Precious girl!


Right now, precious girl, I want to hold your hand and walk with you. We were so unworthy to receive the Son of God but directly, God gave his Son. My precious girl it is through you we receive your Son, God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Always, your heart precious girl is full of love and compassion, ready to overlook, and forgive. We do not suffer; it is you my precious girl who suffers much pain for all the world’s wrong doings and mistakes.

This Christmas, I want to say thank you Mary, precious girl, it was your yes, that saved the world, it was your obedience and faith in God that we were given a savior.

Thank you.

“Pray to be ever ready for God’s will even when it takes you by surprise.” Saint Mary Mackillop

May God Bless Always,

 Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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