Monday, 26 December 2022

The Name Jesus

“When the eighth day came and the child was to be circumcised, they gave him the name Jesus, the name the angel had given him before his conception.”

Luke 2:16-21

When I was pregnant with my children, I remember how stressful it was to think of names for each of them. In this week’s Gospel that is not the case for Mary, the name Jesus has already been predestined and predetermined by God who is with us always.

Before I was pregnant, I had names already picked out and no one could change my mind even myself, I wanted to name my son Owen and my daughter Stephanie however they both ended up with different names so, obviously I changed my mind throughout the nine months of both pregnancies. I suppose that goes to show it’s not my plan but God’s plan, or fate or destiny’s plan for both my children. Especially when I think of my son because the night before I had him, I was watching the rugby league semifinals and I leant over to my husband and I whispered, “let’s reverse his name, his middle name can be his first name and his first name can be his middle name.”  And his name is perfect for him it means “priceless, flourishing or praiseworthy.” It also is a name that has strong Christian influence.

In fact, all our names have meaning, Katie is of Greek origin meaning ‘pure.’ Or Laura is of Latin origin meaning “the bay or a Laurel plant.” So, what does Jesus mean? Jesus, means savior, we read this in the last Sunday of Advent from Matthew 1:18-24 “she will give birth to a son, and you must name him Jesus, because he is the one who is to save his people from their sins.”

So, what is in a name? Do our names mean that we have a purpose? What is our purpose?

It is obvious that Jesus had a purpose and that was to save us from our sins.

Purpose is the reason something is done or the reason something exists. So, our names are very important, they are powerful, they define and identify who we are, our names matter remember that.

Proverbs 22:1

“A good name is more desirable than great wealth, the respect of others is better than silver or gold.”

When I think of the meaning of my name, I laugh a little because I don’t think myself to be pure. But I believe I am working on becoming pure by opening myself up more to God, drawing nearer to him in prayer and meditation.

Because like Mary, I would like to take the time to treasure all the things I hear and see and ponder them all in my heart. For, I know that I belong with Jesus, with Jesus I am home and at peace.

“From my sins turn away your face and blot out all my guilt. A pure heart create for me, O God, put a steadfast spirit within me

Psalm 50:11-12.”

You see God has blessed us with his mercy, he is gracious, and he has shed a light upon us. We will call his name, and we shall be blessed.

I used to worry that no one would remember me or know my name, but it doesn’t bother me anymore because what is important and what speaks to my heart is knowing that God knows my name, he calls me and you by name. To me that is a blessing and great news.

Isaiah 43:1

“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I know you by your name, you are mine.”


Now, will we remember the name of Jesus? Will we call down the name of Jesus?

Numbers 6:22-27

“The Lord spoke to Moses and said, ‘say this to Aaron and his sons. “This is how you are to bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you.

May the Lord uncover his face and bring you peace.”

This how they are to call down my name on the sons of Israel, and I will bless them.’

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.”

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson


Thursday, 15 December 2022

Poem 12 Twelfth Night Carol


Our twelfth poem is Twelfth Night Carol, now there is no author written but research shows it is by William Shakespeare.

Twelfth Night Carol

Here we come a-whistling through the fields so green; Here we come a-singing, so fair to be seen.

God send you happy, God send you happy, Pray God send you’re a happy New Year!

Bring out your little table and spread it with a cloth, bring out your jug of milk, likewise your Christmas loaf.

God send you happy, God send you happy, Pray God send you a happy New Year!

God bless the master of this house; God bless the mistress too; and all the little children that round the table go.

God send you happy, God send you happy, Pray God send you a happy New Year!

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson

Poem 11 Rooster crow at Christmas


Our eleventh poem is by William Shakespeare

Rooster crow at Christmas

(From Hamlet)

Some say that ever ‘gainst that season comes wherein our Savior’s birth is celebrated, the bird of dawning singeth all night long.

And then, they say, no spirit can walk abroad; the nights are wholesome; then no planets strike, no fairy tales, nor witch hath power to charm, so hallowed and so gracious is the time.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson


Poem 10 A Singing in the Air


Our tenth Poem is by James Stephens

A Singing in The Air

(From Christmas at Freeland’s)

A snowy field! A stable piled with straw! A donkey’s sleepy pow!*

A Mother beaming on a Child! A Manager, and a munching cow!

-These we all remember now- and airy voices, heard afar! And three Magicians, and a Star!

Two thousand times of snow declare that on the Christmas of the year there is a singing in the air.

And all who listen for it hear a fairy chime, a seraph strain, telling he is born again, -that all we love is born again.

*(An old Scottish word meaning ‘head’)

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson

Poem 9 Robin's Song


Our ninth poem is by Rodney Bennett.

Robin’s Song

Robins sang in England, frost or rain or snow, all the long December days endless years ago.

Robins sang in England before the legions came, before our English fields were tilled or England was a name.

Robins sang in England when forests dark and wild stretched across from sea to sea and Jesus was a child.

Listen! In the frosty dawn from his leafless bough the same brave song he ever sang A robin’s singing now.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson

Poem 8 Joseph and Jesus


Our eighth poem is by Robert Graves (from the Spanish.)

Joseph and Jesus

Said Joseph unto Mary, ‘Be counselled by me: Fetch your love child from the manger, for to Egypt we must flee.’

As Mary went a-riding up the hill out of view, the ass was much astonished how like a dove he flew.

Said Jesus unto Joseph, who his soft check did kiss: ‘There are thorns in your beard, good sir. I asked not for this.’

Then Joseph brought to Jesus hot paps of white bread which, when it burned that pretty mouth Joseph swallowed in his stead.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson


Poem 7 Before the Paling of the Stars


Our seventh poem is Before the Paling of the stars by Christina Rossetti.

Before the Paling of the Stars

Before the paling of the stars, before the winter morn, before the earliest cock crow, Jesus Christ was born:

Born in a stable, cradled in a manger, in the world his hands had made Born a stranger.

Priest and king lay fast asleep in Jerusalem: Young and old lay fast asleep in crowded Bethlehem.

Saint and angel, ox, and ass, kept a watch together before the Christmas daybreak in the winter weather.

Jesus on his mother’s breast in the stable cold, spotless lamb of God was he, shepherd of the fold:

Let us kneel with Mary maid, with Joseph bent and hoary, with saint and angel, ox, and ass, to hail the King of Glory.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson

Poem 6 The Donkey's Christmas


Our sixth poem is The Donkey’s Christmas and according to story path the author is Nancy Tafuri.

The Donkey’s


Plodding on, from inn to inn, no room to spare, no room but a stable bare.

We rest, and the following morning Jesus is born.

I gaze on the wondrous sight.

The King is born, the King in a stable.

I see great lights, lights that are angels.

Everyone comes to see this sight.

I carried Mary, Holy Mary, last night.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson


Poem 5 Softly the Night


Our fifth poem is sung by Bob and John Cooper in 1971 and the composer is Douglas Brooks-Davies but there seems to be no known author.

Softly The Night

Softly the night is sleeping on Bethlehem’s peaceful hill.

Silent the shepherds watching their gently flocks are still.

But hark the wondrous music falls from the opening sky.

Valley and cliff re-echo glory to God on high. Glory to God it rings again. Peace on earth, goodwill to men.

Come with the gladsome shepherds quick hastening from the fold,

Come with the wise men bringing incense and myrrh and gold,

Come to him poor and lowly all-round the cradle throng,

Come with our hearts of sunshine and sing the angels’ song.

Glory to God tell out again,

Peace on earth, goodwill to men.

Wave you the wreath unfading, the fir tree and the pine,

Green from the snows of winter to deck the holy shrine.

Bring you the happy children for this is Christmas morn,

Jesus the sinless infant, Jesus the Lord is born.

Glory to God, to God again,

Peace on earth, goodwill to men.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson

Poem 4 Love Came Down at Christmas


Love Came Down at Christmas

Our fourth Poem is Love came down at Christmas by Christina Rossetti.

Love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love divine, Love was born at Christmas, Star and angels gave the sign.

Worship we the Godhead, love incarnate, love divine, Worship we our Jesus: But wherewith for sacred sign?

Love shall be our token, Love be your and love be mine, Love to God and all men, Love for plea and gift and sign.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson

Poem 3 I Saw Three Ships


Our third poem is I saw three ships, again in the book there is no author however it is said that the three ships represent the camels the three wise men ride to visit the baby Jesus. Also, this song is from the 17th century, and it is later published by William Sands in 1833.

I Saw Three Ships

I saw three ships come sailing by, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, I saw three ships come sailing by, On Christmas Day in the morning.

And who was in those ships all three, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, and who was in those ships all three, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day in the morning?

Our Savior Christ and His Lady, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, Our Savior Christ, and His Lady, On Christmas Day in the morning.

Oh! They sailed into Bethlehem, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, Oh! They sailed into Bethlehem, On Christmas Day in the morning.

And all the bells on earth shall ring, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, and all the bells on earth shall ring, On Christmas Day in the morning.

And all the angels in Heaven shall sing, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, and all the angels in Heaven shall sing, On Christmas Day in the morning.

And all the souls on earth shall sing, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, and all the souls on earth shall sing, On Christmas Day in the morning.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created and written by Katie Robinson

The lyrics to I Saw Three Ships are unknown.

Poem 2 The Holly and the Ivy


Our second poem is The Holly and the Ivy, in the book there is no Author it is unknown however I tried to search, and I found a couple of names. The first verse apparently is from an anonymous broadside published by H. Wadsworth, Birmingham, 1814-1818. The poem is apparently a traditional English Christmas song, and it was first published by an English folk song collector Cecil Sharp in 1909 and she got the song from a woman name Mary Clayton. This song is so old that there is no origin as to where and who wrote The Holly and the Ivy.

The Holly and the Ivy

The holly and the ivy, when they are both full grown, of all the trees that are in the wood, The holly bears the crown.


The rising of the sun and the running of the deer, The playing of the merry organ, sweet singing in the choir.

The holly bears a blossom, as white as lily flower, And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ, to be our sweet Savior:


The holly bears a berry, as red as any blood, And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ to do poor sinners good:


The holly bears a prickle, as sharp as any thorn, And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ on Christmas day in the morn:


The holly bears a bark, as bitter as any gall, And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ for to redeem us all:


The holly and the ivy, when they are both full grown, of all the trees that are in the wood The holly bears the crown.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created and written by Katie Robinson

The lyrics of The Holly and the Ivy are Unknown.



Poem 1 Christ's Nativity.


Our first poem is from The Bible (Luke 2:1-7).

Christ’s Nativity

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)

And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem (because he was of the house and lineage of David), to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson

Merry Christmas


Great News Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose. Today, God is born of a woman Jesus is one of us forever. He has come to save us, liberate us, and walk side by side in happiness. So, for the 12 days of Christmas, I would like to share poems from a book that is very old, but it was left to me, my sisters, and my mum by our Auntie Da and Beeb. The book is called Poems for Christmas, compiled by Zenka and Ian Woodward.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Created and written by Katie Robinson

Tuesday, 13 December 2022




I’m not going to break into song and start singing Believer by Imagine Dragons, or I’m a believer by the Monkees but I do believe both songs have merit. A believer must be encouraged and opened to the truth of a person, a thing, or scriptures as a revelation from God.

What makes us a believer in Jesus Christ?

Today in the Gospel, we have an example of a believer St. Joseph, an earthly Father of Jesus Christ. And we read how Joseph was a righteous man, a man of integrity, not wanting to bring disgrace to Mary.

Reading the Gospel, I can’t help but wonder how Joseph stayed so calm and grounded. Therefore, I have a question, Joseph would’ve of course been suspicious of Mary’s pregnancy and thought her to be unfaithful. I mean wouldn’t any man be suspicious of his wife’s pregnancy if it wasn’t his?

It is like Joseph is doing Mary a favor, saving her from any shame or exposing her to any capital punishment. What a man right?

Has anyone ever acted out of love for you? Is Joseph acting out of love or fear?

 We don’t know how Joseph really reacted to Mary there are so many different viewpoints, so many ways the story is told.

However, what are we willing to accept and believe?

Remember the word of God invites us into a relationship so it is our choice to accept and believe what speaks to our hearts. As we continue reading the Gospel, Joseph did accept his responsibility after an angel appeared to him in his dream and said “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because she has conceived what is in her by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you must name him Jesus, because he is the one who is to save his people from their sins.”

Now all that was spoken to Joseph took place to fulfil the words spoken by the Lord through the prophet.

Mary will conceive and give birth to a son and both Mary and Joseph will call him Emmanuel, meaning.

‘God -is-with-us.’

Matthew 1:18-24

Now, let us step into the shoes of both Mary and Joseph because I wonder how many of us would act out love for someone we cared about? Or would we act out of fear? When Mary said yes to God, do you think she acted out of love? I believe she did, and I believe Joseph did the right thing by Mary and Jesus by accepting his responsibility as an earthly Father to Jesus Christ, Emmanuel.

We all know the expression “slept like a baby” meaning that we slept very well, especially peacefully. Although I wish I could sleep peacefully instead of being a restless sleeper. However, I do try to sleep peacefully because knowing that God-is-with-us and never far away helps me to live with peace in my heart and soul.

May, we rest in peace this week.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson


Advent Peace 2022

2022 Women of Faith and Hope by My Mother Rose

Promise Tree Day Thirteen


Matthew 1:18-25


The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel, a name which means ‘God with us.’


May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope

by My Mother Rose. 

Written and created by Katie Robinson 

Promise Tree Day Twelve


Luke 1:1-56

Obedience, Journey, Rejoice!

Our souls proclaim the greatness of the Lord, and our spirits exult in God our Savior.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope

by My Mother Rose. 

Written and created by Katie Robinson 

Promise Tree Day Eleven


Daniel 6:27-28

I decree in every kingdom of my empire let all tremble with fear before the God of Daniel:

‘He is the living God, he endures forever, his sovereignty will never end. He saves, sets free, and works signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth: he has saved Daniel from the power of the lions.’

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope

by My Mother Rose. 

Written and created by Katie Robinson 

Promise Tree Day Ten


Jonah 3:1-2

The word of the LORD was addressed a second time to Jonah: ‘Up!’ he said ‘Go to Nineveh, the great city, and preach to them as I told you to.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope

by My Mother Rose. 

Written and created by Katie Robinson 

Promise Tree Day Nine.


Isaiah 9:5-7

For there is a child born for us, a son given to us, and dominion is laid on his shoulders; and this is the name they give him: Wonder Counsellor, Mighty God; Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Wide is his dominion in a peace that has no end, for the throne of David and for his royal power, which he establishes and makes secure in justice and integrity. From this time onwards and forever, the jealous love of the Lord Sabaoth will do this.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope

by My Mother Rose. 

Written and created by Katie Robinson 


  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...