Women of Faith and Hope, New Year 2021


“If Jesus is Life, Mary is the Mother of Life.

If Jesus is Hope, Mary is the Mother of Hope.

If Jesus is peace, Mary is the Mother of Peace.”

Pope Saint John Paul the Great.

We are truly blessed to begin the New year with Mary as our guide, as a companion on our 2021 Faith and Hope journey. On Christmas Eve, I went to mass at Christ The King in Deception Bay, Queensland, and it was beautiful, very different. It made me realize we all worship, praise, glorify and pray to God in so many different and unusual ways, ways I am not used to, for example, singing the Our Father in a different language and what we bring to God is not always the same and that’s ok, we are different parts made up in the one Body of Christ and I truly believe what is important and  is nice to know, we all have the same share in God’s love, body, promise and stars that light up our sky at night.   

When it comes to Jesus, God, The Holy Spirit, one thing I like to read and to hear is, I belong, you belong, we all belong to the same Body of Christ, that each one of us is a part of that same body which we all have inherited. I also like reading and hearing that what we are promised is for all of us, a promise was made for all of God’s Children and above are stars that shine bright, light up our path, that guides us to come to adore the Lord. This weekend, we are led and invited to pay homage, respect, to the Newborn King, Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Prince of Peace.   

What gifts will you bring to the Baby Jesus?

We may not have gold, frankincense or myrth but what we can offer Women of Faith and Hope, is something more valuable and precious which is our time, love, faith, hope, our kindness, compassion, and mercy.  What we give to Jesus, we give to others especially those in need and today’s true love gave to us, eight maids are milking, could this be coincidental? Possibly.

Mary, who is our handmaid of the Lord and who is blessed among all Women has given us a gift and in return we are blessed to be able to give more than what we receive and become a blessing for others.

Can I finish my reflection by saying, we are all important and valuable to God. Mary said yes, this we know, she had a baby and named him Jesus, Jesus who is our Lord, Christ, savior, rock, redeemer, strength, and our companion.

Happy New Year, Women of Faith and Hope.

May God Bless Always,

Written and created by My Mother Rose.


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