Saint Angela of Foligno.

 ‘Love comes from God alone, my love your love God when brought together is greater.’

Saint Angela of Foligno, a mother, wife and daughter all this before who spiritual journey took place, in the early stages of her journey, her mother, sons and husband passed away and this left Angela of Foligno to follow the path of total poverty and detachment to which she felt called so strongly and no obstacle was going to stand in her way. Saint Angela of Foligno became an Italian Franciscan tertiary who was known as a Mystic from her extensive writings about her mystical revelations. Angela found her way by the cross and passion of Christ. Angela found her devotion to Christ crucified only seeking to completely be transformed into him. Angela, surrendered herself completely, has if she was naked in front of the cross, stripped bare for and to her divine lover and he surpassed her expectations a thousand times over.

What I learnt from Saint Angela of Foligno is the first step we take before we experience and live with God’s intimate and passionate love, is we need to be aware of our sins and of course this is fearful, we are afraid of hell, of never making it to heaven especially if you can never confess one of your sins that can hold you back, can be an obstacle from ever experiences true and powerful love. However, Angela teaches us the grace to begin to look at the cross on which Christ died for us, on the cross we are given a greater perception of what the Son of God had died for our sins.

There was one occasion, Angela went to the hospital with her friend to find Jesus because among the poor and afflicted and those suffering, Christ would be found, they came to one of the lepers, they drank the water with which they had washed the leper and the drink was so sweet that they could taste it all the way home and it seemed to Angela and her friend they had received Holy Communion, but a small scale of the lepers sore was stuck in her throat, she tried to swallow and her conscience would not let her spit it out but it is said that it was just as though they had consume and received Holy Communion.

“This sacrament really contains you, O my God, You whom the Angels adore, in whose presence the Spirts and mighty Powers tremble. Oh! If we could only see you clearly as they do, with what reverence would we approach this Sacrament, with what humility would we receive you. “Saint Angela of Foligno

Let me share a prayer from Saint Angel of Foligno which is said before mass and Holy Communion.

I go to you in order to be received, go pure in order to be purified, go alive in order to be enlivened, go just in order to be justified, go united and conjoined to Christ in order to be incorporated through Him, with him and in him. God created and God made man, who is given in this most high mystery, through the hands of the priest. Thanks be to God always. Amen.

May God Bless Always,

Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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