Sunday, 29 December 2019


Have you ever wondered, why we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss and dream? Well maybe it's because the most beautiful things in life are not seen, but felt only by heart.
Lately, I have been thinking about prayer, what is prayer? Why do I need to pray? How many ways are there to pray?
Prayer means to communicate with God and we all know communication is a two way street, we have to convey our message but also we have to listen to his message for us. I still have questions though, why do I need to pray? God knows everything already, what could I possibly add or say, he is in control of all things, well let me share. First, we are God's children and he loves to hear from us. Secondly, we deepen our trust in God. Thirdly, we start to depend more on God. Fourthly, we have the opportunity to express ourselves, be honest and truthful to the Lord, if I am going to walk with Jesus, I need to learn and to practice talking to him daily. Fifthly, our prayers move the heart of our God. Sixthly, it's an amazing way that we get to know and understand what God's plans are for our lives and the whole world. Seventhly, we need to pray through adoration, praying for who he is, not of what he gives us and we need to pray through thanks giving, thanking God, for all the people who care for us and loves us.
"Everyone of us needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy then we need an hour." St Francis De Sales.
Now, how many ways are there to pray? Too many, so many prayers and so many different ways to express our prayers for example: keeping a journal, take a prayer walk, pray over your calendar and schedule, pray scripture, pray about the news, partner up with someone, be quiet, keep a prayer on your lips, there is also those unexpected ways to pray: listening to a podcast, music, serving the poor and vulnerable or maybe taking a walk in nature and there is simple ways, such as: saying good morning to the Lord, share your needs, thanking God all day long, praise God for his character, repent as the Spirit convicts you, make appeals to the Lord, think about the Lord, sing to God, listen to his voice and say good night. Some different ways we can pray is by sitting, standing, walking, bowing, hands up, kneeling and prostrate.
If you are like me and can't pray or be in the moment, pray anyway, choose to listen, just say his name, have a go to prayer, say a prayer or praise, pray for someone else, pray for a heart of prayer, have someone pray for you, read different prayer, pray different bible verses over your life.
Prayer is one of the leading pastimes, in self reflection and gratitude and prayer can be a fundamental skill if one wishes to grow spiritually. Prayer can give us a better sense of self, it can be good for our hearts, increase life span, improves our attitude, helps us to be humble, we can gain forgiveness, prayer gives us hope, relives stress, we have a stronger mindset, prayer helps with recovery, it's a way to deal with the aftermath and keeps one's faith and prayer helps us to maintain a positive outlook on life.
"God speaks in the silence of the heart listening is the beginning of prayer." Mother Teresa.
Women of Faith and Hope, like the rolling stones song, "You don't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you will get what you need." and it's the same with prayer, I ask for strength, and God gives me difficulties to make me strong, I ask for love and God gives me troubled people to help. I might not receive the things I want instead, I receive everything I need, so pray and trust in God.
Written and created by My Mother Rose


  1. I will try to pray more often and be open to the whole idea of prayer. Your words inspire me.

    1. thank you, I am glad my words inspire you. It is very hard to pray and to be more open to the whole idea of prayer. My problem is, I stumble on my words and I get all worked up that I am not saying it right. Happy New Year. God Bless Always



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