Saint Gertrude the Great.


“O Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of eternal life, your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love, You are my refuge and my sanctuary.” Saint Gertrude the Great.

Like Saint Gertrude the Great I can testify to having a strong connection and desire to know the ways of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

At five years old Gertrude the Great was brought to the nuns as a child oblate and given into Mechtild’s care. Gertrude, parents are unknown, it is said; Gertrude is either a orphan or the love child of some Lord and was placed among the nuns for safety. Saint Gertrude, became a German Benedictine Nun, Mystic and Theologian.

As Women of Faith and Hope, what most of us could see and come to understand in Gertrude is her bridal mysticism, her devotion to the sacred heart and one virtue God is considered to have loved best in Gertrude is her “Liberty of heart.”

Gertrude is a giving soul and in giving she is joyful and happy. The one thing I kept on seeing when I was reading about Gertrude is she felt extreme unworthiness and while I was reading, I felt this in my heart and had to write it down. ‘I am not worthy, you are more powerful I don’t deserve some things in life but I know you are a generous and a caring soul who knows best. At times, I feel lost, alone and I miss you with all my heart and soul, it feels as though my soul is thirsty and hungry for more of you. I went from having you close to me every weekend and most weekdays to having you less or none of you at all. At last, I finally found you in the blessed sacrament, bless my soul O Lord, even though I am not worthy and have done nothing to deserve the great gifts and graces you offer me. I am grateful and thankful. ’

To suffer, one should consider gratitude and a precious jewel from our heavenly crown. One should believe that trials are sent to be a benefit in our favor.

Gertrude was quite mindful of this and to also pray for all in purgatory who are our friends, brothers and sisters and if we adopt a holy soul to pray for, Gertrude writes, “Purgatory would be emptied in no time.”

Let me finish by sharing the Prayer for Souls in Purgatory, By Saint Gertrude the Great.

Our Lord promised Saint Gertrude that 1,000 souls would be released from Purgatory each time it is said devoutly.

Eternal Father,

I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, For all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.

May God Bless Always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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