Monday, 7 December 2020

Rejoice! Rejoice!

 I was at St Mary's Church on Sunday and my children and I went to the toilet and on the back of the door was this quote from Mother Teresa. 

1 Peter 1:8-9

‘You did not see him, yet you love him and still without seeing him, you are already filled with a joy so glorious that it cannot be described, because you believe.’

‘The Holy Spirit.’

The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. The purpose of the Holy Spirit on Earth is to strengthen each believer and to pour out power and boldness so that we too become witnesses for Christ. The Holy Spirit lovingly walks with us on our journey, encouraging us, nourishing us and helps to grow the Church.

If you have experienced or encountered the Holy Spirit in your life, could you describe how it made you feel? Would there be any way of explaining the Holy Spirit to someone who hasn’t? What gifts were poured out upon you?

‘The Spirit of the Lord has been given to us, the Lord has anointed us. He has sent us out to bring Good News to the poor, to the broken. Our hearts and souls shall rejoice in our God, for he has clothed us in salvation.’

“Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!”

From the hymn, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

 Rejoice! Means to feel or show great joy or delight. The biblical definition, to give joy to: Gladden.

Women of Faith and Hope, are we happy at all times? Do we pray constantly for all things giving thanks to God?

If no one has told you lately, allow me too, you are loved, needed, wanted, appreciated, special and a beautiful child of God and we will rejoice and be glad for you my friend, my Sister and Brother in Christ, as well as Jesus Christ our Savior.

As a mother it gives me great joy, to hear and see my children living the life of truth and I do know there will always be trials but somehow, we must grow and learn to treat each trial as a happy privilege and to keep in mind that nothing will ever come between God and us. Our bond is stronger than ever before.

I admire John the Baptist; he was never afraid. ‘The joy of the Lord was his strength.” Nehemiah 8:9, he knew who he was, ‘a witness who speaks for the light,’ he knew his place in the world. Can we comfortably say that too? We too are witnesses who speak for the light? As we grow stronger, we will rise  in the sight of nations, our spirits rejoice in God our savior, our stronghold.

For the Spirit, will always stand among us, this was God's plan for us to be united to him, to be close to him and it's through faith and the sacraments of the church, we come to share in the divine nature.

Well, we are cruising through each week of Advent and this week we celebrate joy.  

Rejoice! Rejoice! Women of Faith and Hope,

May God Bless Always.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.



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