel for this week, Matthew 20:1-16. ‘Thus the last will be first, and the
first, last.’
Luke 6:36-38,
be compassionate as
your Father is compassionate. Do not judge and you will not be judged
yourselves; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves; grant
pardon, and you will be pardoned. Give, and there will be gifts for you: a full
measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into
your lap; because the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope
Written and created by My Mother Rose.
Monday, 14 September 2020
Our Lady of Sorrows.
is Our Lady of Sorrows, Simeon’s prophecy to Mary that “A sword will pierce your
own heart.” Luke 2:35, and a sword will pierce your own soul too-so that the
secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.
would like to share the sequence, which can be sung or said.
God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
and created by My Mother Rose.
Sunday, 13 September 2020
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
15:13, A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.
is The Exaltation of the Holy Cross, John 3:16, Yes, God love the world so much
that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost
but have eternal life. May we bend a knee, look upon the cross and not forget
the works of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
photo and created by My Mother Rose.
Friday, 11 September 2020
The Holy Rosary.
Written and created by My Mother Rose
The Most Holy Name of Mary.
is The Most Holy Name of Mary, I would like to share The Litany of the Blessed
Virgin Mary.
are you above all women on earth for your name is exalted. Our souls proclaim
the greatness of the Lord and our spirit exults in God our savior. Mary, why are
we honored with a visit from the mother of our Lord? For you are and always
will be called blessed.
God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
and created by My Mother Rose
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Saint Zelie Martin.
fourth Mother is Saint Zelie Martin, Mother of Therese of Lisiuex.
want to become a saint; it will not be easy at all. I have a lot of wood to
chop and it is as hard as stone. I should have started sooner, while it was not
so difficult; but, in any case, better late than never.” Saint Zelie Martin.
inspiring and example for all women and mothers wanted to become a nun but was
turned away by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, due to respiratory
difficulties and headaches. She prayed for many children who would be
consecrated to God. Saint Zelie became a lace maker, making alencon lace. She
fell in love and married watchmaker Louis Martin. Saint Zelie Martin seems to
do what is necessary to provide the best lives for her children, physically and
God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
and created by My Mother Rose.
Monday, 7 September 2020
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father’s Day!
being Father’s Day, I wanted to mention a man I knew, who’s faith was important
and this he carried with him in his words and actions all through his life. My
Granddad, John Desmond O’Sullivan, a wonderful man and true gentleman in every sense
of the word. Granddad, went to Catholic Schools, married in a Catholic Church,
guided his children along the way and raised them Catholics, He would go to
Mass together on Sundays with his family. He continued to go to the Church
until he stopped driving when he was 80 years old. After that time, he would
receive Communion at home every Sunday. Granddad, was a very kind, caring,
honest and tolerant man, and he always tried to help people. He was the best
son, brother, husband, son-in-law, brother-in-law, father, grandfather, great-
grandfather and friend anyone could ever hope for.
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
Written and created by My Mother Rose.
Sunday, 6 September 2020
Saint Gianna Molla.
“The secret of happiness is to live moment
by moment and to thank God for all that he, in his goodness, sends to us day
after day.” Saint Gianna Molla.
“Love is the most beautiful sentiment; the
Lord has put into the souls of men and women.” Saint Gianna Molla.
Our third Mother is Saint Gianna Molla, who
was a physician, a working mum, professional woman and a loving wife. She
represents all mothers. What I was so taken by was the process of Saint Gianna
Molla’s beatification and the miracles which confirmed she had lived a model
Christian life of heroic virtue. Her beatification depended upon a miracle and
this often is healing. So, there were two bodies, one woman, a week after
giving birth to a stillborn was suffering and in severe pain and was taken to hospital,
the doctors found an unseen complication, saw the woman moved to another
hospital, somehow the woman knew she was not going to make it. In distress she
appealed to the intercession of Saint Gianna Molla in a small picture. One of
the nuns, asked two of the other nuns to follow her lead and the woman’s pain
had disappeared. The doctors were amazed, she was healed in full. The second
body, was a woman who was sixteen weeks pregnant and sustained a tear in her
placenta that drained her womb of all amniotic fluid, her doctor’s told her the
child had no chance of survival, so she appealed to then blessed Gianna Molla
for her intercession and was able to deliver her child in perfect health. Saint
Gianna Molla, was proclaimed as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church on the 16th
of May 2004 and the sweetest, is her husband and their children were present at
the canonization. She is a patronage for Doctors, Magenta, Mothers, Physicians,
Wives, Families, Unborn Children and World meeting of families 2015.
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
Written and created by My Mother Rose
Saturday, 5 September 2020
Women Of Faith and Hope, Forgiveness.
“Many sins have forgiven her, because she has loved
very much.” Jesus words on
St. Mary
Last week we talked about reconciliation and this week we talk about forgiveness. What is the difference between reconciliation and forgiveness? The difference between forgiveness and reconciliation is that it takes one to forgive, but two to reconcile. Forgiveness is releasing those feelings of resentment and anger against our sinners or wrongdoers. While reconciliation is restoring a relationship and God does however value the reconciliation of relationships more than any religious practice. Reconciliation is much harder than forgiveness, I should add, forgiving someone and releasing them from condemnation does not mean we are opened to having a relationship with that someone. We should though make it a goal so that we can have peace with ourselves.
“Holding grudges, judging others, hating,
wanting to cause harm, and withholding forgiveness, gossiping, ridiculing,
ignoring others, withholding mercy, and throwing stones.
STOP IT.” Author Unknown.
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.
Written and created by My Mother Rose.
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.
my God forgive what I have been, correct what I am and direct what I will be.”
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.
every disappointment let your heart fly directly to your dear savior, Jesus
will never leave you or forsake you.” Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.
second Mother is Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton was the
first person born in what would become the United States to be canonized by the
Catholic Church. She is a patronage Saint for Catholic Schools, Seafarers,
Widows. Elizabeth founded the first American Congregation of religious Sisters,
the Sisters of Charity.
life was quiet, simple, and often lonely. As she grew older the bible became
her support, comfort and instructions.
1794, Elizabeth married William Seton, for the first years of their marriage
were happy before many deaths and partings she was to suffer. After William’s Father died, they were left in
charge of William’s seven half brothers and sisters, as well as a family’s
importing business.
William’s death, Elizabeth’s heart was drawn to God and eternity, she accepted
and embraced the will of God. This eventually led her into the Catholic Church.
Elizabeth’s favorite prayer was the 23rd Psalm, she developed a deep
devotion to the Eucharist, the sacred scripture and the Virgin Mary.
March 25th, 1809, Elizabeth Seton she made her vows of poverty,
chastity and obedience, she died at the age of forty-six, only sixteen years
after becoming a Catholic.
May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and
Written and created by My Mother Rose.
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