Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Women Of Faith and Hope: Let Your Little Garden Grow.

Women Of Faith and Hope: Let Your Little Garden Grow.: She grows when faced with challenges. She is a work in progress, so she allows time to grow. She will grow into a beautiful person she i...

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Women Of Faith and Hope: Home!

Women Of Faith and Hope: Home!: 'She never quite understood why God, would let two people meet and there was no way they could be together. She knew though, she loved...

Monday, 23 March 2020

The Annunciation of the Lord

‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’

Luke 1:38
The angelus

V: The angel of the Lord declares unto Mary.

R: and she conceived by the Holy Spirit.

Hail Mary….

V: Behold the handmaid of the Lord.

R: Be it done unto me according to your word.

Hail Mary…

V: The word was made flesh.

R: and dwelt among us.

Hail Mary…

V: Pray for us, O holy mother of god.

R: that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

The word of God works like a mirror for us to see who we truly are, it is a lamp to guide our feet, a light for our path. The word is alive and powerful, it cleanses and makes us holy, and we humbly accept the word God has planted in our hearts which inspires, instructs and corrects us. This is the word of the Lord, for the word of the Lord is faithful and all his works to be trusted. Psalm 32:4
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

"I can see clearly now."

‘Your eyes can see the things clearly but with your heart, you can see the truth even without eyes.’

When we wake up from our sleep, arise from the dead, Christ will shine on us. I was once blind and now I see, “the Lord anointed my eyes, I went, I washed, I saw and I believed in god.” Communion Antiphon John 9:11-38. I held the Bible in my hands and I carried it up high for all to see, I realised how truly blessed I am and the gift God had for me, God’s words made me a better person. I was loved for who I am, I know he is always there for me and I love him with all my heart. The day I picked up my bible and started reading, I found my missing piece, it completed me and with all my soul, I am so grateful. When everything in my life is going wrong, I pray and read and somehow everything seems better, I didn’t know what love meant until, I started reading the bible and I met a man, a spirit, who I had heard of my whole life. God, brought sunshine to my darkness, I was reminded that God made me and I am who I am meant to be and God loves me the way I am. I see God now, only God, hope future, love all in his eyes, where I now reside. God, has taught me and shown me the way forward; “going as we do by faith and not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

‘Hearing the word of God was never enough, I had to see it to believe.’

Written and created by My Mother Rose

Friday, 13 March 2020

Tea Time

‘It’s ok to take care of yourself, before you take care of another person, when you self-care, you are giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you. You are not being self-centered by looking after yourself. God is always with us, through the tough times, he knows you will make it through because you have it in you… Struggles are a part of life, we need to keep going but it’s ok to stop and rest for a while to regain strength. And with a cup of tea that always takes worries away, a cup of tea, that brings happiness, a cup of tea, that is like a hug. It is teatime, we get the chance to slow down, lay back and appreciate our surrounding.’

“Where there’s hope, there is tea.” Author Unknown.
Written and created by My Mother Rose

The Living Water.

John 19:28 After this, Jesus knew that everything had now been completed, and to fulfill the scripture perfectly he said:

“I am thirsty.”

This week, we are led to the living water by Moses, St Paul to the Romans and a Samaritan Woman who came to draw water, from the well.

Who is the living water?

The living water is Jesus Christ, John 7:37-38 ‘If any man is thirsty, let him come to me! Let the man come and drink. Who believes in me! As scripture says; From his breast shall flow fountains of living water.

I admit, when times are hard, I can be like those who were led out of Egypt. “Is God with us, or not?” I would like to think my faith is strong, yet I can take it for granted. ‘I am thirsty,’ thirsty for more, thirsty to hear the God who is the Spirit. As a disciple, I am too like the Sarmatian woman, who turns to the people of her village, which soon leads them to know that Jesus is ‘truly the savior of the world.’ Every Sunday, or every week when attending mass, in the moment, when we call upon the Holy Spirit to rain down upon us, it’s through our faith, our hope and the love of God, that the living water has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.

  John 19:29-30 A jar full of vinegar stood there, so putting a sponge soaked in vinegar on a hyssop stick they held it up to his mouth. After Jesus had taken the vinegar he said, “it is accomplished,” and bowing his head he gave up his spirit.

We listen and we go forth to spread the message of God, meaning we bring the world to know the God who is Spirit and Truth. At some point though, we will get tired of listening and seeing the same message but it’s until, we hear and see it in a different light, that we can appreciate it and fully understand what God is telling us. When tired remember to cast all our cares to God, He alone comforts and strengthens our weaknesses. That is why our greatest weapon is prayer and the word of our God, remember “It is written.”

Revelation 7:17 because the lamb who is at the throne will be their Shepherd and will lead them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Written and created by My Mother Rose

Friday, 6 March 2020

To be faithful is a gift, given from God.

Hebrews 11:1 'Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen.'

When we leave all, we have behind and we choose to follow Jesus and live our new ways, we bring forth the God who indwells within and one of the ways we can be faithful to God, is by being faithful to all whom he dwells in. As human beings we can tend to lose faith at times, build barriers around us and distant ourselves. Here is the thing though, even in the light of our unfaithfulness, God will remain faithful, God is sometimes the only thing, the only thing we really count on; he is our hope in a broken world. Faithfulness affects every relationship we have and it’s about standing by someone even when we disagree with their decision, it’s bringing a gift from God, the blessings of love, joy and peace to all.  Faith is trusting in something we cannot see. It’s because of faith, that we wake up each day to get a second chance to do it all over again. At times, when you start over and leave the old ways behind, it can be a struggle, for your faith in people, faith in those who call you a friend, faith in those who say, “with the love of my heart.” Often fail us, hurt us all too satisfy their own egos or maybe they have a flair for showmanship and it’s all an act, I mean, I have heard around the altar is like a stage. It’s not about being successful, it’s how you make people feel, it’s about the way you treat another human being. Do you think God Rejects? Do you think God makes a person feel unworthy? Do you think God makes a person feel not good enough? God gives us all a chance, an opportunity, why can’t you? Don’t say to me, you are a faithful person to God and those whom he dwells in, when you make people feel unworthy, like they are nothing or not good enough because that is you proven me right, you are a hypocrite, a liar and I know you can’t help what you say, but that doesn't mean you are a faithful person to God, it makes you a human like the rest of us who struggle and fight everyday to be a new version of ourselves, a version which God can only see and hope that we strive to be..  Everyone deserves a chance and to be given an opportunity to try or prove how faithful God is when in the present there is still something we cannot see. I might not be what you want but I might be what God needs to live out his purpose on earth.

If we find it hard to start over and live new lives, trust in God, believe in good things to come. That might be easily said than done, this quote is true; “Trust can take years to build, only takes seconds to break and forever to repair.”  ‘Since this vision is for its own time only, eager for its own fulfillment, it does not deceive, if it comes slowly, wait, for come it will, without fail.’ Habakkuk 2:3.

It might be easy for some to leave their old ways, and visions might come fast for them, maybe they have reached the top of the mountain and God is showing them a new land. Remember, we are all climbing the same mountain, it’s not a competition, everyone is trying to reach the same destination and that is to the top of the mountain to see a new land, new light, it might come slowly but it’s in the assurance of faith in God, that things will come, without fail. .

Maybe I challenge you all, if you have reached the top of the mountain and you have been shown a new land, why don’t you help those who are struggling, those who seek to be faithful to God and all those who God dwells in before they give up, lose hope, build barriers and become distant.

May God Bless Always

Written and created by My Mother Rose

Thursday, 5 March 2020

St Patrick's day to day reflection,

A Mother is a Woman.

“The way people treat you will always be more of a reflection of themselves than of you. Be aware of this and don’t create a unique meaning of yourself based on their behavior toward you.” Author Unknown

A mother is a woman, who everyday loves her children, her partner, her family, her friends and those who come and go from her everyday life. I think of a woman like a house, a home. A home that is full of love, warmth, protection, trust. Faith and Hope are not just about Religion, we are all connected, and we are all in this together. Last year, I went to a conference and they kept saying; “We have all these crazy ideas written up on the board, you are more than welcome to come along and see all the crazy ideas we have.” So, was asking for a ‘Women’s Group,’ crazy? Apparently, because I was being too demanding, I was told No! It was not my time, and I wasn’t ready, and I got no explanation as to why? This Sunday is International Women’s Day and maybe this is the day to ‘Let it all go,’ however, I find it hard to believe it will be easy, when I see the person who said this to me, stand with Women, to say they value and appreciate Women for all they do and all they bring to the table. They say, share with us your strengths and what you can offer us over a cup of coffee but that excludes me. I thought it would be a great idea to stand around an altar with my daughter and son, to prove  a Woman’s worth, that being a Mother who is a Woman can be enough and all Women have the right to belong but I am who I am and I do not have to do that because every day, Women should be valued and appreciated for all they do, it’s not easy; do you think it’s ok to ask a Woman, when are you due? Let me answer that by saying “I am not pregnant, I cannot have any more babies, my stomach is just big, you are rude, insensitive and it is very mean.” Do you think it’s ok to stare when my son is jumping in the puddles and to huddle in a group and talk about us? Or do you think it’s ok to be bothered by my daughter’s rainbow heels? Did you not have a pair of favorite shoes that made lots of noise? Did you know that rejection, exclusion can be very hard to get over especially when it’s your own Catholic Religion? I once was oblivious to all the petty little dramas that go on. It makes me terribly upset to think I am Woman who is growing in my Christian Faith and I am only seen as a mum and nothing more but here is the thing. Being a Mother is great for I am raising my children to have Faith and Hope not just in Religion but in every day life, I am planting seeds in their life for them to be good, kind and compassionate human beings and to be honest, I know what I see, and I know what God sees. The more I share, the more opened I am, the more I hear, the more I’m doing for another Woman and that means I am serving Women every day, I serve Women in my Women of Faith and Hope Group and I am so happy and blessed for having their support and encouragement and more importantly, it is a part of who I am and what God wants and needs me to be and I love doing it. Sometimes we might constantly hear No! If you are like me and you are determined take that no and show them what you are made of. Reach out to another Woman and remind them of how much they are needed, wanted, loved, how beautiful they are, don’t be the one to allow another Woman to walk alone, remember we are all in this together. Love and unity.

Written and created by My Mother Rose

Woman to Woman.

'A woman commits herself to her passions in life, she can do things another woman might not be able to do. Together though, great things can happen.'

This Sunday we celebrate the courage and determination of Women who changed history and for those who will advance Women’s equal rights into the future. As Women of Faith and Hope, may we express appreciation for all the Women in our lives who strive to build, who contribute, for those who are poor in spirit, for those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst, the merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, all those who are persecuted for they are truly blessed, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3-10. May the faces of all Women, young and old, shine like the sun. Never let anyone dim your light because it’s shining in their eyes, we are called to be bright lights for all to see. We too need to be the son and shine our little lights on the world. Whether that be through, speaking or writing. We all have the power to rise. “Do not wait for leaders, do it alone, person to person. Be faithful in small things because it is them that your strength lies.” Mother Teresa. we are women of beauty we know that in our quiet center where God dwells, he finds us beautiful and deems us worthy and in God we are enough. God has made us laugh, we will go where he leads, we praise him, the Lord is, God in the Heavens above, his people will be our people for God is our God. Our hearts exult in the Lord and we are women who serve our God every day of our lives.  This is the day to appreciate all the efforts of all women, to show a woman how valuable she truly is in today’s world.  

Woman to Woman

 “I am turning my wounds into wisdom.” Oprah Winfrey, “The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.” Serena Williams, “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.” Roseanne Barr, “If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I’m not frightened by anyone’s perception of me.” Angelina Jolie, “It’s the fire in my eyes, and the flash of my teeth, the swing in my waist, and the joy in my feet. I’m a woman phenomenally,” “The question is not how to survive, but how to thrive with passion, compassion, humor and style.” Maya Angelou and to end with; “A spiritually mature woman will be the first to do what is right even if nobody else is doing so. We live for God and not for man. We live to please the Lord and not people.” Joyce Meyer “The Confident Woman.”

Written and created by My Mother Rose


  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...