Sunday, 17 November 2019

Are your eyes on Jesus?

‘Fix your eyes on Jesus.’

Psalm 62:3 So I gaze on you in the sanctuary to see your strength and your glory.

When you look at me, with your merciful gaze, Jesus, I weep, and you whisper. “I am going to make all things new.” As a mother, woman, I weep for myself, my children and the whole world. I have taken a huge leap on my spiritual journey and I feel though some get it wrong. My intention in starting this group and my blog was not to be noticed. It was God, asking me to be useful and to create a life with me. Through the sorrows and trials that come my way, I made the choice and became useful. I was made by God like everyone else and therefore, I am alive for a purpose. It takes persistence, perseverance through prayer and to simply do what God says and to wait upon him until he brings things to pass. So simply we must be ourselves, as God made us, mold our lives to reflect him and Psalms 104:4 Consider the Lord and his strength, constantly seek his face. Romans 12:2 Do not model yourselves on the behavior of the world around you, but let your behavior change, modelled by your new mind, this is the only way to discover the will of God and know what is good, what it is that God wants, what is the perfect thing to do. 
This Sunday is our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Solemnity and we celebrate the head of our church. Women of Faith and Hope let us pray, for our most sweet Jesus, redeemer of the whole entire human race, to look down upon us and to turn his eyes of mercy toward us all.  

‘I might be quiet, but I am a warrior and my prayers can move mountains.’

I hope you are all having a great week.

God Bless Always

Written and created by My Mother Rose

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