Wednesday, 22 January 2020


‘Jesus is gathering disciples, a following of crowds, huge crowds and we are introduced to his apostles.’

I couldn’t quite figure out what to write this week, so I read the reading and gospel again and I could imagine Jesus walking by the sea of Galilee, now maybe this day was a little overcast and rain was to be expected. On days like these, our minds can drift, our thoughts and our emotions can seem a little dark. When we feel like this, we look for hope, light and did you know, there are so many different lights in the world, different bulbs, different ways for light to be used such as; a torch, a light that you leave on out the front of your house to guide you home, salt lamp, a night light for your children or yourself to see through the night, a candle and as I was thinking of all the different types of lights that guide us and give us hope through the darkness, It was like my own personal light bulb going off in my brain and

Of course, a lighthouse, a lighthouse is a tower or other structure containing a beacon light, that warns or guides ships at sea. A beacon is a strong light that can be seen from far away and is used to help guide, ships, areophane’s but also a beacon can be someone, or something, like a community that guides and gives hope to others.

I think it’s fair to say, we all are a lighthouse, not a lifeboat, we shouldn’t want to rescue, lighthouses don’t go running around looking for boats to save. Instead we should stand there shining to help others find their way to the shore. Isaiah 58: 10-11 “Your light will rise in the darkness, and your shadows become like noon. The LORD will always guide you giving you relief in desert places.” Our Lord is our lighthouse who beckons to all, as we sail the seas of life. So, no matter how dark the event of our life may appear, God is working on it. Having faith will bring us peace during our storms. Psalm 26:1 “The Lord is my light and my help; whom shall, I fear?

Women of Faith and Hope, may we be a lighthouse who stands strong, sending out hope in the darkness, may we be a friend who reaches out a hand bringing comfort, truth and light.

“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars.” Author unknown
God Bless Always,
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Monday, 20 January 2020

No Need to Worry.

Don’t worry about the smallest things, that are out of your control, know he is with you. No, need to be anxious or watchful for he is your God, he gives you strength, brings you help and will uphold you with his victorious right hand.
God Bless Always 💙🙏
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Men of Faith and Hope.

I wanted to share some faith and hope for the men in our lives and in our group.
When you feel inadequate, park your mind in God’s truth for you are chosen, you are able, you are precious and loved. For there is nothing you cannot master especially when you have the help of the one who gives you strength. Philippians 4:13
God Bless Always, Have a great week 🙏💙
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Friday, 17 January 2020


This week, I have felt a sacred and spiritual impression, which I believe to be the Power of the Holy Spirit, or something bigger and greater than I can explain. However, I feel very blessed, grateful and thankful and if you have faith, everything you ask for in prayer you will receive. Matthew 21:22

Monday, 13 January 2020

Faith not Fear

“She who trusts in the Lord, will never be disappointed.” Isaiah 49:23

What are your fears, worries? How much of it do you give to God?

In this present moment of my life, as a mother, woman, I am living my fears, not living my dreams.  I do want to trust God and believe in all the good things that will come my way, however, my fears carry my greatest growth.

I know, when I am afraid, he holds my hand, when I am alone, he will never forsake me or leave me, when I fear, he is very near, for he is God and he never fails. When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. “Cast your anxieties on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 Many times, when my anxieties have been great within me. I know his consolation will bring me joy, As much as I like to plan for my life, it has a way of surprising me with things that makes me more grateful, you see for months now, I have feared the power and magic inside me and I know now that it’s not the dark that frightens me, it’s the light, a light, I can bring to life within me and around me and that is what I call; “God’s Will.” It’s time to start living my dreams not living my life based on my fears. It will be challenging because so many have doubts, they don’t believe or have faith in me. But I must rise above all the critics and be bolder, stronger, wiser and tougher. I need to be who God wants me to be, not what others see me as.

Women of Faith and Hope, may we have Faith in God, when he calls us by name, when he prepares us, equips us according to his purpose, let us answer; “Here I am, Lord.”

Exodus 14:13 “Have no fear! Stand firm, and you will see what the LORD will do to save you today;”
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Thursday, 9 January 2020


True love comes from God, love the people God gave you because he will need them back one day. Lamentations 3:22

‘Her heart pulled her in two different directions, she sat in front of the fountain and saw him standing there, starring back, a man that once wanted to kiss her lips. She knows God is the only one who knows how deep her love is for this man, she knows God knows what this man means to her and how God knows how much she misses him, her friend, her home, her everything. You see love is God and love is life.’

This Sunday is the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, and it got me thinking that we sometimes, already know the choices we need to make, even though in our own hearts we chose but it’s God purpose for our lives that prevail. If we make the wrong choice, somehow, we are always guided back to the right path. Lately, I have been thinking about all the choices I presently need to make and all the choices I made in my past and I found this beautiful quote: “May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears.” Author Unknown. I believe it to be true, our lives are reflections of the many choices we have made and if we want different outcomes and results than we need to start making different choices in life.  I know that, I don’t have to defend or explain my choices to anyone because it’s my life and I know how my heart and soul feel and if I follow my heart today and make a good choice, I know that I will have no regrets for tomorrow. In God alone be at rest, my soul, for my hope comes from him. Psalm 61:6

God chose us and God knows the people that we should have in our lives and those people we have in our lives we need to love, appreciate and be excepting of.

God Bless Always

Written, photo and created by My Mother Rose

He Loves You.

Mother Teresa Her Essential Wisdom
“Don’t allow anything to interfere with your love for Jesus. You belong to Him. Nothing can separate you from Him. That one sentence is important to remember. He will be your joy, your strength. If you hold onto that sentence, temptations and difficulties will come, but nothing will break you. Remember you have been created for great things. “
Jesus knows we all need hope and we all need the kind of hope that makes the darkness less oppressive. At the last supper he made a hope-filled promise that helps us all to place one foot in front of the other when darkness is almost tangible. Be gentle with yourself and know that God is working on it. There will come a day when you will dance like a fool on the edge celebrating with joy and excitement over your disciples.
od Bless always

Written and created by My Mother Rose 🙏

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Working on Love.

Love works on give and take and learning to share, when we love we are always thinking about our loved ones and we show them how much we care. It takes time to build a relationship on trust and respect but if you believe, your love will grow.
Mother Teresa, Her Essential Wisdom, I think this is the wonderful tenderness of a woman’s heart to be aware of the suffering of others and to try to spare them that suffering, as Mary did. Do you and I have that same tenderness in our hearts? Do we have Mary’s eyes for discovering the needs of others?
I hope you are all having a great week, God Bless Always
written and created by My Mother Rose


  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...