Thursday 15 December 2022

Poem 7 Before the Paling of the Stars


Our seventh poem is Before the Paling of the stars by Christina Rossetti.

Before the Paling of the Stars

Before the paling of the stars, before the winter morn, before the earliest cock crow, Jesus Christ was born:

Born in a stable, cradled in a manger, in the world his hands had made Born a stranger.

Priest and king lay fast asleep in Jerusalem: Young and old lay fast asleep in crowded Bethlehem.

Saint and angel, ox, and ass, kept a watch together before the Christmas daybreak in the winter weather.

Jesus on his mother’s breast in the stable cold, spotless lamb of God was he, shepherd of the fold:

Let us kneel with Mary maid, with Joseph bent and hoary, with saint and angel, ox, and ass, to hail the King of Glory.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson

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